[48400] 52F Busan Finance Center, BIFC 40, Munhyeongeumyung-ro, Nam-gu, Busan, Korea. TEL.+82 51-631-0296 / FAX.+82 51-633-0398
Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries
ㅇ Date: 2024. 6. 26.(Wed) 10:00 amㅇ Location: 63rd floor of Busan International Financial Centerㅇ Main agenda: Introduction of Busan Financial Centre, regional infrastructure, and regional balanced development policy, etc.
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ㅇ Location: 63rd floor of Busan International Financial Center
ㅇ Main agenda: Introduction of Busan Financial Centre, regional infrastructure, and regional balanced development policy, etc. [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1719473477 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 653 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-27 16:31:17 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-27 16:31:17 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1509 [subject_text] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [print_subject] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [subject_alink] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [list_cont] => ㅇ Date: 2024. 6. 26.(Wed) 10:00 am ㅇ Location: 63rd floor of Busan International Financial Center ㅇ Main agenda: Introduction of Busan Financial Centre, regional infrastructure, and regional balanced development policy, etc. [date9] => 2024.06.27 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 27 [date] => 2024-06-27 [o_date] => 2024-06-27 [date1] => 2024-06-27 [o_date1] => 2024-06-27 [date2] => 2024-06-27 16:31 [o_date2] => 2024-06-27 16:31 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1745 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1509 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 사진1.jpg [filename] => 12c6c317dacee8905ed41ad984da19f6.jpg [filesize] => 455295 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1719473477 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1080 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [size] => 444.63 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1509&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1509/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_12c6c317dacee8905ed41ad984da19f6.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 653 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1566 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1566 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [b_content] =>□ 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held
ㅇ Event Name: 2024 Busan International Financial Forum
ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 25. (Thursday) 14:00
ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2
ㅇ Host: Busan Ilbo, BFC
ㅇ Program
- Opening Address: Kim Jin-soo, President of Busan Ilbo
- Welcome Address: Lee Myung-ho, President of the Busan Finance Center
- Congratulatory address: Busan Mayor Park Hyung-joon, National Assembly Member Jeon Jae-soo, National Assembly Member Park Soo-young, Busan Digital Asset Exchange CEO Kim Sang-min, CEO Philio Tam GREEN-X CORP
- Session 1: Blockchain Special Zone, Future of Digital Finance in Busan
Presentation (Kim Sang-min, CEO of Busan Digital Asset Exchange)
-Session 2: The task of Busan, the center of maritime finance
Presentation (Park Mi-ae, Head of the Busan Finance Center)
-Session 3: Role and policy plan of local financial institutions for revitalizing the Busan economy
Presentation (Lee Byung-yoon, senior researcher at the Korea Financial Research Institute)
[b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 681 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-26 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-07-16 13:12:27 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-26 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1566 [subject_text] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [print_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [subject_alink] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [list_cont] => □ 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held ㅇ Event Name: 2024 Busan International Financial Forum ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 25. (Thursday) 14:00 ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2 ㅇ Host: Busan Ilbo, BFC ㅇ Program - Opening Address: Kim.. [date9] => 2024.07.16 [date_ym] => 24.07 [date9_d] => 16 [date] => 2024-06-26 [o_date] => 2024-07-16 [date1] => 2024-06-26 [o_date1] => 2024-07-16 [date2] => 2024-06-26 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-07-16 13:12 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-26 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1832 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1566 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 2024062518224277869_l.jpg [filename] => 948885dcae997d17969df2092c0fadef.jpg [filesize] => 283440 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 640 [img_h] => 301 [sURL] => [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [size] => 276.80 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1566&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1566/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1833 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1566 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => 2024062518335039363_l.jpg [filename] => 712381f0c9a7370f4d946601a0723394.jpg [filesize] => 379460 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 640 [img_h] => 379 [sURL] => [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [size] => 370.57 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1566&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1566/2 ) [2] => Array ( [idx] => 1834 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1566 [num] => 3 [filename_org] => 2024062518220008487_l.jpg [filename] => b1c891ee9c8fb446773917a594d70603.jpg [filesize] => 379099 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 640 [img_h] => 386 [sURL] => [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [size] => 370.22 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1566&num=3 [file_content_org] => [contents] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1566/3 ) ) [fileNum] => 3 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_948885dcae997d17969df2092c0fadef.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 681 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [2] => Array ( [idx] => 1489 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1489 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [b_content] => ㅇ Date: June 20, 2024 (Thu), 14:00~17:00
ㅇ Place: Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporation
ㅇ Content
- Report on research results on strengthening competitiveness of Vessel fuel supply industry and listen to opinions/discussion [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718931089 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 690 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:51:29 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:51:29 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1489 [subject_text] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fu.. [print_subject] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [subject_alink] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fu.. [list_cont] => ㅇ Date: June 20, 2024 (Thu), 14:00~17:00 ㅇ Place: Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporation ㅇ Content - Report on research results on strengthening competitiveness of Vessel fuel supply industry and listen to opinions/discussion [date9] => 2024.06.21 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 21 [date] => 2024-06-21 [o_date] => 2024-06-21 [date1] => 2024-06-21 [o_date1] => 2024-06-21 [date2] => 2024-06-21 09:51 [o_date2] => 2024-06-21 09:51 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1713 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1489 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 최종보고회_사진.jpg [filename] => c370c33a1bfbd76f6c154c1c22560d66.jpg [filesize] => 2617717 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718931089 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4032 [img_h] => 3024 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [size] => 2.50 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1489&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1489/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_c370c33a1bfbd76f6c154c1c22560d66.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 690 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [3] => Array ( [idx] => 1488 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1488 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [b_content] => ㅇ Date : June 20, 2024 (Thu) 18:00 (KST)
ㅇ Main agenda
- Introduction of FC4S and its activities
- Explanation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the importance of gender finance: related to SDG 5, gender equality
- Explanation of toolkit for promoting gender finance and discussion among financial centers
ㅇ Participants
- (BFC) Soon-goo Ahn, Director of Financial Research Div2
- (FC4S) Fabienne Michaux, Director, SDG Impact. UNDP Sustainable Finance Hub
- 20 participants from financial centers in Hong Kong, Mauritius, Portugal, etc. [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718930798 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 650 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:46:38 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:46:38 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1488 [subject_text] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional .. [print_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [subject_alink] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional .. [list_cont] => ㅇ Date : June 20, 2024 (Thu) 18:00 (KST)ㅇ Main agenda - Introduction of FC4S and its activities - Explanation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the importance of gender finance: related to SDG 5, gender equality - Explanation of toolkit for promoting gender finance and discussion among.. [date9] => 2024.06.21 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 21 [date] => 2024-06-21 [o_date] => 2024-06-21 [date1] => 2024-06-21 [o_date1] => 2024-06-21 [date2] => 2024-06-21 09:46 [o_date2] => 2024-06-21 09:46 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1711 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1488 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 스크린샷_2024-06-20_180521.png [filename] => 2f4783ccacd86b485340aa8bd1bbbe8c.png [filesize] => 1329668 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718930798 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1908 [img_h] => 974 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [size] => 1.27 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1488&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1488/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1712 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1488 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => 스크린샷_2024-06-20_183614.png [filename] => 2c1f97bea881c8d215d73470eca426df.png [filesize] => 504777 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718930798 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1658 [img_h] => 887 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [size] => 492.95 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1488&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1488/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_2f4783ccacd86b485340aa8bd1bbbe8c.png [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 650 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [4] => Array ( [idx] => 1823 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1823 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [b_content] =>
ㅇ Title : Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry"
ㅇ Date : Thursday, June 20, 2024, 14:00 – 17:00
ㅇ Location : Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporation
ㅇ Agenda
- Presentation of research findings on strengthening competitiveness in the ship fuel supply industry, followed by feedback and discussion [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1731473545 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 90 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-11-13 13:52:25 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1823 [subject_text] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness.. [print_subject] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [subject_alink] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness.. [list_cont] => ㅇ Title : Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry"ㅇ Date : Thursday, June 20, 2024, 14:00 – 17:00ㅇ Location : Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporationㅇ Agenda&.. [date9] => 2024.11.13 [date_ym] => 24.11 [date9_d] => 13 [date] => 2024-06-20 [o_date] => 2024-11-13 [date1] => 2024-06-20 [o_date1] => 2024-11-13 [date2] => 2024-06-20 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-11-13 13:52 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-20 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 2326 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1823 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => The Final Report Meeting.jpg [filename] => 6066c9195b4a56f37f47e41c5359b3fe.jpg [filesize] => 1485690 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1731473545 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4032 [img_h] => 3024 [sURL] => [b_subject] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [size] => 1.42 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1823&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1823/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_6066c9195b4a56f37f47e41c5359b3fe.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 90 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [5] => Array ( [idx] => 1487 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1487 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [b_content] => □ Forum Overview
ㅇ Organizer : Busan Finance Center
ㅇ Date : June 19, 2024 (Wed) 14:00∼17:00
ㅇ Venue: Conference Room of the Korea Securities Depository (BIFC 39th Floor)
ㅇ Key participants: Financial Supervisory Service, Bank of Korea, employee organizations (Busan Metropolitan City, Korea Exchange, Korea Asset Management Corporation, Korea Ocean Business Corporation, BNK Busan Bank, Korea Technology Finance Corporation) 22 practitioners, academics and industry figures
ㅇ Topic Presentation
1) Scheme to foster digital finance in Busan
2) Ireland policy case to explore ways to foster maritime financial center
3) Analysis of Menon Report to strengthen the competitiveness of Busan as a maritime financial center [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718930561 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 726 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:42:41 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1487 [subject_text] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [print_subject] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [subject_alink] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [list_cont] => □ Forum Overviewㅇ Organizer : Busan Finance Centerㅇ Date : June 19, 2024 (Wed) 14:00∼17:00ㅇ Venue: Conference Room of the Korea Securities Depository (BIFC 39th Floor)ㅇ Key participants: Financial Supervisory Service, Bank of Korea, employee organizations (Busan Metropolitan City.. [date9] => 2024.06.21 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 21 [date] => 2024-06-20 [o_date] => 2024-06-21 [date1] => 2024-06-20 [o_date1] => 2024-06-21 [date2] => 2024-06-20 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-06-21 09:42 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-20 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1710 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1487 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 10회_부금포.jpg [filename] => facc54cbbf825025134c96fca3dd9bba.jpg [filesize] => 3435459 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718930561 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 5712 [img_h] => 4284 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [size] => 3.28 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1487&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1487/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_facc54cbbf825025134c96fca3dd9bba.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 726 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [6] => Array ( [idx] => 1565 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1565 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [b_content] =>□ Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Associationㅇ Event name: 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association
ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 13. (Thu), 14:00-17:00
ㅇ Place: Lotte Hotel, Busan
ㅇ Contents: Presenting and discussing the current status of ESG responses by local companies and policy suggestions to local governments and financial institutions
[b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1721102912 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 596 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-07-16 13:08:32 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1565 [subject_text] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [print_subject] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [subject_alink] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [list_cont] => □ Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Associationㅇ Event name: 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 13. (Thu), 14:00-17:00 ㅇ Place: Lotte Hotel, Busan ㅇ Contents: Presenting and discussing the current status of ESG .. [date9] => 2024.07.16 [date_ym] => 24.07 [date9_d] => 16 [date] => 2024-06-13 [o_date] => 2024-07-16 [date1] => 2024-06-13 [o_date1] => 2024-07-16 [date2] => 2024-06-13 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-07-16 13:08 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-13 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1831 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1565 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => KakaoTalk_20240626_101444135_05.jpg [filename] => 849dc38ef2875071462f742c148e53b0.jpg [filesize] => 125434 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721102912 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1024 [img_h] => 476 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [size] => 122.50 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1565&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1565/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_849dc38ef2875071462f742c148e53b0.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 596 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [7] => Array ( [idx] => 1468 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1468 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [b_content] => ㅇ Date: June 11, 2024 (Wed) 16:30~18:30
ㅇ Venue: Busan Finance Center Conference Room
ㅇ Speaker: (Former) Soon-Young Oh, Managing director of Financial AI Center, KB Bank
ㅇ Topic: Current Status and Implications of Financial Services in the AI Era [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718343144 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 780 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-14 14:32:24 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1468 [subject_text] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [print_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [subject_alink] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [list_cont] => ㅇ Date: June 11, 2024 (Wed) 16:30~18:30ㅇ Venue: Busan Finance Center Conference Roomㅇ Speaker: (Former) Soon-Young Oh, Managing director of Financial AI Center, KB Bankㅇ Topic: Current Status and Implications of Financial Services in the AI Era [date9] => 2024.06.14 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 14 [date] => 2024-06-13 [o_date] => 2024-06-14 [date1] => 2024-06-13 [o_date1] => 2024-06-14 [date2] => 2024-06-13 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-06-14 14:32 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-13 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1679 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1468 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => KakaoTalk_20240612_171833759_04.jpg [filename] => 37d209d10b3a72b3d0f91fed59048021.jpg [filesize] => 5317579 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718343144 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [size] => 5.08 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1468&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1468/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1680 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1468 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => KakaoTalk_20240612_171833759_07.jpg [filename] => 80552265e3bbb754f706011b606b008c.jpg [filesize] => 3983247 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718343144 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [size] => 3.80 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1468&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1468/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_37d209d10b3a72b3d0f91fed59048021.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 780 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [8] => Array ( [idx] => 1564 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1564 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => The 2nd Digital Financial Research Seminar to be held [b_content] =>□ The 2nd Digital Financial Research Seminar to be held
ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 11. (Wednesday) 16:30~18:30
ㅇ Place: 53rd floor conference room of BFC
ㅇ Speaker: Oh Soon-young, (former) head of KB Kookmin Bank's Financial AI Center
ㅇ Topic: Current Status and Implications of Financial Services in the Age of AI
ㅇ Attendance: About 20 researchers and practitioners from related organizations in the financial center, such as Pusan National University, Korea Maritime University, Korea Exchange, Korea Maritime Development Corporation, Bank of Korea, BNK Busan Bank, and the Global Fintech Industry Promotion Center
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ㅇ Publisher: Z/Yen Group Limited*
* It is a think tank of the City of London, established in 1994 by Michale Mainelli, the current mayor of the London Special Financial Zone, and announces the International Financial Center Index (GFCI) and the International Green Financial Index (GGFI) in more than 120 cities around the world every year
ㅇ Publication date: June 3, 2024
ㅇ Key Contents: The 1st Basic Plan for Carbon-Negative Green Growth in Busan
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ㅇ Access the Z/Yen Community Newsletter here
ㅇ Reporter: Gong-pil Choi, President of Digital Finance Center
ㅇ Date: May 30, 2024 (Thu) 13:00~15:00
ㅇ Place: Busan Finance Center Conference Room (53rd floor, BIFC)
ㅇ Highlights:
- Research on how to foster digital finance in Busan to realize a global financial hub city
- Investigation of the current status of digital finance at home and abroad, the current status of Busan, and the current status of the financial industry in Busan
- Based on the surveyed status and infrastructure of Busan City, present vision and tasks for fostering digital finance in Busan, and create detailed issues for specific realization plans
- Based on the results, we propose policy formulation at the request of Busan Metropolitan City [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717994123 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 802 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-01 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-10 13:35:23 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-01 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1455 [subject_text] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [print_subject] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [subject_alink] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [list_cont] => ㅇ Title: Final Report on "Busan Digital Finance Fostering Plan" Research Serviceㅇ Reporter: Gong-pil Choi, President of Digital Finance Centerㅇ Date: May 30, 2024 (Thu) 13:00~15:00 ㅇ Place: Busan Finance Center Conference Room (53rd floor, BIFC)ㅇ Highlights:- Research on how to foster digi.. [date9] => 2024.06.10 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 10 [date] => 2024-06-01 [o_date] => 2024-06-10 [date1] => 2024-06-01 [o_date1] => 2024-06-10 [date2] => 2024-06-01 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-06-10 13:35 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-01 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1640 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1455 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 1.jpg [filename] => 681e57079485288a6777fc8509e35197.jpg [filesize] => 4561987 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717994123 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [size] => 4.36 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1455&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1455/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1641 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1455 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => 2.jpg [filename] => 2e8c59f00d3d0ec84eb87f89a8bfa9bc.jpg [filesize] => 5108881 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717994123 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [size] => 4.88 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1455&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1455/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_681e57079485288a6777fc8509e35197.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 802 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [11] => Array ( [idx] => 1562 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1562 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan [b_content] =>□ Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan
ㅇ Date and time: May 30, 2024 (Thursday) 10:00
ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2
ㅇ Host: Korea Maritime Policy Association, Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry
ㅇ Sponsor: Korea Institute of Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering, International Newspaper, KNN
ㅇ Program
- (Opening Ceremony) CEO Do Young-hee (Korea Maritime Policy Alliance) and Executive Vice Chairman Chung Hyun-min (Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
- (Presentation) Jang Ha-yong, Researcher (Busan Research Institute)
- (Discussion) Chairperson: Bae Jeong-cheol, Director (Korea Institute of Maritime Materials),
Director Park Mi-ae (BFC)
Professor Kang Yun-ho (Korea Maritime University)
Professor Yoon Hee-sung (National Maritime University)
Secretary General Lee Kyu-jung (Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
Hwang Jin-hoe, an associate researcher (Korea Institute of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Development)
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ㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 30.(Thu) 10:00
ㅇ Venue: Busan Metropolitan City Hall
ㅇ Main contents
- Introduction of the World Alliance of International Financial Centers (WAIFC) and WAIFC activities of the Busan Finance Center
- Discussion on how to foster the Busan Financial Centre and future cooperation
- Discussion on Busan's bid for the 2026 WAIFC Annual General Meeting [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717045981 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 864 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:13:01 [print_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:13:01 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1440 [subject_text] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conferen.. [print_subject] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [subject_alink] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conferen.. [list_cont] => ㅁ Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference ㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 30.(Thu) 10:00ㅇ Venue: Busan Metropolitan City Hallㅇ Main contents - Introduction of the World Alliance of International Financial Centers (WAIFC) and .. [date9] => 2024.05.30 [date_ym] => 24.05 [date9_d] => 30 [date] => 2024-05-30 [o_date] => 2024-05-30 [date1] => 2024-05-30 [o_date1] => 2024-05-30 [date2] => 2024-05-30 14:13 [o_date2] => 2024-05-30 14:13 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1624 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1440 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => BFC-WAIFC-BMC_Meeting_240530_(1).jpg [filename] => 5be090b2b0ef366043847441f9a14d00.jpg [filesize] => 503788 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045981 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1081 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [size] => 491.99 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1440&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1440/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1625 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1440 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => BFC-WAIFC-BMC_Meeting_240530_(3).jpg [filename] => bd6b6a49339f0c66b2ec52110a405937.jpg [filesize] => 475652 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045981 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1080 [img_h] => 1440 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [size] => 464.51 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1440&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1440/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_5be090b2b0ef366043847441f9a14d00.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 864 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [13] => Array ( [idx] => 1439 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1439 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [b_content] => □ Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum
ㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 29.(Wed) 10:00~17:00
ㅇ Venue: BNK Busan Bank Headquarter Auditorium
ㅇ Topic: Beyond digital transformation (DX), the era of AI transformation (AX), what is the future of the digital economy?
ㅇ Host/Sponsor: Web 3.0 Forum/Electronic Times Internet
ㅇ Sponsor: Busan Metropolitan City, Busan Finance Center, Busan IT Industry Promotion Agency, Sogang University
ㅇ Key participants
- (Korea) Chairman of Web3.0 Forum Chairman, Vice Mayor for Economic Affairs of Busan Metropolitan City, President of Busan Finance Center
- (Abroad) Jochen Biedermann WAIFC Managing Director, Patrick Storey VISA Korea&Mongolia Country Manager [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717045770 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 729 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => 1717046395 [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:09:30 [print_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:09:30 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1439 [subject_text] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.. [print_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [subject_alink] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.. [list_cont] => □ Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forumㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 29.(Wed) 10:00~17:00 ㅇ Venue: BNK Busan Bank Headquarter Auditoriumㅇ Topic: Beyond digital transformation (DX), the era of AI transformation (AX).. [date9] => 2024.05.30 [date_ym] => 24.05 [date9_d] => 30 [date] => 2024-05-30 [o_date] => 2024-05-30 [date1] => 2024-05-30 [o_date1] => 2024-05-30 [date2] => 2024-05-30 14:09 [o_date2] => 2024-05-30 14:09 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1622 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1439 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => Web3.0_Forum_240529_(12).jpg [filename] => 590b9da20088d7ebeede33cdc088cdba.jpg [filesize] => 523724 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045770 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1081 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [size] => 511.45 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1439&num=1 [file_content_org] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [contents] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1439/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1623 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1439 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => Web3.0_Forum_240529_(13).jpg [filename] => 81df9c7991289517f1158b1bbb65b63d.jpg [filesize] => 620748 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045770 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1081 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [size] => 606.20 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1439&num=2 [file_content_org] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [contents] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1439/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_590b9da20088d7ebeede33cdc088cdba.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 729 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [14] => Array ( [idx] => 1438 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1438 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [b_content] => □ Join Fincity.Tokyo Online Meeting
ㅇ Date : 28 May 2024 (Tue) 13:00 (KST)
ㅇ Main agenda
- Discussion on the selection of Busan Finance Centre as an excellent example of WAIFC Art & Financial Centres Project and request for case introduction
- Discussion on the schedule of WAIFC Annual General Meeting scheduled to be held in Tokyo and Osaka on 2024.10.10
ㅇ Key participants
- (Busan Finance Centre) Manager Gyeongmi Lee
- (Fincity.Tokyo) Mumu, Misaki [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717045262 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 769 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => 1717045276 [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-05-28 16:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:01:02 [print_date_str] => 2024-05-28 16:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1438 [subject_text] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [print_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [subject_alink] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [list_cont] => □ Join Fincity.Tokyo Online Meetingㅇ Date : 28 May 2024 (Tue) 13:00 (KST)ㅇ Main agenda - Discussion on the selection of Busan Finance Centre as an excellent example of WAIFC Art & Financial Centres Project and request for case introduction - Discussion on the schedule of WAIFC Annual Gener.. [date9] => 2024.05.30 [date_ym] => 24.05 [date9_d] => 30 [date] => 2024-05-28 [o_date] => 2024-05-30 [date1] => 2024-05-28 [o_date1] => 2024-05-30 [date2] => 2024-05-28 16:00 [o_date2] => 2024-05-30 14:01 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-05-28 [print_date_y] => 16 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1620 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1438 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => zoom_meeting.png [filename] => 53cc74abf1d2cd30d859966867d9a5e5.png [filesize] => 429003 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045262 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1920 [img_h] => 1080 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [size] => 418.95 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1438&num=1 [file_content_org] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [contents] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1438/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1621 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1438 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => zoom_meeting_1.png [filename] => 098b78c3e959e06da366280d50c8ac29.png [filesize] => 1036003 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045262 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1920 [img_h] => 1080 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [size] => 1,011.73 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1438&num=2 [file_content_org] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [contents] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1438/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_53cc74abf1d2cd30d859966867d9a5e5.png [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 769 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) )
BFC관리자 2024-06-27 VIEWS653
2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held
□ 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held ㅇ Event Name: 2024 Busan International Financial Forum ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 25. (Thursday) 14:00 ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2 ㅇ Host: Busan Ilbo, BFC ㅇ Program - Opening Address: Kim Jin-soo, President of Busan Ilbo - Welcome Address: Lee Myung-ho, President of the Busan Finance Center - Congratulatory address: Busan Mayor Park Hyung-joon, National Assembly Member Jeon Jae-soo, National Assembly Member Park Soo-young, Busan Digital Asset Exchange CEO Kim Sang-min, CEO Philio Tam GREEN-X CORP - Session 1: Blockchain Special Zone, Future of Digital Finance in Busan Presentation (Kim Sang-min, CEO of Busan Digital Asset Exchange) -Session 2: The task of Busan, the center of maritime finance Presentation (Park Mi-ae, Head of the Busan Finance Center) -Session 3: Role and policy plan of local financial institutions for revitalizing the Busan economy Presentation (Lee Byung-yoon, senior researcher at the Korea Financial Research Institute)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1509 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1509 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [b_content] => ㅇ Date: 2024. 6. 26.(Wed) 10:00 am
ㅇ Location: 63rd floor of Busan International Financial Center
ㅇ Main agenda: Introduction of Busan Financial Centre, regional infrastructure, and regional balanced development policy, etc. [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1719473477 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 653 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-27 16:31:17 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-27 16:31:17 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1509 [subject_text] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [print_subject] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [subject_alink] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [list_cont] => ㅇ Date: 2024. 6. 26.(Wed) 10:00 am ㅇ Location: 63rd floor of Busan International Financial Center ㅇ Main agenda: Introduction of Busan Financial Centre, regional infrastructure, and regional balanced development policy, etc. [date9] => 2024.06.27 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 27 [date] => 2024-06-27 [o_date] => 2024-06-27 [date1] => 2024-06-27 [o_date1] => 2024-06-27 [date2] => 2024-06-27 16:31 [o_date2] => 2024-06-27 16:31 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1745 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1509 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 사진1.jpg [filename] => 12c6c317dacee8905ed41ad984da19f6.jpg [filesize] => 455295 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1719473477 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1080 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [size] => 444.63 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1509&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1509/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_12c6c317dacee8905ed41ad984da19f6.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 653 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1566 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1566 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [b_content] =>□ 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held
ㅇ Event Name: 2024 Busan International Financial Forum
ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 25. (Thursday) 14:00
ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2
ㅇ Host: Busan Ilbo, BFC
ㅇ Program
- Opening Address: Kim Jin-soo, President of Busan Ilbo
- Welcome Address: Lee Myung-ho, President of the Busan Finance Center
- Congratulatory address: Busan Mayor Park Hyung-joon, National Assembly Member Jeon Jae-soo, National Assembly Member Park Soo-young, Busan Digital Asset Exchange CEO Kim Sang-min, CEO Philio Tam GREEN-X CORP
- Session 1: Blockchain Special Zone, Future of Digital Finance in Busan
Presentation (Kim Sang-min, CEO of Busan Digital Asset Exchange)
-Session 2: The task of Busan, the center of maritime finance
Presentation (Park Mi-ae, Head of the Busan Finance Center)
-Session 3: Role and policy plan of local financial institutions for revitalizing the Busan economy
Presentation (Lee Byung-yoon, senior researcher at the Korea Financial Research Institute)
[b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 681 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-26 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-07-16 13:12:27 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-26 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1566 [subject_text] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [print_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [subject_alink] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [list_cont] => □ 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held ㅇ Event Name: 2024 Busan International Financial Forum ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 25. (Thursday) 14:00 ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2 ㅇ Host: Busan Ilbo, BFC ㅇ Program - Opening Address: Kim.. [date9] => 2024.07.16 [date_ym] => 24.07 [date9_d] => 16 [date] => 2024-06-26 [o_date] => 2024-07-16 [date1] => 2024-06-26 [o_date1] => 2024-07-16 [date2] => 2024-06-26 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-07-16 13:12 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-26 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1832 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1566 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 2024062518224277869_l.jpg [filename] => 948885dcae997d17969df2092c0fadef.jpg [filesize] => 283440 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 640 [img_h] => 301 [sURL] => [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [size] => 276.80 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1566&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1566/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1833 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1566 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => 2024062518335039363_l.jpg [filename] => 712381f0c9a7370f4d946601a0723394.jpg [filesize] => 379460 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 640 [img_h] => 379 [sURL] => [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [size] => 370.57 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1566&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1566/2 ) [2] => Array ( [idx] => 1834 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1566 [num] => 3 [filename_org] => 2024062518220008487_l.jpg [filename] => b1c891ee9c8fb446773917a594d70603.jpg [filesize] => 379099 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 640 [img_h] => 386 [sURL] => [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [size] => 370.22 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1566&num=3 [file_content_org] => [contents] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1566/3 ) ) [fileNum] => 3 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_948885dcae997d17969df2092c0fadef.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 681 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [2] => Array ( [idx] => 1489 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1489 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [b_content] => ㅇ Date: June 20, 2024 (Thu), 14:00~17:00
ㅇ Place: Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporation
ㅇ Content
- Report on research results on strengthening competitiveness of Vessel fuel supply industry and listen to opinions/discussion [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718931089 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 690 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:51:29 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:51:29 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1489 [subject_text] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fu.. [print_subject] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [subject_alink] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fu.. [list_cont] => ㅇ Date: June 20, 2024 (Thu), 14:00~17:00 ㅇ Place: Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporation ㅇ Content - Report on research results on strengthening competitiveness of Vessel fuel supply industry and listen to opinions/discussion [date9] => 2024.06.21 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 21 [date] => 2024-06-21 [o_date] => 2024-06-21 [date1] => 2024-06-21 [o_date1] => 2024-06-21 [date2] => 2024-06-21 09:51 [o_date2] => 2024-06-21 09:51 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1713 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1489 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 최종보고회_사진.jpg [filename] => c370c33a1bfbd76f6c154c1c22560d66.jpg [filesize] => 2617717 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718931089 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4032 [img_h] => 3024 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [size] => 2.50 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1489&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1489/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_c370c33a1bfbd76f6c154c1c22560d66.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 690 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [3] => Array ( [idx] => 1488 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1488 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [b_content] => ㅇ Date : June 20, 2024 (Thu) 18:00 (KST)
ㅇ Main agenda
- Introduction of FC4S and its activities
- Explanation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the importance of gender finance: related to SDG 5, gender equality
- Explanation of toolkit for promoting gender finance and discussion among financial centers
ㅇ Participants
- (BFC) Soon-goo Ahn, Director of Financial Research Div2
- (FC4S) Fabienne Michaux, Director, SDG Impact. UNDP Sustainable Finance Hub
- 20 participants from financial centers in Hong Kong, Mauritius, Portugal, etc. [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718930798 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 650 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:46:38 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:46:38 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1488 [subject_text] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional .. [print_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [subject_alink] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional .. [list_cont] => ㅇ Date : June 20, 2024 (Thu) 18:00 (KST)ㅇ Main agenda - Introduction of FC4S and its activities - Explanation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the importance of gender finance: related to SDG 5, gender equality - Explanation of toolkit for promoting gender finance and discussion among.. [date9] => 2024.06.21 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 21 [date] => 2024-06-21 [o_date] => 2024-06-21 [date1] => 2024-06-21 [o_date1] => 2024-06-21 [date2] => 2024-06-21 09:46 [o_date2] => 2024-06-21 09:46 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1711 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1488 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 스크린샷_2024-06-20_180521.png [filename] => 2f4783ccacd86b485340aa8bd1bbbe8c.png [filesize] => 1329668 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718930798 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1908 [img_h] => 974 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [size] => 1.27 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1488&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1488/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1712 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1488 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => 스크린샷_2024-06-20_183614.png [filename] => 2c1f97bea881c8d215d73470eca426df.png [filesize] => 504777 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718930798 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1658 [img_h] => 887 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [size] => 492.95 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1488&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1488/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_2f4783ccacd86b485340aa8bd1bbbe8c.png [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 650 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [4] => Array ( [idx] => 1823 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1823 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [b_content] =>
ㅇ Title : Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry"
ㅇ Date : Thursday, June 20, 2024, 14:00 – 17:00
ㅇ Location : Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporation
ㅇ Agenda
- Presentation of research findings on strengthening competitiveness in the ship fuel supply industry, followed by feedback and discussion [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1731473545 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 90 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-11-13 13:52:25 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1823 [subject_text] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness.. [print_subject] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [subject_alink] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness.. [list_cont] => ㅇ Title : Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry"ㅇ Date : Thursday, June 20, 2024, 14:00 – 17:00ㅇ Location : Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporationㅇ Agenda&.. [date9] => 2024.11.13 [date_ym] => 24.11 [date9_d] => 13 [date] => 2024-06-20 [o_date] => 2024-11-13 [date1] => 2024-06-20 [o_date1] => 2024-11-13 [date2] => 2024-06-20 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-11-13 13:52 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-20 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 2326 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1823 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => The Final Report Meeting.jpg [filename] => 6066c9195b4a56f37f47e41c5359b3fe.jpg [filesize] => 1485690 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1731473545 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4032 [img_h] => 3024 [sURL] => [b_subject] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [size] => 1.42 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1823&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1823/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_6066c9195b4a56f37f47e41c5359b3fe.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 90 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [5] => Array ( [idx] => 1487 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1487 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [b_content] => □ Forum Overview
ㅇ Organizer : Busan Finance Center
ㅇ Date : June 19, 2024 (Wed) 14:00∼17:00
ㅇ Venue: Conference Room of the Korea Securities Depository (BIFC 39th Floor)
ㅇ Key participants: Financial Supervisory Service, Bank of Korea, employee organizations (Busan Metropolitan City, Korea Exchange, Korea Asset Management Corporation, Korea Ocean Business Corporation, BNK Busan Bank, Korea Technology Finance Corporation) 22 practitioners, academics and industry figures
ㅇ Topic Presentation
1) Scheme to foster digital finance in Busan
2) Ireland policy case to explore ways to foster maritime financial center
3) Analysis of Menon Report to strengthen the competitiveness of Busan as a maritime financial center [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718930561 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 726 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:42:41 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1487 [subject_text] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [print_subject] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [subject_alink] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [list_cont] => □ Forum Overviewㅇ Organizer : Busan Finance Centerㅇ Date : June 19, 2024 (Wed) 14:00∼17:00ㅇ Venue: Conference Room of the Korea Securities Depository (BIFC 39th Floor)ㅇ Key participants: Financial Supervisory Service, Bank of Korea, employee organizations (Busan Metropolitan City.. [date9] => 2024.06.21 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 21 [date] => 2024-06-20 [o_date] => 2024-06-21 [date1] => 2024-06-20 [o_date1] => 2024-06-21 [date2] => 2024-06-20 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-06-21 09:42 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-20 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1710 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1487 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 10회_부금포.jpg [filename] => facc54cbbf825025134c96fca3dd9bba.jpg [filesize] => 3435459 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718930561 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 5712 [img_h] => 4284 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [size] => 3.28 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1487&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1487/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_facc54cbbf825025134c96fca3dd9bba.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 726 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [6] => Array ( [idx] => 1565 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1565 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [b_content] =>□ Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Associationㅇ Event name: 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association
ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 13. (Thu), 14:00-17:00
ㅇ Place: Lotte Hotel, Busan
ㅇ Contents: Presenting and discussing the current status of ESG responses by local companies and policy suggestions to local governments and financial institutions
[b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1721102912 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 596 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-07-16 13:08:32 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1565 [subject_text] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [print_subject] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [subject_alink] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [list_cont] => □ Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Associationㅇ Event name: 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 13. (Thu), 14:00-17:00 ㅇ Place: Lotte Hotel, Busan ㅇ Contents: Presenting and discussing the current status of ESG .. [date9] => 2024.07.16 [date_ym] => 24.07 [date9_d] => 16 [date] => 2024-06-13 [o_date] => 2024-07-16 [date1] => 2024-06-13 [o_date1] => 2024-07-16 [date2] => 2024-06-13 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-07-16 13:08 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-13 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1831 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1565 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => KakaoTalk_20240626_101444135_05.jpg [filename] => 849dc38ef2875071462f742c148e53b0.jpg [filesize] => 125434 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721102912 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1024 [img_h] => 476 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [size] => 122.50 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1565&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1565/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_849dc38ef2875071462f742c148e53b0.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 596 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [7] => Array ( [idx] => 1468 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1468 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [b_content] => ㅇ Date: June 11, 2024 (Wed) 16:30~18:30
ㅇ Venue: Busan Finance Center Conference Room
ㅇ Speaker: (Former) Soon-Young Oh, Managing director of Financial AI Center, KB Bank
ㅇ Topic: Current Status and Implications of Financial Services in the AI Era [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718343144 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 780 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-14 14:32:24 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1468 [subject_text] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [print_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [subject_alink] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [list_cont] => ㅇ Date: June 11, 2024 (Wed) 16:30~18:30ㅇ Venue: Busan Finance Center Conference Roomㅇ Speaker: (Former) Soon-Young Oh, Managing director of Financial AI Center, KB Bankㅇ Topic: Current Status and Implications of Financial Services in the AI Era [date9] => 2024.06.14 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 14 [date] => 2024-06-13 [o_date] => 2024-06-14 [date1] => 2024-06-13 [o_date1] => 2024-06-14 [date2] => 2024-06-13 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-06-14 14:32 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-13 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1679 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1468 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => KakaoTalk_20240612_171833759_04.jpg [filename] => 37d209d10b3a72b3d0f91fed59048021.jpg [filesize] => 5317579 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718343144 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [size] => 5.08 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1468&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1468/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1680 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1468 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => KakaoTalk_20240612_171833759_07.jpg [filename] => 80552265e3bbb754f706011b606b008c.jpg [filesize] => 3983247 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718343144 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [size] => 3.80 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1468&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1468/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_37d209d10b3a72b3d0f91fed59048021.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 780 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [8] => Array ( [idx] => 1564 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1564 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => The 2nd Digital Financial Research Seminar to be held [b_content] =>□ The 2nd Digital Financial Research Seminar to be held
ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 11. (Wednesday) 16:30~18:30
ㅇ Place: 53rd floor conference room of BFC
ㅇ Speaker: Oh Soon-young, (former) head of KB Kookmin Bank's Financial AI Center
ㅇ Topic: Current Status and Implications of Financial Services in the Age of AI
ㅇ Attendance: About 20 researchers and practitioners from related organizations in the financial center, such as Pusan National University, Korea Maritime University, Korea Exchange, Korea Maritime Development Corporation, Bank of Korea, BNK Busan Bank, and the Global Fintech Industry Promotion Center
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ㅇ Publisher: Z/Yen Group Limited*
* It is a think tank of the City of London, established in 1994 by Michale Mainelli, the current mayor of the London Special Financial Zone, and announces the International Financial Center Index (GFCI) and the International Green Financial Index (GGFI) in more than 120 cities around the world every year
ㅇ Publication date: June 3, 2024
ㅇ Key Contents: The 1st Basic Plan for Carbon-Negative Green Growth in Busan
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ㅇ Access the Z/Yen Community Newsletter here
ㅇ Reporter: Gong-pil Choi, President of Digital Finance Center
ㅇ Date: May 30, 2024 (Thu) 13:00~15:00
ㅇ Place: Busan Finance Center Conference Room (53rd floor, BIFC)
ㅇ Highlights:
- Research on how to foster digital finance in Busan to realize a global financial hub city
- Investigation of the current status of digital finance at home and abroad, the current status of Busan, and the current status of the financial industry in Busan
- Based on the surveyed status and infrastructure of Busan City, present vision and tasks for fostering digital finance in Busan, and create detailed issues for specific realization plans
- Based on the results, we propose policy formulation at the request of Busan Metropolitan City [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717994123 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 802 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-01 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-10 13:35:23 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-01 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1455 [subject_text] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [print_subject] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [subject_alink] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [list_cont] => ㅇ Title: Final Report on "Busan Digital Finance Fostering Plan" Research Serviceㅇ Reporter: Gong-pil Choi, President of Digital Finance Centerㅇ Date: May 30, 2024 (Thu) 13:00~15:00 ㅇ Place: Busan Finance Center Conference Room (53rd floor, BIFC)ㅇ Highlights:- Research on how to foster digi.. [date9] => 2024.06.10 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 10 [date] => 2024-06-01 [o_date] => 2024-06-10 [date1] => 2024-06-01 [o_date1] => 2024-06-10 [date2] => 2024-06-01 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-06-10 13:35 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-01 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1640 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1455 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 1.jpg [filename] => 681e57079485288a6777fc8509e35197.jpg [filesize] => 4561987 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717994123 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [size] => 4.36 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1455&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1455/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1641 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1455 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => 2.jpg [filename] => 2e8c59f00d3d0ec84eb87f89a8bfa9bc.jpg [filesize] => 5108881 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717994123 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [size] => 4.88 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1455&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1455/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_681e57079485288a6777fc8509e35197.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 802 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [11] => Array ( [idx] => 1562 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1562 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan [b_content] =>□ Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan
ㅇ Date and time: May 30, 2024 (Thursday) 10:00
ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2
ㅇ Host: Korea Maritime Policy Association, Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry
ㅇ Sponsor: Korea Institute of Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering, International Newspaper, KNN
ㅇ Program
- (Opening Ceremony) CEO Do Young-hee (Korea Maritime Policy Alliance) and Executive Vice Chairman Chung Hyun-min (Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
- (Presentation) Jang Ha-yong, Researcher (Busan Research Institute)
- (Discussion) Chairperson: Bae Jeong-cheol, Director (Korea Institute of Maritime Materials),
Director Park Mi-ae (BFC)
Professor Kang Yun-ho (Korea Maritime University)
Professor Yoon Hee-sung (National Maritime University)
Secretary General Lee Kyu-jung (Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
Hwang Jin-hoe, an associate researcher (Korea Institute of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Development)
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ㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 30.(Thu) 10:00
ㅇ Venue: Busan Metropolitan City Hall
ㅇ Main contents
- Introduction of the World Alliance of International Financial Centers (WAIFC) and WAIFC activities of the Busan Finance Center
- Discussion on how to foster the Busan Financial Centre and future cooperation
- Discussion on Busan's bid for the 2026 WAIFC Annual General Meeting [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717045981 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 864 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:13:01 [print_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:13:01 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1440 [subject_text] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conferen.. [print_subject] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [subject_alink] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conferen.. [list_cont] => ㅁ Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference ㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 30.(Thu) 10:00ㅇ Venue: Busan Metropolitan City Hallㅇ Main contents - Introduction of the World Alliance of International Financial Centers (WAIFC) and .. [date9] => 2024.05.30 [date_ym] => 24.05 [date9_d] => 30 [date] => 2024-05-30 [o_date] => 2024-05-30 [date1] => 2024-05-30 [o_date1] => 2024-05-30 [date2] => 2024-05-30 14:13 [o_date2] => 2024-05-30 14:13 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1624 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1440 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => BFC-WAIFC-BMC_Meeting_240530_(1).jpg [filename] => 5be090b2b0ef366043847441f9a14d00.jpg [filesize] => 503788 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045981 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1081 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [size] => 491.99 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1440&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1440/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1625 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1440 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => BFC-WAIFC-BMC_Meeting_240530_(3).jpg [filename] => bd6b6a49339f0c66b2ec52110a405937.jpg [filesize] => 475652 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045981 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1080 [img_h] => 1440 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [size] => 464.51 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1440&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1440/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_5be090b2b0ef366043847441f9a14d00.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 864 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [13] => Array ( [idx] => 1439 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1439 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [b_content] => □ Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum
ㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 29.(Wed) 10:00~17:00
ㅇ Venue: BNK Busan Bank Headquarter Auditorium
ㅇ Topic: Beyond digital transformation (DX), the era of AI transformation (AX), what is the future of the digital economy?
ㅇ Host/Sponsor: Web 3.0 Forum/Electronic Times Internet
ㅇ Sponsor: Busan Metropolitan City, Busan Finance Center, Busan IT Industry Promotion Agency, Sogang University
ㅇ Key participants
- (Korea) Chairman of Web3.0 Forum Chairman, Vice Mayor for Economic Affairs of Busan Metropolitan City, President of Busan Finance Center
- (Abroad) Jochen Biedermann WAIFC Managing Director, Patrick Storey VISA Korea&Mongolia Country Manager [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717045770 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 729 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => 1717046395 [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:09:30 [print_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:09:30 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1439 [subject_text] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.. [print_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [subject_alink] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.. [list_cont] => □ Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forumㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 29.(Wed) 10:00~17:00 ㅇ Venue: BNK Busan Bank Headquarter Auditoriumㅇ Topic: Beyond digital transformation (DX), the era of AI transformation (AX).. [date9] => 2024.05.30 [date_ym] => 24.05 [date9_d] => 30 [date] => 2024-05-30 [o_date] => 2024-05-30 [date1] => 2024-05-30 [o_date1] => 2024-05-30 [date2] => 2024-05-30 14:09 [o_date2] => 2024-05-30 14:09 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1622 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1439 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => Web3.0_Forum_240529_(12).jpg [filename] => 590b9da20088d7ebeede33cdc088cdba.jpg [filesize] => 523724 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045770 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1081 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [size] => 511.45 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1439&num=1 [file_content_org] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [contents] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1439/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1623 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1439 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => Web3.0_Forum_240529_(13).jpg [filename] => 81df9c7991289517f1158b1bbb65b63d.jpg [filesize] => 620748 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045770 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1081 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [size] => 606.20 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1439&num=2 [file_content_org] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [contents] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1439/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_590b9da20088d7ebeede33cdc088cdba.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 729 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [14] => Array ( [idx] => 1438 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1438 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [b_content] => □ Join Fincity.Tokyo Online Meeting
ㅇ Date : 28 May 2024 (Tue) 13:00 (KST)
ㅇ Main agenda
- Discussion on the selection of Busan Finance Centre as an excellent example of WAIFC Art & Financial Centres Project and request for case introduction
- Discussion on the schedule of WAIFC Annual General Meeting scheduled to be held in Tokyo and Osaka on 2024.10.10
ㅇ Key participants
- (Busan Finance Centre) Manager Gyeongmi Lee
- (Fincity.Tokyo) Mumu, Misaki [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717045262 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 769 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => 1717045276 [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-05-28 16:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:01:02 [print_date_str] => 2024-05-28 16:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1438 [subject_text] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [print_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [subject_alink] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [list_cont] => □ Join Fincity.Tokyo Online Meetingㅇ Date : 28 May 2024 (Tue) 13:00 (KST)ㅇ Main agenda - Discussion on the selection of Busan Finance Centre as an excellent example of WAIFC Art & Financial Centres Project and request for case introduction - Discussion on the schedule of WAIFC Annual Gener.. [date9] => 2024.05.30 [date_ym] => 24.05 [date9_d] => 30 [date] => 2024-05-28 [o_date] => 2024-05-30 [date1] => 2024-05-28 [o_date1] => 2024-05-30 [date2] => 2024-05-28 16:00 [o_date2] => 2024-05-30 14:01 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-05-28 [print_date_y] => 16 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1620 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1438 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => zoom_meeting.png [filename] => 53cc74abf1d2cd30d859966867d9a5e5.png [filesize] => 429003 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045262 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1920 [img_h] => 1080 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [size] => 418.95 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1438&num=1 [file_content_org] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [contents] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1438/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1621 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1438 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => zoom_meeting_1.png [filename] => 098b78c3e959e06da366280d50c8ac29.png [filesize] => 1036003 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045262 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1920 [img_h] => 1080 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [size] => 1,011.73 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1438&num=2 [file_content_org] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [contents] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1438/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_53cc74abf1d2cd30d859966867d9a5e5.png [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 769 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) )
BFC관리자 2024-06-26 VIEWS681
ㅇ Date: June 20, 2024 (Thu), 14:00~17:00 ㅇ Place: Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporation ㅇ Content - Report on research results on strengthening competitiveness of Vessel fuel supply industry and listen to opinions/discussion
Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1509 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1509 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [b_content] => ㅇ Date: 2024. 6. 26.(Wed) 10:00 am
ㅇ Location: 63rd floor of Busan International Financial Center
ㅇ Main agenda: Introduction of Busan Financial Centre, regional infrastructure, and regional balanced development policy, etc. [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1719473477 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 653 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-27 16:31:17 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-27 16:31:17 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1509 [subject_text] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [print_subject] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [subject_alink] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [list_cont] => ㅇ Date: 2024. 6. 26.(Wed) 10:00 am ㅇ Location: 63rd floor of Busan International Financial Center ㅇ Main agenda: Introduction of Busan Financial Centre, regional infrastructure, and regional balanced development policy, etc. [date9] => 2024.06.27 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 27 [date] => 2024-06-27 [o_date] => 2024-06-27 [date1] => 2024-06-27 [o_date1] => 2024-06-27 [date2] => 2024-06-27 16:31 [o_date2] => 2024-06-27 16:31 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1745 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1509 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 사진1.jpg [filename] => 12c6c317dacee8905ed41ad984da19f6.jpg [filesize] => 455295 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1719473477 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1080 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [size] => 444.63 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1509&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1509/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_12c6c317dacee8905ed41ad984da19f6.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 653 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1566 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1566 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [b_content] =>□ 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held
ㅇ Event Name: 2024 Busan International Financial Forum
ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 25. (Thursday) 14:00
ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2
ㅇ Host: Busan Ilbo, BFC
ㅇ Program
- Opening Address: Kim Jin-soo, President of Busan Ilbo
- Welcome Address: Lee Myung-ho, President of the Busan Finance Center
- Congratulatory address: Busan Mayor Park Hyung-joon, National Assembly Member Jeon Jae-soo, National Assembly Member Park Soo-young, Busan Digital Asset Exchange CEO Kim Sang-min, CEO Philio Tam GREEN-X CORP
- Session 1: Blockchain Special Zone, Future of Digital Finance in Busan
Presentation (Kim Sang-min, CEO of Busan Digital Asset Exchange)
-Session 2: The task of Busan, the center of maritime finance
Presentation (Park Mi-ae, Head of the Busan Finance Center)
-Session 3: Role and policy plan of local financial institutions for revitalizing the Busan economy
Presentation (Lee Byung-yoon, senior researcher at the Korea Financial Research Institute)
[b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 681 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-26 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-07-16 13:12:27 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-26 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1566 [subject_text] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [print_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [subject_alink] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [list_cont] => □ 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held ㅇ Event Name: 2024 Busan International Financial Forum ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 25. (Thursday) 14:00 ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2 ㅇ Host: Busan Ilbo, BFC ㅇ Program - Opening Address: Kim.. [date9] => 2024.07.16 [date_ym] => 24.07 [date9_d] => 16 [date] => 2024-06-26 [o_date] => 2024-07-16 [date1] => 2024-06-26 [o_date1] => 2024-07-16 [date2] => 2024-06-26 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-07-16 13:12 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-26 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1832 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1566 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 2024062518224277869_l.jpg [filename] => 948885dcae997d17969df2092c0fadef.jpg [filesize] => 283440 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 640 [img_h] => 301 [sURL] => [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [size] => 276.80 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1566&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1566/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1833 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1566 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => 2024062518335039363_l.jpg [filename] => 712381f0c9a7370f4d946601a0723394.jpg [filesize] => 379460 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 640 [img_h] => 379 [sURL] => [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [size] => 370.57 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1566&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1566/2 ) [2] => Array ( [idx] => 1834 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1566 [num] => 3 [filename_org] => 2024062518220008487_l.jpg [filename] => b1c891ee9c8fb446773917a594d70603.jpg [filesize] => 379099 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 640 [img_h] => 386 [sURL] => [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [size] => 370.22 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1566&num=3 [file_content_org] => [contents] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1566/3 ) ) [fileNum] => 3 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_948885dcae997d17969df2092c0fadef.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 681 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [2] => Array ( [idx] => 1489 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1489 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [b_content] => ㅇ Date: June 20, 2024 (Thu), 14:00~17:00
ㅇ Place: Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporation
ㅇ Content
- Report on research results on strengthening competitiveness of Vessel fuel supply industry and listen to opinions/discussion [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718931089 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 690 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:51:29 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:51:29 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1489 [subject_text] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fu.. [print_subject] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [subject_alink] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fu.. [list_cont] => ㅇ Date: June 20, 2024 (Thu), 14:00~17:00 ㅇ Place: Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporation ㅇ Content - Report on research results on strengthening competitiveness of Vessel fuel supply industry and listen to opinions/discussion [date9] => 2024.06.21 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 21 [date] => 2024-06-21 [o_date] => 2024-06-21 [date1] => 2024-06-21 [o_date1] => 2024-06-21 [date2] => 2024-06-21 09:51 [o_date2] => 2024-06-21 09:51 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1713 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1489 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 최종보고회_사진.jpg [filename] => c370c33a1bfbd76f6c154c1c22560d66.jpg [filesize] => 2617717 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718931089 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4032 [img_h] => 3024 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [size] => 2.50 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1489&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1489/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_c370c33a1bfbd76f6c154c1c22560d66.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 690 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [3] => Array ( [idx] => 1488 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1488 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [b_content] => ㅇ Date : June 20, 2024 (Thu) 18:00 (KST)
ㅇ Main agenda
- Introduction of FC4S and its activities
- Explanation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the importance of gender finance: related to SDG 5, gender equality
- Explanation of toolkit for promoting gender finance and discussion among financial centers
ㅇ Participants
- (BFC) Soon-goo Ahn, Director of Financial Research Div2
- (FC4S) Fabienne Michaux, Director, SDG Impact. UNDP Sustainable Finance Hub
- 20 participants from financial centers in Hong Kong, Mauritius, Portugal, etc. [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718930798 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 650 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:46:38 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:46:38 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1488 [subject_text] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional .. [print_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [subject_alink] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional .. [list_cont] => ㅇ Date : June 20, 2024 (Thu) 18:00 (KST)ㅇ Main agenda - Introduction of FC4S and its activities - Explanation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the importance of gender finance: related to SDG 5, gender equality - Explanation of toolkit for promoting gender finance and discussion among.. [date9] => 2024.06.21 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 21 [date] => 2024-06-21 [o_date] => 2024-06-21 [date1] => 2024-06-21 [o_date1] => 2024-06-21 [date2] => 2024-06-21 09:46 [o_date2] => 2024-06-21 09:46 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1711 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1488 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 스크린샷_2024-06-20_180521.png [filename] => 2f4783ccacd86b485340aa8bd1bbbe8c.png [filesize] => 1329668 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718930798 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1908 [img_h] => 974 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [size] => 1.27 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1488&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1488/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1712 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1488 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => 스크린샷_2024-06-20_183614.png [filename] => 2c1f97bea881c8d215d73470eca426df.png [filesize] => 504777 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718930798 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1658 [img_h] => 887 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [size] => 492.95 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1488&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1488/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_2f4783ccacd86b485340aa8bd1bbbe8c.png [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 650 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [4] => Array ( [idx] => 1823 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1823 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [b_content] =>
ㅇ Title : Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry"
ㅇ Date : Thursday, June 20, 2024, 14:00 – 17:00
ㅇ Location : Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporation
ㅇ Agenda
- Presentation of research findings on strengthening competitiveness in the ship fuel supply industry, followed by feedback and discussion [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1731473545 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 90 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-11-13 13:52:25 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1823 [subject_text] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness.. [print_subject] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [subject_alink] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness.. [list_cont] => ㅇ Title : Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry"ㅇ Date : Thursday, June 20, 2024, 14:00 – 17:00ㅇ Location : Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporationㅇ Agenda&.. [date9] => 2024.11.13 [date_ym] => 24.11 [date9_d] => 13 [date] => 2024-06-20 [o_date] => 2024-11-13 [date1] => 2024-06-20 [o_date1] => 2024-11-13 [date2] => 2024-06-20 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-11-13 13:52 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-20 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 2326 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1823 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => The Final Report Meeting.jpg [filename] => 6066c9195b4a56f37f47e41c5359b3fe.jpg [filesize] => 1485690 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1731473545 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4032 [img_h] => 3024 [sURL] => [b_subject] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [size] => 1.42 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1823&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1823/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_6066c9195b4a56f37f47e41c5359b3fe.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 90 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [5] => Array ( [idx] => 1487 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1487 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [b_content] => □ Forum Overview
ㅇ Organizer : Busan Finance Center
ㅇ Date : June 19, 2024 (Wed) 14:00∼17:00
ㅇ Venue: Conference Room of the Korea Securities Depository (BIFC 39th Floor)
ㅇ Key participants: Financial Supervisory Service, Bank of Korea, employee organizations (Busan Metropolitan City, Korea Exchange, Korea Asset Management Corporation, Korea Ocean Business Corporation, BNK Busan Bank, Korea Technology Finance Corporation) 22 practitioners, academics and industry figures
ㅇ Topic Presentation
1) Scheme to foster digital finance in Busan
2) Ireland policy case to explore ways to foster maritime financial center
3) Analysis of Menon Report to strengthen the competitiveness of Busan as a maritime financial center [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718930561 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 726 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:42:41 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1487 [subject_text] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [print_subject] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [subject_alink] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [list_cont] => □ Forum Overviewㅇ Organizer : Busan Finance Centerㅇ Date : June 19, 2024 (Wed) 14:00∼17:00ㅇ Venue: Conference Room of the Korea Securities Depository (BIFC 39th Floor)ㅇ Key participants: Financial Supervisory Service, Bank of Korea, employee organizations (Busan Metropolitan City.. [date9] => 2024.06.21 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 21 [date] => 2024-06-20 [o_date] => 2024-06-21 [date1] => 2024-06-20 [o_date1] => 2024-06-21 [date2] => 2024-06-20 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-06-21 09:42 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-20 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1710 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1487 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 10회_부금포.jpg [filename] => facc54cbbf825025134c96fca3dd9bba.jpg [filesize] => 3435459 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718930561 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 5712 [img_h] => 4284 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [size] => 3.28 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1487&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1487/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_facc54cbbf825025134c96fca3dd9bba.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 726 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [6] => Array ( [idx] => 1565 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1565 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [b_content] =>□ Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Associationㅇ Event name: 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association
ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 13. (Thu), 14:00-17:00
ㅇ Place: Lotte Hotel, Busan
ㅇ Contents: Presenting and discussing the current status of ESG responses by local companies and policy suggestions to local governments and financial institutions
[b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1721102912 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 596 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-07-16 13:08:32 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1565 [subject_text] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [print_subject] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [subject_alink] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [list_cont] => □ Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Associationㅇ Event name: 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 13. (Thu), 14:00-17:00 ㅇ Place: Lotte Hotel, Busan ㅇ Contents: Presenting and discussing the current status of ESG .. [date9] => 2024.07.16 [date_ym] => 24.07 [date9_d] => 16 [date] => 2024-06-13 [o_date] => 2024-07-16 [date1] => 2024-06-13 [o_date1] => 2024-07-16 [date2] => 2024-06-13 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-07-16 13:08 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-13 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1831 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1565 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => KakaoTalk_20240626_101444135_05.jpg [filename] => 849dc38ef2875071462f742c148e53b0.jpg [filesize] => 125434 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721102912 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1024 [img_h] => 476 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [size] => 122.50 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1565&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1565/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_849dc38ef2875071462f742c148e53b0.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 596 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [7] => Array ( [idx] => 1468 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1468 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [b_content] => ㅇ Date: June 11, 2024 (Wed) 16:30~18:30
ㅇ Venue: Busan Finance Center Conference Room
ㅇ Speaker: (Former) Soon-Young Oh, Managing director of Financial AI Center, KB Bank
ㅇ Topic: Current Status and Implications of Financial Services in the AI Era [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718343144 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 780 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-14 14:32:24 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1468 [subject_text] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [print_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [subject_alink] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [list_cont] => ㅇ Date: June 11, 2024 (Wed) 16:30~18:30ㅇ Venue: Busan Finance Center Conference Roomㅇ Speaker: (Former) Soon-Young Oh, Managing director of Financial AI Center, KB Bankㅇ Topic: Current Status and Implications of Financial Services in the AI Era [date9] => 2024.06.14 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 14 [date] => 2024-06-13 [o_date] => 2024-06-14 [date1] => 2024-06-13 [o_date1] => 2024-06-14 [date2] => 2024-06-13 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-06-14 14:32 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-13 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1679 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1468 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => KakaoTalk_20240612_171833759_04.jpg [filename] => 37d209d10b3a72b3d0f91fed59048021.jpg [filesize] => 5317579 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718343144 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [size] => 5.08 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1468&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1468/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1680 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1468 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => KakaoTalk_20240612_171833759_07.jpg [filename] => 80552265e3bbb754f706011b606b008c.jpg [filesize] => 3983247 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718343144 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [size] => 3.80 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1468&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1468/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_37d209d10b3a72b3d0f91fed59048021.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 780 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [8] => Array ( [idx] => 1564 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1564 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => The 2nd Digital Financial Research Seminar to be held [b_content] =>□ The 2nd Digital Financial Research Seminar to be held
ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 11. (Wednesday) 16:30~18:30
ㅇ Place: 53rd floor conference room of BFC
ㅇ Speaker: Oh Soon-young, (former) head of KB Kookmin Bank's Financial AI Center
ㅇ Topic: Current Status and Implications of Financial Services in the Age of AI
ㅇ Attendance: About 20 researchers and practitioners from related organizations in the financial center, such as Pusan National University, Korea Maritime University, Korea Exchange, Korea Maritime Development Corporation, Bank of Korea, BNK Busan Bank, and the Global Fintech Industry Promotion Center
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ㅇ Publisher: Z/Yen Group Limited*
* It is a think tank of the City of London, established in 1994 by Michale Mainelli, the current mayor of the London Special Financial Zone, and announces the International Financial Center Index (GFCI) and the International Green Financial Index (GGFI) in more than 120 cities around the world every year
ㅇ Publication date: June 3, 2024
ㅇ Key Contents: The 1st Basic Plan for Carbon-Negative Green Growth in Busan
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ㅇ Access the Z/Yen Community Newsletter here
ㅇ Reporter: Gong-pil Choi, President of Digital Finance Center
ㅇ Date: May 30, 2024 (Thu) 13:00~15:00
ㅇ Place: Busan Finance Center Conference Room (53rd floor, BIFC)
ㅇ Highlights:
- Research on how to foster digital finance in Busan to realize a global financial hub city
- Investigation of the current status of digital finance at home and abroad, the current status of Busan, and the current status of the financial industry in Busan
- Based on the surveyed status and infrastructure of Busan City, present vision and tasks for fostering digital finance in Busan, and create detailed issues for specific realization plans
- Based on the results, we propose policy formulation at the request of Busan Metropolitan City [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717994123 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 802 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-01 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-10 13:35:23 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-01 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1455 [subject_text] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [print_subject] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [subject_alink] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [list_cont] => ㅇ Title: Final Report on "Busan Digital Finance Fostering Plan" Research Serviceㅇ Reporter: Gong-pil Choi, President of Digital Finance Centerㅇ Date: May 30, 2024 (Thu) 13:00~15:00 ㅇ Place: Busan Finance Center Conference Room (53rd floor, BIFC)ㅇ Highlights:- Research on how to foster digi.. [date9] => 2024.06.10 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 10 [date] => 2024-06-01 [o_date] => 2024-06-10 [date1] => 2024-06-01 [o_date1] => 2024-06-10 [date2] => 2024-06-01 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-06-10 13:35 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-01 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1640 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1455 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 1.jpg [filename] => 681e57079485288a6777fc8509e35197.jpg [filesize] => 4561987 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717994123 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [size] => 4.36 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1455&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1455/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1641 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1455 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => 2.jpg [filename] => 2e8c59f00d3d0ec84eb87f89a8bfa9bc.jpg [filesize] => 5108881 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717994123 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [size] => 4.88 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1455&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1455/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_681e57079485288a6777fc8509e35197.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 802 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [11] => Array ( [idx] => 1562 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1562 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan [b_content] =>□ Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan
ㅇ Date and time: May 30, 2024 (Thursday) 10:00
ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2
ㅇ Host: Korea Maritime Policy Association, Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry
ㅇ Sponsor: Korea Institute of Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering, International Newspaper, KNN
ㅇ Program
- (Opening Ceremony) CEO Do Young-hee (Korea Maritime Policy Alliance) and Executive Vice Chairman Chung Hyun-min (Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
- (Presentation) Jang Ha-yong, Researcher (Busan Research Institute)
- (Discussion) Chairperson: Bae Jeong-cheol, Director (Korea Institute of Maritime Materials),
Director Park Mi-ae (BFC)
Professor Kang Yun-ho (Korea Maritime University)
Professor Yoon Hee-sung (National Maritime University)
Secretary General Lee Kyu-jung (Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
Hwang Jin-hoe, an associate researcher (Korea Institute of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Development)
[b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1721102510 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 573 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-05-31 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-07-16 13:01:50 [print_date_str] => 2024-05-31 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1562 [subject_text] => Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan [print_subject] => Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan [subject_alink] => Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan [list_cont] => □ Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan ㅇ Date and time: May 30, 2024 (Thursday) 10:00 ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2 ㅇ Host: Korea Maritime Policy Association, Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry ㅇ Sponsor: Kore.. [date9] => 2024.07.16 [date_ym] => 24.07 [date9_d] => 16 [date] => 2024-05-31 [o_date] => 2024-07-16 [date1] => 2024-05-31 [o_date1] => 2024-07-16 [date2] => 2024-05-31 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-07-16 13:01 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-05-31 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1827 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1562 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 9ca679f6a8fdbd9b16cac0ee83b2a69f.jpg [filename] => 24ed25c33317f9b4556669b19a4fce7e.jpg [filesize] => 2987102 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721102510 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4032 [img_h] => 3024 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan [size] => 2.85 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1562&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1562/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_24ed25c33317f9b4556669b19a4fce7e.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 573 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [12] => Array ( [idx] => 1440 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1440 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [b_content] => ㅁ Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference
ㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 30.(Thu) 10:00
ㅇ Venue: Busan Metropolitan City Hall
ㅇ Main contents
- Introduction of the World Alliance of International Financial Centers (WAIFC) and WAIFC activities of the Busan Finance Center
- Discussion on how to foster the Busan Financial Centre and future cooperation
- Discussion on Busan's bid for the 2026 WAIFC Annual General Meeting [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717045981 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 864 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:13:01 [print_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:13:01 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1440 [subject_text] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conferen.. [print_subject] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [subject_alink] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conferen.. [list_cont] => ㅁ Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference ㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 30.(Thu) 10:00ㅇ Venue: Busan Metropolitan City Hallㅇ Main contents - Introduction of the World Alliance of International Financial Centers (WAIFC) and .. [date9] => 2024.05.30 [date_ym] => 24.05 [date9_d] => 30 [date] => 2024-05-30 [o_date] => 2024-05-30 [date1] => 2024-05-30 [o_date1] => 2024-05-30 [date2] => 2024-05-30 14:13 [o_date2] => 2024-05-30 14:13 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1624 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1440 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => BFC-WAIFC-BMC_Meeting_240530_(1).jpg [filename] => 5be090b2b0ef366043847441f9a14d00.jpg [filesize] => 503788 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045981 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1081 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [size] => 491.99 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1440&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1440/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1625 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1440 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => BFC-WAIFC-BMC_Meeting_240530_(3).jpg [filename] => bd6b6a49339f0c66b2ec52110a405937.jpg [filesize] => 475652 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045981 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1080 [img_h] => 1440 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [size] => 464.51 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1440&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1440/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_5be090b2b0ef366043847441f9a14d00.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 864 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [13] => Array ( [idx] => 1439 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1439 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [b_content] => □ Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum
ㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 29.(Wed) 10:00~17:00
ㅇ Venue: BNK Busan Bank Headquarter Auditorium
ㅇ Topic: Beyond digital transformation (DX), the era of AI transformation (AX), what is the future of the digital economy?
ㅇ Host/Sponsor: Web 3.0 Forum/Electronic Times Internet
ㅇ Sponsor: Busan Metropolitan City, Busan Finance Center, Busan IT Industry Promotion Agency, Sogang University
ㅇ Key participants
- (Korea) Chairman of Web3.0 Forum Chairman, Vice Mayor for Economic Affairs of Busan Metropolitan City, President of Busan Finance Center
- (Abroad) Jochen Biedermann WAIFC Managing Director, Patrick Storey VISA Korea&Mongolia Country Manager [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717045770 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 729 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => 1717046395 [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:09:30 [print_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:09:30 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1439 [subject_text] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.. [print_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [subject_alink] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.. [list_cont] => □ Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forumㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 29.(Wed) 10:00~17:00 ㅇ Venue: BNK Busan Bank Headquarter Auditoriumㅇ Topic: Beyond digital transformation (DX), the era of AI transformation (AX).. [date9] => 2024.05.30 [date_ym] => 24.05 [date9_d] => 30 [date] => 2024-05-30 [o_date] => 2024-05-30 [date1] => 2024-05-30 [o_date1] => 2024-05-30 [date2] => 2024-05-30 14:09 [o_date2] => 2024-05-30 14:09 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1622 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1439 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => Web3.0_Forum_240529_(12).jpg [filename] => 590b9da20088d7ebeede33cdc088cdba.jpg [filesize] => 523724 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045770 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1081 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [size] => 511.45 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1439&num=1 [file_content_org] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [contents] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1439/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1623 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1439 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => Web3.0_Forum_240529_(13).jpg [filename] => 81df9c7991289517f1158b1bbb65b63d.jpg [filesize] => 620748 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045770 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1081 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [size] => 606.20 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1439&num=2 [file_content_org] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [contents] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1439/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_590b9da20088d7ebeede33cdc088cdba.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 729 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [14] => Array ( [idx] => 1438 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1438 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [b_content] => □ Join Fincity.Tokyo Online Meeting
ㅇ Date : 28 May 2024 (Tue) 13:00 (KST)
ㅇ Main agenda
- Discussion on the selection of Busan Finance Centre as an excellent example of WAIFC Art & Financial Centres Project and request for case introduction
- Discussion on the schedule of WAIFC Annual General Meeting scheduled to be held in Tokyo and Osaka on 2024.10.10
ㅇ Key participants
- (Busan Finance Centre) Manager Gyeongmi Lee
- (Fincity.Tokyo) Mumu, Misaki [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717045262 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 769 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => 1717045276 [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-05-28 16:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:01:02 [print_date_str] => 2024-05-28 16:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1438 [subject_text] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [print_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [subject_alink] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [list_cont] => □ Join Fincity.Tokyo Online Meetingㅇ Date : 28 May 2024 (Tue) 13:00 (KST)ㅇ Main agenda - Discussion on the selection of Busan Finance Centre as an excellent example of WAIFC Art & Financial Centres Project and request for case introduction - Discussion on the schedule of WAIFC Annual Gener.. [date9] => 2024.05.30 [date_ym] => 24.05 [date9_d] => 30 [date] => 2024-05-28 [o_date] => 2024-05-30 [date1] => 2024-05-28 [o_date1] => 2024-05-30 [date2] => 2024-05-28 16:00 [o_date2] => 2024-05-30 14:01 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-05-28 [print_date_y] => 16 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1620 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1438 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => zoom_meeting.png [filename] => 53cc74abf1d2cd30d859966867d9a5e5.png [filesize] => 429003 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045262 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1920 [img_h] => 1080 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [size] => 418.95 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1438&num=1 [file_content_org] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [contents] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1438/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1621 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1438 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => zoom_meeting_1.png [filename] => 098b78c3e959e06da366280d50c8ac29.png [filesize] => 1036003 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045262 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1920 [img_h] => 1080 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [size] => 1,011.73 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1438&num=2 [file_content_org] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [contents] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1438/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_53cc74abf1d2cd30d859966867d9a5e5.png [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 769 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) )
BFC관리자 2024-06-21 VIEWS690
ㅇ Date : June 20, 2024 (Thu) 18:00 (KST)ㅇ Main agenda - Introduction of FC4S and its activities - Explanation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the importance of gender finance: related to SDG 5, gender equality - Explanation of toolkit for promoting gender finance and discussion among financial centersㅇ Participants- (BFC) Soon-goo Ahn, Director of Financial Research Div2 - (FC4S) Fabienne Michaux, Director, SDG Impact. UNDP Sustainable Finance Hub - 20 participants from financial centers in Hong Kong, Mauritius, Portugal, etc.
Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1509 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1509 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [b_content] => ㅇ Date: 2024. 6. 26.(Wed) 10:00 am
ㅇ Location: 63rd floor of Busan International Financial Center
ㅇ Main agenda: Introduction of Busan Financial Centre, regional infrastructure, and regional balanced development policy, etc. [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1719473477 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 653 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-27 16:31:17 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-27 16:31:17 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1509 [subject_text] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [print_subject] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [subject_alink] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [list_cont] => ㅇ Date: 2024. 6. 26.(Wed) 10:00 am ㅇ Location: 63rd floor of Busan International Financial Center ㅇ Main agenda: Introduction of Busan Financial Centre, regional infrastructure, and regional balanced development policy, etc. [date9] => 2024.06.27 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 27 [date] => 2024-06-27 [o_date] => 2024-06-27 [date1] => 2024-06-27 [o_date1] => 2024-06-27 [date2] => 2024-06-27 16:31 [o_date2] => 2024-06-27 16:31 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1745 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1509 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 사진1.jpg [filename] => 12c6c317dacee8905ed41ad984da19f6.jpg [filesize] => 455295 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1719473477 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1080 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [size] => 444.63 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1509&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1509/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_12c6c317dacee8905ed41ad984da19f6.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 653 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1566 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1566 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [b_content] =>□ 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held
ㅇ Event Name: 2024 Busan International Financial Forum
ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 25. (Thursday) 14:00
ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2
ㅇ Host: Busan Ilbo, BFC
ㅇ Program
- Opening Address: Kim Jin-soo, President of Busan Ilbo
- Welcome Address: Lee Myung-ho, President of the Busan Finance Center
- Congratulatory address: Busan Mayor Park Hyung-joon, National Assembly Member Jeon Jae-soo, National Assembly Member Park Soo-young, Busan Digital Asset Exchange CEO Kim Sang-min, CEO Philio Tam GREEN-X CORP
- Session 1: Blockchain Special Zone, Future of Digital Finance in Busan
Presentation (Kim Sang-min, CEO of Busan Digital Asset Exchange)
-Session 2: The task of Busan, the center of maritime finance
Presentation (Park Mi-ae, Head of the Busan Finance Center)
-Session 3: Role and policy plan of local financial institutions for revitalizing the Busan economy
Presentation (Lee Byung-yoon, senior researcher at the Korea Financial Research Institute)
[b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 681 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-26 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-07-16 13:12:27 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-26 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1566 [subject_text] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [print_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [subject_alink] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [list_cont] => □ 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held ㅇ Event Name: 2024 Busan International Financial Forum ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 25. (Thursday) 14:00 ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2 ㅇ Host: Busan Ilbo, BFC ㅇ Program - Opening Address: Kim.. [date9] => 2024.07.16 [date_ym] => 24.07 [date9_d] => 16 [date] => 2024-06-26 [o_date] => 2024-07-16 [date1] => 2024-06-26 [o_date1] => 2024-07-16 [date2] => 2024-06-26 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-07-16 13:12 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-26 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1832 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1566 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 2024062518224277869_l.jpg [filename] => 948885dcae997d17969df2092c0fadef.jpg [filesize] => 283440 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 640 [img_h] => 301 [sURL] => [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [size] => 276.80 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1566&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1566/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1833 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1566 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => 2024062518335039363_l.jpg [filename] => 712381f0c9a7370f4d946601a0723394.jpg [filesize] => 379460 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 640 [img_h] => 379 [sURL] => [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [size] => 370.57 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1566&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1566/2 ) [2] => Array ( [idx] => 1834 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1566 [num] => 3 [filename_org] => 2024062518220008487_l.jpg [filename] => b1c891ee9c8fb446773917a594d70603.jpg [filesize] => 379099 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 640 [img_h] => 386 [sURL] => [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [size] => 370.22 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1566&num=3 [file_content_org] => [contents] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1566/3 ) ) [fileNum] => 3 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_948885dcae997d17969df2092c0fadef.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 681 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [2] => Array ( [idx] => 1489 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1489 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [b_content] => ㅇ Date: June 20, 2024 (Thu), 14:00~17:00
ㅇ Place: Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporation
ㅇ Content
- Report on research results on strengthening competitiveness of Vessel fuel supply industry and listen to opinions/discussion [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718931089 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 690 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:51:29 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:51:29 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1489 [subject_text] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fu.. [print_subject] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [subject_alink] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fu.. [list_cont] => ㅇ Date: June 20, 2024 (Thu), 14:00~17:00 ㅇ Place: Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporation ㅇ Content - Report on research results on strengthening competitiveness of Vessel fuel supply industry and listen to opinions/discussion [date9] => 2024.06.21 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 21 [date] => 2024-06-21 [o_date] => 2024-06-21 [date1] => 2024-06-21 [o_date1] => 2024-06-21 [date2] => 2024-06-21 09:51 [o_date2] => 2024-06-21 09:51 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1713 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1489 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 최종보고회_사진.jpg [filename] => c370c33a1bfbd76f6c154c1c22560d66.jpg [filesize] => 2617717 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718931089 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4032 [img_h] => 3024 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [size] => 2.50 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1489&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1489/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_c370c33a1bfbd76f6c154c1c22560d66.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 690 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [3] => Array ( [idx] => 1488 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1488 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [b_content] => ㅇ Date : June 20, 2024 (Thu) 18:00 (KST)
ㅇ Main agenda
- Introduction of FC4S and its activities
- Explanation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the importance of gender finance: related to SDG 5, gender equality
- Explanation of toolkit for promoting gender finance and discussion among financial centers
ㅇ Participants
- (BFC) Soon-goo Ahn, Director of Financial Research Div2
- (FC4S) Fabienne Michaux, Director, SDG Impact. UNDP Sustainable Finance Hub
- 20 participants from financial centers in Hong Kong, Mauritius, Portugal, etc. [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718930798 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 650 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:46:38 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:46:38 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1488 [subject_text] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional .. [print_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [subject_alink] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional .. [list_cont] => ㅇ Date : June 20, 2024 (Thu) 18:00 (KST)ㅇ Main agenda - Introduction of FC4S and its activities - Explanation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the importance of gender finance: related to SDG 5, gender equality - Explanation of toolkit for promoting gender finance and discussion among.. [date9] => 2024.06.21 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 21 [date] => 2024-06-21 [o_date] => 2024-06-21 [date1] => 2024-06-21 [o_date1] => 2024-06-21 [date2] => 2024-06-21 09:46 [o_date2] => 2024-06-21 09:46 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1711 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1488 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 스크린샷_2024-06-20_180521.png [filename] => 2f4783ccacd86b485340aa8bd1bbbe8c.png [filesize] => 1329668 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718930798 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1908 [img_h] => 974 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [size] => 1.27 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1488&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1488/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1712 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1488 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => 스크린샷_2024-06-20_183614.png [filename] => 2c1f97bea881c8d215d73470eca426df.png [filesize] => 504777 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718930798 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1658 [img_h] => 887 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [size] => 492.95 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1488&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1488/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_2f4783ccacd86b485340aa8bd1bbbe8c.png [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 650 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [4] => Array ( [idx] => 1823 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1823 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [b_content] =>
ㅇ Title : Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry"
ㅇ Date : Thursday, June 20, 2024, 14:00 – 17:00
ㅇ Location : Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporation
ㅇ Agenda
- Presentation of research findings on strengthening competitiveness in the ship fuel supply industry, followed by feedback and discussion [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1731473545 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 90 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-11-13 13:52:25 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1823 [subject_text] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness.. [print_subject] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [subject_alink] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness.. [list_cont] => ㅇ Title : Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry"ㅇ Date : Thursday, June 20, 2024, 14:00 – 17:00ㅇ Location : Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporationㅇ Agenda&.. [date9] => 2024.11.13 [date_ym] => 24.11 [date9_d] => 13 [date] => 2024-06-20 [o_date] => 2024-11-13 [date1] => 2024-06-20 [o_date1] => 2024-11-13 [date2] => 2024-06-20 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-11-13 13:52 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-20 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 2326 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1823 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => The Final Report Meeting.jpg [filename] => 6066c9195b4a56f37f47e41c5359b3fe.jpg [filesize] => 1485690 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1731473545 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4032 [img_h] => 3024 [sURL] => [b_subject] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [size] => 1.42 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1823&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1823/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_6066c9195b4a56f37f47e41c5359b3fe.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 90 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [5] => Array ( [idx] => 1487 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1487 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [b_content] => □ Forum Overview
ㅇ Organizer : Busan Finance Center
ㅇ Date : June 19, 2024 (Wed) 14:00∼17:00
ㅇ Venue: Conference Room of the Korea Securities Depository (BIFC 39th Floor)
ㅇ Key participants: Financial Supervisory Service, Bank of Korea, employee organizations (Busan Metropolitan City, Korea Exchange, Korea Asset Management Corporation, Korea Ocean Business Corporation, BNK Busan Bank, Korea Technology Finance Corporation) 22 practitioners, academics and industry figures
ㅇ Topic Presentation
1) Scheme to foster digital finance in Busan
2) Ireland policy case to explore ways to foster maritime financial center
3) Analysis of Menon Report to strengthen the competitiveness of Busan as a maritime financial center [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718930561 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 726 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:42:41 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1487 [subject_text] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [print_subject] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [subject_alink] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [list_cont] => □ Forum Overviewㅇ Organizer : Busan Finance Centerㅇ Date : June 19, 2024 (Wed) 14:00∼17:00ㅇ Venue: Conference Room of the Korea Securities Depository (BIFC 39th Floor)ㅇ Key participants: Financial Supervisory Service, Bank of Korea, employee organizations (Busan Metropolitan City.. [date9] => 2024.06.21 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 21 [date] => 2024-06-20 [o_date] => 2024-06-21 [date1] => 2024-06-20 [o_date1] => 2024-06-21 [date2] => 2024-06-20 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-06-21 09:42 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-20 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1710 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1487 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 10회_부금포.jpg [filename] => facc54cbbf825025134c96fca3dd9bba.jpg [filesize] => 3435459 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718930561 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 5712 [img_h] => 4284 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [size] => 3.28 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1487&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1487/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_facc54cbbf825025134c96fca3dd9bba.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 726 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [6] => Array ( [idx] => 1565 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1565 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [b_content] =>□ Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Associationㅇ Event name: 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association
ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 13. (Thu), 14:00-17:00
ㅇ Place: Lotte Hotel, Busan
ㅇ Contents: Presenting and discussing the current status of ESG responses by local companies and policy suggestions to local governments and financial institutions
[b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1721102912 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 596 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-07-16 13:08:32 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1565 [subject_text] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [print_subject] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [subject_alink] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [list_cont] => □ Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Associationㅇ Event name: 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 13. (Thu), 14:00-17:00 ㅇ Place: Lotte Hotel, Busan ㅇ Contents: Presenting and discussing the current status of ESG .. [date9] => 2024.07.16 [date_ym] => 24.07 [date9_d] => 16 [date] => 2024-06-13 [o_date] => 2024-07-16 [date1] => 2024-06-13 [o_date1] => 2024-07-16 [date2] => 2024-06-13 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-07-16 13:08 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-13 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1831 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1565 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => KakaoTalk_20240626_101444135_05.jpg [filename] => 849dc38ef2875071462f742c148e53b0.jpg [filesize] => 125434 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721102912 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1024 [img_h] => 476 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [size] => 122.50 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1565&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1565/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_849dc38ef2875071462f742c148e53b0.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 596 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [7] => Array ( [idx] => 1468 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1468 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [b_content] => ㅇ Date: June 11, 2024 (Wed) 16:30~18:30
ㅇ Venue: Busan Finance Center Conference Room
ㅇ Speaker: (Former) Soon-Young Oh, Managing director of Financial AI Center, KB Bank
ㅇ Topic: Current Status and Implications of Financial Services in the AI Era [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718343144 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 780 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-14 14:32:24 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1468 [subject_text] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [print_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [subject_alink] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [list_cont] => ㅇ Date: June 11, 2024 (Wed) 16:30~18:30ㅇ Venue: Busan Finance Center Conference Roomㅇ Speaker: (Former) Soon-Young Oh, Managing director of Financial AI Center, KB Bankㅇ Topic: Current Status and Implications of Financial Services in the AI Era [date9] => 2024.06.14 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 14 [date] => 2024-06-13 [o_date] => 2024-06-14 [date1] => 2024-06-13 [o_date1] => 2024-06-14 [date2] => 2024-06-13 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-06-14 14:32 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-13 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1679 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1468 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => KakaoTalk_20240612_171833759_04.jpg [filename] => 37d209d10b3a72b3d0f91fed59048021.jpg [filesize] => 5317579 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718343144 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [size] => 5.08 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1468&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1468/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1680 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1468 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => KakaoTalk_20240612_171833759_07.jpg [filename] => 80552265e3bbb754f706011b606b008c.jpg [filesize] => 3983247 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718343144 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [size] => 3.80 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1468&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1468/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_37d209d10b3a72b3d0f91fed59048021.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 780 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [8] => Array ( [idx] => 1564 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1564 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => The 2nd Digital Financial Research Seminar to be held [b_content] =>□ The 2nd Digital Financial Research Seminar to be held
ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 11. (Wednesday) 16:30~18:30
ㅇ Place: 53rd floor conference room of BFC
ㅇ Speaker: Oh Soon-young, (former) head of KB Kookmin Bank's Financial AI Center
ㅇ Topic: Current Status and Implications of Financial Services in the Age of AI
ㅇ Attendance: About 20 researchers and practitioners from related organizations in the financial center, such as Pusan National University, Korea Maritime University, Korea Exchange, Korea Maritime Development Corporation, Bank of Korea, BNK Busan Bank, and the Global Fintech Industry Promotion Center
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ㅇ Publisher: Z/Yen Group Limited*
* It is a think tank of the City of London, established in 1994 by Michale Mainelli, the current mayor of the London Special Financial Zone, and announces the International Financial Center Index (GFCI) and the International Green Financial Index (GGFI) in more than 120 cities around the world every year
ㅇ Publication date: June 3, 2024
ㅇ Key Contents: The 1st Basic Plan for Carbon-Negative Green Growth in Busan
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ㅇ Access the Z/Yen Community Newsletter here
ㅇ Reporter: Gong-pil Choi, President of Digital Finance Center
ㅇ Date: May 30, 2024 (Thu) 13:00~15:00
ㅇ Place: Busan Finance Center Conference Room (53rd floor, BIFC)
ㅇ Highlights:
- Research on how to foster digital finance in Busan to realize a global financial hub city
- Investigation of the current status of digital finance at home and abroad, the current status of Busan, and the current status of the financial industry in Busan
- Based on the surveyed status and infrastructure of Busan City, present vision and tasks for fostering digital finance in Busan, and create detailed issues for specific realization plans
- Based on the results, we propose policy formulation at the request of Busan Metropolitan City [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717994123 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 802 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-01 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-10 13:35:23 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-01 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1455 [subject_text] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [print_subject] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [subject_alink] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [list_cont] => ㅇ Title: Final Report on "Busan Digital Finance Fostering Plan" Research Serviceㅇ Reporter: Gong-pil Choi, President of Digital Finance Centerㅇ Date: May 30, 2024 (Thu) 13:00~15:00 ㅇ Place: Busan Finance Center Conference Room (53rd floor, BIFC)ㅇ Highlights:- Research on how to foster digi.. [date9] => 2024.06.10 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 10 [date] => 2024-06-01 [o_date] => 2024-06-10 [date1] => 2024-06-01 [o_date1] => 2024-06-10 [date2] => 2024-06-01 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-06-10 13:35 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-01 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1640 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1455 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 1.jpg [filename] => 681e57079485288a6777fc8509e35197.jpg [filesize] => 4561987 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717994123 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [size] => 4.36 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1455&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1455/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1641 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1455 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => 2.jpg [filename] => 2e8c59f00d3d0ec84eb87f89a8bfa9bc.jpg [filesize] => 5108881 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717994123 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [size] => 4.88 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1455&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1455/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_681e57079485288a6777fc8509e35197.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 802 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [11] => Array ( [idx] => 1562 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1562 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan [b_content] =>□ Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan
ㅇ Date and time: May 30, 2024 (Thursday) 10:00
ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2
ㅇ Host: Korea Maritime Policy Association, Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry
ㅇ Sponsor: Korea Institute of Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering, International Newspaper, KNN
ㅇ Program
- (Opening Ceremony) CEO Do Young-hee (Korea Maritime Policy Alliance) and Executive Vice Chairman Chung Hyun-min (Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
- (Presentation) Jang Ha-yong, Researcher (Busan Research Institute)
- (Discussion) Chairperson: Bae Jeong-cheol, Director (Korea Institute of Maritime Materials),
Director Park Mi-ae (BFC)
Professor Kang Yun-ho (Korea Maritime University)
Professor Yoon Hee-sung (National Maritime University)
Secretary General Lee Kyu-jung (Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
Hwang Jin-hoe, an associate researcher (Korea Institute of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Development)
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ㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 30.(Thu) 10:00
ㅇ Venue: Busan Metropolitan City Hall
ㅇ Main contents
- Introduction of the World Alliance of International Financial Centers (WAIFC) and WAIFC activities of the Busan Finance Center
- Discussion on how to foster the Busan Financial Centre and future cooperation
- Discussion on Busan's bid for the 2026 WAIFC Annual General Meeting [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717045981 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 864 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:13:01 [print_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:13:01 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1440 [subject_text] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conferen.. [print_subject] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [subject_alink] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conferen.. [list_cont] => ㅁ Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference ㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 30.(Thu) 10:00ㅇ Venue: Busan Metropolitan City Hallㅇ Main contents - Introduction of the World Alliance of International Financial Centers (WAIFC) and .. [date9] => 2024.05.30 [date_ym] => 24.05 [date9_d] => 30 [date] => 2024-05-30 [o_date] => 2024-05-30 [date1] => 2024-05-30 [o_date1] => 2024-05-30 [date2] => 2024-05-30 14:13 [o_date2] => 2024-05-30 14:13 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1624 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1440 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => BFC-WAIFC-BMC_Meeting_240530_(1).jpg [filename] => 5be090b2b0ef366043847441f9a14d00.jpg [filesize] => 503788 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045981 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1081 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [size] => 491.99 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1440&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1440/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1625 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1440 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => BFC-WAIFC-BMC_Meeting_240530_(3).jpg [filename] => bd6b6a49339f0c66b2ec52110a405937.jpg [filesize] => 475652 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045981 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1080 [img_h] => 1440 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [size] => 464.51 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1440&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1440/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_5be090b2b0ef366043847441f9a14d00.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 864 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [13] => Array ( [idx] => 1439 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1439 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [b_content] => □ Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum
ㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 29.(Wed) 10:00~17:00
ㅇ Venue: BNK Busan Bank Headquarter Auditorium
ㅇ Topic: Beyond digital transformation (DX), the era of AI transformation (AX), what is the future of the digital economy?
ㅇ Host/Sponsor: Web 3.0 Forum/Electronic Times Internet
ㅇ Sponsor: Busan Metropolitan City, Busan Finance Center, Busan IT Industry Promotion Agency, Sogang University
ㅇ Key participants
- (Korea) Chairman of Web3.0 Forum Chairman, Vice Mayor for Economic Affairs of Busan Metropolitan City, President of Busan Finance Center
- (Abroad) Jochen Biedermann WAIFC Managing Director, Patrick Storey VISA Korea&Mongolia Country Manager [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717045770 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 729 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => 1717046395 [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:09:30 [print_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:09:30 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1439 [subject_text] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.. [print_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [subject_alink] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.. [list_cont] => □ Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forumㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 29.(Wed) 10:00~17:00 ㅇ Venue: BNK Busan Bank Headquarter Auditoriumㅇ Topic: Beyond digital transformation (DX), the era of AI transformation (AX).. [date9] => 2024.05.30 [date_ym] => 24.05 [date9_d] => 30 [date] => 2024-05-30 [o_date] => 2024-05-30 [date1] => 2024-05-30 [o_date1] => 2024-05-30 [date2] => 2024-05-30 14:09 [o_date2] => 2024-05-30 14:09 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1622 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1439 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => Web3.0_Forum_240529_(12).jpg [filename] => 590b9da20088d7ebeede33cdc088cdba.jpg [filesize] => 523724 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045770 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1081 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [size] => 511.45 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1439&num=1 [file_content_org] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [contents] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1439/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1623 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1439 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => Web3.0_Forum_240529_(13).jpg [filename] => 81df9c7991289517f1158b1bbb65b63d.jpg [filesize] => 620748 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045770 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1081 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [size] => 606.20 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1439&num=2 [file_content_org] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [contents] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1439/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_590b9da20088d7ebeede33cdc088cdba.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 729 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [14] => Array ( [idx] => 1438 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1438 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [b_content] => □ Join Fincity.Tokyo Online Meeting
ㅇ Date : 28 May 2024 (Tue) 13:00 (KST)
ㅇ Main agenda
- Discussion on the selection of Busan Finance Centre as an excellent example of WAIFC Art & Financial Centres Project and request for case introduction
- Discussion on the schedule of WAIFC Annual General Meeting scheduled to be held in Tokyo and Osaka on 2024.10.10
ㅇ Key participants
- (Busan Finance Centre) Manager Gyeongmi Lee
- (Fincity.Tokyo) Mumu, Misaki [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717045262 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 769 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => 1717045276 [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-05-28 16:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:01:02 [print_date_str] => 2024-05-28 16:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1438 [subject_text] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [print_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [subject_alink] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [list_cont] => □ Join Fincity.Tokyo Online Meetingㅇ Date : 28 May 2024 (Tue) 13:00 (KST)ㅇ Main agenda - Discussion on the selection of Busan Finance Centre as an excellent example of WAIFC Art & Financial Centres Project and request for case introduction - Discussion on the schedule of WAIFC Annual Gener.. [date9] => 2024.05.30 [date_ym] => 24.05 [date9_d] => 30 [date] => 2024-05-28 [o_date] => 2024-05-30 [date1] => 2024-05-28 [o_date1] => 2024-05-30 [date2] => 2024-05-28 16:00 [o_date2] => 2024-05-30 14:01 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-05-28 [print_date_y] => 16 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1620 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1438 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => zoom_meeting.png [filename] => 53cc74abf1d2cd30d859966867d9a5e5.png [filesize] => 429003 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045262 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1920 [img_h] => 1080 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [size] => 418.95 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1438&num=1 [file_content_org] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [contents] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1438/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1621 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1438 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => zoom_meeting_1.png [filename] => 098b78c3e959e06da366280d50c8ac29.png [filesize] => 1036003 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045262 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1920 [img_h] => 1080 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [size] => 1,011.73 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1438&num=2 [file_content_org] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [contents] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1438/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_53cc74abf1d2cd30d859966867d9a5e5.png [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 769 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) )
BFC관리자 2024-06-21 VIEWS650
ㅇ Title : Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry"ㅇ Date : Thursday, June 20, 2024, 14:00 – 17:00ㅇ Location : Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporationㅇ Agenda - Presentation of research findings on strengthening competitiveness in the ship fuel supply industry, followed byfeedback and discussion
Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1509 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1509 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [b_content] => ㅇ Date: 2024. 6. 26.(Wed) 10:00 am
ㅇ Location: 63rd floor of Busan International Financial Center
ㅇ Main agenda: Introduction of Busan Financial Centre, regional infrastructure, and regional balanced development policy, etc. [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1719473477 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 653 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-27 16:31:17 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-27 16:31:17 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1509 [subject_text] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [print_subject] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [subject_alink] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [list_cont] => ㅇ Date: 2024. 6. 26.(Wed) 10:00 am ㅇ Location: 63rd floor of Busan International Financial Center ㅇ Main agenda: Introduction of Busan Financial Centre, regional infrastructure, and regional balanced development policy, etc. [date9] => 2024.06.27 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 27 [date] => 2024-06-27 [o_date] => 2024-06-27 [date1] => 2024-06-27 [o_date1] => 2024-06-27 [date2] => 2024-06-27 16:31 [o_date2] => 2024-06-27 16:31 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1745 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1509 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 사진1.jpg [filename] => 12c6c317dacee8905ed41ad984da19f6.jpg [filesize] => 455295 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1719473477 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1080 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [size] => 444.63 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1509&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1509/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_12c6c317dacee8905ed41ad984da19f6.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 653 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1566 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1566 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [b_content] =>□ 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held
ㅇ Event Name: 2024 Busan International Financial Forum
ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 25. (Thursday) 14:00
ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2
ㅇ Host: Busan Ilbo, BFC
ㅇ Program
- Opening Address: Kim Jin-soo, President of Busan Ilbo
- Welcome Address: Lee Myung-ho, President of the Busan Finance Center
- Congratulatory address: Busan Mayor Park Hyung-joon, National Assembly Member Jeon Jae-soo, National Assembly Member Park Soo-young, Busan Digital Asset Exchange CEO Kim Sang-min, CEO Philio Tam GREEN-X CORP
- Session 1: Blockchain Special Zone, Future of Digital Finance in Busan
Presentation (Kim Sang-min, CEO of Busan Digital Asset Exchange)
-Session 2: The task of Busan, the center of maritime finance
Presentation (Park Mi-ae, Head of the Busan Finance Center)
-Session 3: Role and policy plan of local financial institutions for revitalizing the Busan economy
Presentation (Lee Byung-yoon, senior researcher at the Korea Financial Research Institute)
[b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 681 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-26 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-07-16 13:12:27 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-26 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1566 [subject_text] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [print_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [subject_alink] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [list_cont] => □ 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held ㅇ Event Name: 2024 Busan International Financial Forum ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 25. (Thursday) 14:00 ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2 ㅇ Host: Busan Ilbo, BFC ㅇ Program - Opening Address: Kim.. [date9] => 2024.07.16 [date_ym] => 24.07 [date9_d] => 16 [date] => 2024-06-26 [o_date] => 2024-07-16 [date1] => 2024-06-26 [o_date1] => 2024-07-16 [date2] => 2024-06-26 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-07-16 13:12 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-26 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1832 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1566 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 2024062518224277869_l.jpg [filename] => 948885dcae997d17969df2092c0fadef.jpg [filesize] => 283440 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 640 [img_h] => 301 [sURL] => [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [size] => 276.80 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1566&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1566/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1833 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1566 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => 2024062518335039363_l.jpg [filename] => 712381f0c9a7370f4d946601a0723394.jpg [filesize] => 379460 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 640 [img_h] => 379 [sURL] => [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [size] => 370.57 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1566&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1566/2 ) [2] => Array ( [idx] => 1834 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1566 [num] => 3 [filename_org] => 2024062518220008487_l.jpg [filename] => b1c891ee9c8fb446773917a594d70603.jpg [filesize] => 379099 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 640 [img_h] => 386 [sURL] => [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [size] => 370.22 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1566&num=3 [file_content_org] => [contents] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1566/3 ) ) [fileNum] => 3 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_948885dcae997d17969df2092c0fadef.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 681 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [2] => Array ( [idx] => 1489 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1489 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [b_content] => ㅇ Date: June 20, 2024 (Thu), 14:00~17:00
ㅇ Place: Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporation
ㅇ Content
- Report on research results on strengthening competitiveness of Vessel fuel supply industry and listen to opinions/discussion [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718931089 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 690 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:51:29 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:51:29 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1489 [subject_text] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fu.. [print_subject] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [subject_alink] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fu.. [list_cont] => ㅇ Date: June 20, 2024 (Thu), 14:00~17:00 ㅇ Place: Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporation ㅇ Content - Report on research results on strengthening competitiveness of Vessel fuel supply industry and listen to opinions/discussion [date9] => 2024.06.21 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 21 [date] => 2024-06-21 [o_date] => 2024-06-21 [date1] => 2024-06-21 [o_date1] => 2024-06-21 [date2] => 2024-06-21 09:51 [o_date2] => 2024-06-21 09:51 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1713 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1489 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 최종보고회_사진.jpg [filename] => c370c33a1bfbd76f6c154c1c22560d66.jpg [filesize] => 2617717 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718931089 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4032 [img_h] => 3024 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [size] => 2.50 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1489&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1489/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_c370c33a1bfbd76f6c154c1c22560d66.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 690 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [3] => Array ( [idx] => 1488 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1488 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [b_content] => ㅇ Date : June 20, 2024 (Thu) 18:00 (KST)
ㅇ Main agenda
- Introduction of FC4S and its activities
- Explanation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the importance of gender finance: related to SDG 5, gender equality
- Explanation of toolkit for promoting gender finance and discussion among financial centers
ㅇ Participants
- (BFC) Soon-goo Ahn, Director of Financial Research Div2
- (FC4S) Fabienne Michaux, Director, SDG Impact. UNDP Sustainable Finance Hub
- 20 participants from financial centers in Hong Kong, Mauritius, Portugal, etc. [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718930798 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 650 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:46:38 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:46:38 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1488 [subject_text] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional .. [print_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [subject_alink] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional .. [list_cont] => ㅇ Date : June 20, 2024 (Thu) 18:00 (KST)ㅇ Main agenda - Introduction of FC4S and its activities - Explanation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the importance of gender finance: related to SDG 5, gender equality - Explanation of toolkit for promoting gender finance and discussion among.. [date9] => 2024.06.21 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 21 [date] => 2024-06-21 [o_date] => 2024-06-21 [date1] => 2024-06-21 [o_date1] => 2024-06-21 [date2] => 2024-06-21 09:46 [o_date2] => 2024-06-21 09:46 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1711 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1488 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 스크린샷_2024-06-20_180521.png [filename] => 2f4783ccacd86b485340aa8bd1bbbe8c.png [filesize] => 1329668 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718930798 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1908 [img_h] => 974 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [size] => 1.27 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1488&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1488/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1712 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1488 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => 스크린샷_2024-06-20_183614.png [filename] => 2c1f97bea881c8d215d73470eca426df.png [filesize] => 504777 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718930798 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1658 [img_h] => 887 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [size] => 492.95 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1488&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1488/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_2f4783ccacd86b485340aa8bd1bbbe8c.png [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 650 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [4] => Array ( [idx] => 1823 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1823 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [b_content] =>
ㅇ Title : Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry"
ㅇ Date : Thursday, June 20, 2024, 14:00 – 17:00
ㅇ Location : Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporation
ㅇ Agenda
- Presentation of research findings on strengthening competitiveness in the ship fuel supply industry, followed by feedback and discussion [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1731473545 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 90 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-11-13 13:52:25 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1823 [subject_text] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness.. [print_subject] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [subject_alink] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness.. [list_cont] => ㅇ Title : Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry"ㅇ Date : Thursday, June 20, 2024, 14:00 – 17:00ㅇ Location : Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporationㅇ Agenda&.. [date9] => 2024.11.13 [date_ym] => 24.11 [date9_d] => 13 [date] => 2024-06-20 [o_date] => 2024-11-13 [date1] => 2024-06-20 [o_date1] => 2024-11-13 [date2] => 2024-06-20 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-11-13 13:52 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-20 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 2326 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1823 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => The Final Report Meeting.jpg [filename] => 6066c9195b4a56f37f47e41c5359b3fe.jpg [filesize] => 1485690 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1731473545 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4032 [img_h] => 3024 [sURL] => [b_subject] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [size] => 1.42 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1823&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1823/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_6066c9195b4a56f37f47e41c5359b3fe.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 90 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [5] => Array ( [idx] => 1487 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1487 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [b_content] => □ Forum Overview
ㅇ Organizer : Busan Finance Center
ㅇ Date : June 19, 2024 (Wed) 14:00∼17:00
ㅇ Venue: Conference Room of the Korea Securities Depository (BIFC 39th Floor)
ㅇ Key participants: Financial Supervisory Service, Bank of Korea, employee organizations (Busan Metropolitan City, Korea Exchange, Korea Asset Management Corporation, Korea Ocean Business Corporation, BNK Busan Bank, Korea Technology Finance Corporation) 22 practitioners, academics and industry figures
ㅇ Topic Presentation
1) Scheme to foster digital finance in Busan
2) Ireland policy case to explore ways to foster maritime financial center
3) Analysis of Menon Report to strengthen the competitiveness of Busan as a maritime financial center [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718930561 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 726 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:42:41 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1487 [subject_text] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [print_subject] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [subject_alink] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [list_cont] => □ Forum Overviewㅇ Organizer : Busan Finance Centerㅇ Date : June 19, 2024 (Wed) 14:00∼17:00ㅇ Venue: Conference Room of the Korea Securities Depository (BIFC 39th Floor)ㅇ Key participants: Financial Supervisory Service, Bank of Korea, employee organizations (Busan Metropolitan City.. [date9] => 2024.06.21 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 21 [date] => 2024-06-20 [o_date] => 2024-06-21 [date1] => 2024-06-20 [o_date1] => 2024-06-21 [date2] => 2024-06-20 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-06-21 09:42 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-20 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1710 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1487 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 10회_부금포.jpg [filename] => facc54cbbf825025134c96fca3dd9bba.jpg [filesize] => 3435459 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718930561 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 5712 [img_h] => 4284 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [size] => 3.28 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1487&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1487/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_facc54cbbf825025134c96fca3dd9bba.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 726 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [6] => Array ( [idx] => 1565 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1565 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [b_content] =>□ Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Associationㅇ Event name: 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association
ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 13. (Thu), 14:00-17:00
ㅇ Place: Lotte Hotel, Busan
ㅇ Contents: Presenting and discussing the current status of ESG responses by local companies and policy suggestions to local governments and financial institutions
[b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1721102912 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 596 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-07-16 13:08:32 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1565 [subject_text] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [print_subject] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [subject_alink] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [list_cont] => □ Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Associationㅇ Event name: 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 13. (Thu), 14:00-17:00 ㅇ Place: Lotte Hotel, Busan ㅇ Contents: Presenting and discussing the current status of ESG .. [date9] => 2024.07.16 [date_ym] => 24.07 [date9_d] => 16 [date] => 2024-06-13 [o_date] => 2024-07-16 [date1] => 2024-06-13 [o_date1] => 2024-07-16 [date2] => 2024-06-13 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-07-16 13:08 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-13 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1831 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1565 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => KakaoTalk_20240626_101444135_05.jpg [filename] => 849dc38ef2875071462f742c148e53b0.jpg [filesize] => 125434 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721102912 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1024 [img_h] => 476 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [size] => 122.50 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1565&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1565/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_849dc38ef2875071462f742c148e53b0.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 596 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [7] => Array ( [idx] => 1468 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1468 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [b_content] => ㅇ Date: June 11, 2024 (Wed) 16:30~18:30
ㅇ Venue: Busan Finance Center Conference Room
ㅇ Speaker: (Former) Soon-Young Oh, Managing director of Financial AI Center, KB Bank
ㅇ Topic: Current Status and Implications of Financial Services in the AI Era [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718343144 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 780 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-14 14:32:24 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1468 [subject_text] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [print_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [subject_alink] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [list_cont] => ㅇ Date: June 11, 2024 (Wed) 16:30~18:30ㅇ Venue: Busan Finance Center Conference Roomㅇ Speaker: (Former) Soon-Young Oh, Managing director of Financial AI Center, KB Bankㅇ Topic: Current Status and Implications of Financial Services in the AI Era [date9] => 2024.06.14 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 14 [date] => 2024-06-13 [o_date] => 2024-06-14 [date1] => 2024-06-13 [o_date1] => 2024-06-14 [date2] => 2024-06-13 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-06-14 14:32 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-13 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1679 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1468 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => KakaoTalk_20240612_171833759_04.jpg [filename] => 37d209d10b3a72b3d0f91fed59048021.jpg [filesize] => 5317579 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718343144 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [size] => 5.08 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1468&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1468/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1680 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1468 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => KakaoTalk_20240612_171833759_07.jpg [filename] => 80552265e3bbb754f706011b606b008c.jpg [filesize] => 3983247 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718343144 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [size] => 3.80 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1468&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1468/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_37d209d10b3a72b3d0f91fed59048021.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 780 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [8] => Array ( [idx] => 1564 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1564 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => The 2nd Digital Financial Research Seminar to be held [b_content] =>□ The 2nd Digital Financial Research Seminar to be held
ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 11. (Wednesday) 16:30~18:30
ㅇ Place: 53rd floor conference room of BFC
ㅇ Speaker: Oh Soon-young, (former) head of KB Kookmin Bank's Financial AI Center
ㅇ Topic: Current Status and Implications of Financial Services in the Age of AI
ㅇ Attendance: About 20 researchers and practitioners from related organizations in the financial center, such as Pusan National University, Korea Maritime University, Korea Exchange, Korea Maritime Development Corporation, Bank of Korea, BNK Busan Bank, and the Global Fintech Industry Promotion Center
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ㅇ Publisher: Z/Yen Group Limited*
* It is a think tank of the City of London, established in 1994 by Michale Mainelli, the current mayor of the London Special Financial Zone, and announces the International Financial Center Index (GFCI) and the International Green Financial Index (GGFI) in more than 120 cities around the world every year
ㅇ Publication date: June 3, 2024
ㅇ Key Contents: The 1st Basic Plan for Carbon-Negative Green Growth in Busan
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ㅇ Access the Z/Yen Community Newsletter here
ㅇ Reporter: Gong-pil Choi, President of Digital Finance Center
ㅇ Date: May 30, 2024 (Thu) 13:00~15:00
ㅇ Place: Busan Finance Center Conference Room (53rd floor, BIFC)
ㅇ Highlights:
- Research on how to foster digital finance in Busan to realize a global financial hub city
- Investigation of the current status of digital finance at home and abroad, the current status of Busan, and the current status of the financial industry in Busan
- Based on the surveyed status and infrastructure of Busan City, present vision and tasks for fostering digital finance in Busan, and create detailed issues for specific realization plans
- Based on the results, we propose policy formulation at the request of Busan Metropolitan City [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717994123 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 802 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-01 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-10 13:35:23 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-01 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1455 [subject_text] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [print_subject] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [subject_alink] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [list_cont] => ㅇ Title: Final Report on "Busan Digital Finance Fostering Plan" Research Serviceㅇ Reporter: Gong-pil Choi, President of Digital Finance Centerㅇ Date: May 30, 2024 (Thu) 13:00~15:00 ㅇ Place: Busan Finance Center Conference Room (53rd floor, BIFC)ㅇ Highlights:- Research on how to foster digi.. [date9] => 2024.06.10 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 10 [date] => 2024-06-01 [o_date] => 2024-06-10 [date1] => 2024-06-01 [o_date1] => 2024-06-10 [date2] => 2024-06-01 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-06-10 13:35 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-01 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1640 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1455 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 1.jpg [filename] => 681e57079485288a6777fc8509e35197.jpg [filesize] => 4561987 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717994123 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [size] => 4.36 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1455&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1455/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1641 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1455 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => 2.jpg [filename] => 2e8c59f00d3d0ec84eb87f89a8bfa9bc.jpg [filesize] => 5108881 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717994123 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [size] => 4.88 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1455&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1455/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_681e57079485288a6777fc8509e35197.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 802 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [11] => Array ( [idx] => 1562 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1562 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan [b_content] =>□ Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan
ㅇ Date and time: May 30, 2024 (Thursday) 10:00
ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2
ㅇ Host: Korea Maritime Policy Association, Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry
ㅇ Sponsor: Korea Institute of Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering, International Newspaper, KNN
ㅇ Program
- (Opening Ceremony) CEO Do Young-hee (Korea Maritime Policy Alliance) and Executive Vice Chairman Chung Hyun-min (Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
- (Presentation) Jang Ha-yong, Researcher (Busan Research Institute)
- (Discussion) Chairperson: Bae Jeong-cheol, Director (Korea Institute of Maritime Materials),
Director Park Mi-ae (BFC)
Professor Kang Yun-ho (Korea Maritime University)
Professor Yoon Hee-sung (National Maritime University)
Secretary General Lee Kyu-jung (Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
Hwang Jin-hoe, an associate researcher (Korea Institute of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Development)
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ㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 30.(Thu) 10:00
ㅇ Venue: Busan Metropolitan City Hall
ㅇ Main contents
- Introduction of the World Alliance of International Financial Centers (WAIFC) and WAIFC activities of the Busan Finance Center
- Discussion on how to foster the Busan Financial Centre and future cooperation
- Discussion on Busan's bid for the 2026 WAIFC Annual General Meeting [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717045981 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 864 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:13:01 [print_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:13:01 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1440 [subject_text] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conferen.. [print_subject] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [subject_alink] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conferen.. [list_cont] => ㅁ Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference ㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 30.(Thu) 10:00ㅇ Venue: Busan Metropolitan City Hallㅇ Main contents - Introduction of the World Alliance of International Financial Centers (WAIFC) and .. [date9] => 2024.05.30 [date_ym] => 24.05 [date9_d] => 30 [date] => 2024-05-30 [o_date] => 2024-05-30 [date1] => 2024-05-30 [o_date1] => 2024-05-30 [date2] => 2024-05-30 14:13 [o_date2] => 2024-05-30 14:13 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1624 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1440 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => BFC-WAIFC-BMC_Meeting_240530_(1).jpg [filename] => 5be090b2b0ef366043847441f9a14d00.jpg [filesize] => 503788 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045981 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1081 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [size] => 491.99 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1440&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1440/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1625 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1440 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => BFC-WAIFC-BMC_Meeting_240530_(3).jpg [filename] => bd6b6a49339f0c66b2ec52110a405937.jpg [filesize] => 475652 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045981 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1080 [img_h] => 1440 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [size] => 464.51 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1440&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1440/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_5be090b2b0ef366043847441f9a14d00.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 864 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [13] => Array ( [idx] => 1439 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1439 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [b_content] => □ Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum
ㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 29.(Wed) 10:00~17:00
ㅇ Venue: BNK Busan Bank Headquarter Auditorium
ㅇ Topic: Beyond digital transformation (DX), the era of AI transformation (AX), what is the future of the digital economy?
ㅇ Host/Sponsor: Web 3.0 Forum/Electronic Times Internet
ㅇ Sponsor: Busan Metropolitan City, Busan Finance Center, Busan IT Industry Promotion Agency, Sogang University
ㅇ Key participants
- (Korea) Chairman of Web3.0 Forum Chairman, Vice Mayor for Economic Affairs of Busan Metropolitan City, President of Busan Finance Center
- (Abroad) Jochen Biedermann WAIFC Managing Director, Patrick Storey VISA Korea&Mongolia Country Manager [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717045770 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 729 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => 1717046395 [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:09:30 [print_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:09:30 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1439 [subject_text] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.. [print_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [subject_alink] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.. [list_cont] => □ Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forumㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 29.(Wed) 10:00~17:00 ㅇ Venue: BNK Busan Bank Headquarter Auditoriumㅇ Topic: Beyond digital transformation (DX), the era of AI transformation (AX).. [date9] => 2024.05.30 [date_ym] => 24.05 [date9_d] => 30 [date] => 2024-05-30 [o_date] => 2024-05-30 [date1] => 2024-05-30 [o_date1] => 2024-05-30 [date2] => 2024-05-30 14:09 [o_date2] => 2024-05-30 14:09 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1622 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1439 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => Web3.0_Forum_240529_(12).jpg [filename] => 590b9da20088d7ebeede33cdc088cdba.jpg [filesize] => 523724 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045770 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1081 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [size] => 511.45 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1439&num=1 [file_content_org] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [contents] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1439/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1623 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1439 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => Web3.0_Forum_240529_(13).jpg [filename] => 81df9c7991289517f1158b1bbb65b63d.jpg [filesize] => 620748 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045770 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1081 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [size] => 606.20 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1439&num=2 [file_content_org] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [contents] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1439/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_590b9da20088d7ebeede33cdc088cdba.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 729 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [14] => Array ( [idx] => 1438 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1438 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [b_content] => □ Join Fincity.Tokyo Online Meeting
ㅇ Date : 28 May 2024 (Tue) 13:00 (KST)
ㅇ Main agenda
- Discussion on the selection of Busan Finance Centre as an excellent example of WAIFC Art & Financial Centres Project and request for case introduction
- Discussion on the schedule of WAIFC Annual General Meeting scheduled to be held in Tokyo and Osaka on 2024.10.10
ㅇ Key participants
- (Busan Finance Centre) Manager Gyeongmi Lee
- (Fincity.Tokyo) Mumu, Misaki [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717045262 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 769 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => 1717045276 [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-05-28 16:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:01:02 [print_date_str] => 2024-05-28 16:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1438 [subject_text] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [print_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [subject_alink] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [list_cont] => □ Join Fincity.Tokyo Online Meetingㅇ Date : 28 May 2024 (Tue) 13:00 (KST)ㅇ Main agenda - Discussion on the selection of Busan Finance Centre as an excellent example of WAIFC Art & Financial Centres Project and request for case introduction - Discussion on the schedule of WAIFC Annual Gener.. [date9] => 2024.05.30 [date_ym] => 24.05 [date9_d] => 30 [date] => 2024-05-28 [o_date] => 2024-05-30 [date1] => 2024-05-28 [o_date1] => 2024-05-30 [date2] => 2024-05-28 16:00 [o_date2] => 2024-05-30 14:01 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-05-28 [print_date_y] => 16 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1620 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1438 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => zoom_meeting.png [filename] => 53cc74abf1d2cd30d859966867d9a5e5.png [filesize] => 429003 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045262 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1920 [img_h] => 1080 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [size] => 418.95 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1438&num=1 [file_content_org] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [contents] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1438/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1621 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1438 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => zoom_meeting_1.png [filename] => 098b78c3e959e06da366280d50c8ac29.png [filesize] => 1036003 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045262 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1920 [img_h] => 1080 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [size] => 1,011.73 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1438&num=2 [file_content_org] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [contents] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1438/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_53cc74abf1d2cd30d859966867d9a5e5.png [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 769 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) )
BFC관리자 2024-06-20 VIEWS90
Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum
□ Forum Overviewㅇ Organizer : Busan Finance Centerㅇ Date : June 19, 2024 (Wed) 14:00∼17:00ㅇ Venue: Conference Room of the Korea Securities Depository (BIFC 39th Floor)ㅇ Key participants: Financial Supervisory Service, Bank of Korea, employee organizations (Busan Metropolitan City, Korea Exchange, Korea Asset Management Corporation, Korea Ocean Business Corporation, BNK Busan Bank, KoreaTechnology Finance Corporation) 22 practitioners, academics and industry figuresㅇ Topic Presentation1) Scheme to foster digital finance in Busan 2) Ireland policy case to explore ways to foster maritime financial center3) Analysis of Menon Report to strengthen the competitiveness of Busan as a maritime financial center
Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1509 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1509 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [b_content] => ㅇ Date: 2024. 6. 26.(Wed) 10:00 am
ㅇ Location: 63rd floor of Busan International Financial Center
ㅇ Main agenda: Introduction of Busan Financial Centre, regional infrastructure, and regional balanced development policy, etc. [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1719473477 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 653 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-27 16:31:17 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-27 16:31:17 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1509 [subject_text] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [print_subject] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [subject_alink] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [list_cont] => ㅇ Date: 2024. 6. 26.(Wed) 10:00 am ㅇ Location: 63rd floor of Busan International Financial Center ㅇ Main agenda: Introduction of Busan Financial Centre, regional infrastructure, and regional balanced development policy, etc. [date9] => 2024.06.27 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 27 [date] => 2024-06-27 [o_date] => 2024-06-27 [date1] => 2024-06-27 [o_date1] => 2024-06-27 [date2] => 2024-06-27 16:31 [o_date2] => 2024-06-27 16:31 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1745 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1509 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 사진1.jpg [filename] => 12c6c317dacee8905ed41ad984da19f6.jpg [filesize] => 455295 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1719473477 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1080 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [size] => 444.63 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1509&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1509/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_12c6c317dacee8905ed41ad984da19f6.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 653 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1566 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1566 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [b_content] =>□ 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held
ㅇ Event Name: 2024 Busan International Financial Forum
ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 25. (Thursday) 14:00
ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2
ㅇ Host: Busan Ilbo, BFC
ㅇ Program
- Opening Address: Kim Jin-soo, President of Busan Ilbo
- Welcome Address: Lee Myung-ho, President of the Busan Finance Center
- Congratulatory address: Busan Mayor Park Hyung-joon, National Assembly Member Jeon Jae-soo, National Assembly Member Park Soo-young, Busan Digital Asset Exchange CEO Kim Sang-min, CEO Philio Tam GREEN-X CORP
- Session 1: Blockchain Special Zone, Future of Digital Finance in Busan
Presentation (Kim Sang-min, CEO of Busan Digital Asset Exchange)
-Session 2: The task of Busan, the center of maritime finance
Presentation (Park Mi-ae, Head of the Busan Finance Center)
-Session 3: Role and policy plan of local financial institutions for revitalizing the Busan economy
Presentation (Lee Byung-yoon, senior researcher at the Korea Financial Research Institute)
[b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 681 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-26 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-07-16 13:12:27 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-26 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1566 [subject_text] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [print_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [subject_alink] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [list_cont] => □ 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held ㅇ Event Name: 2024 Busan International Financial Forum ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 25. (Thursday) 14:00 ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2 ㅇ Host: Busan Ilbo, BFC ㅇ Program - Opening Address: Kim.. [date9] => 2024.07.16 [date_ym] => 24.07 [date9_d] => 16 [date] => 2024-06-26 [o_date] => 2024-07-16 [date1] => 2024-06-26 [o_date1] => 2024-07-16 [date2] => 2024-06-26 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-07-16 13:12 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-26 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1832 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1566 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 2024062518224277869_l.jpg [filename] => 948885dcae997d17969df2092c0fadef.jpg [filesize] => 283440 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 640 [img_h] => 301 [sURL] => [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [size] => 276.80 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1566&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1566/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1833 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1566 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => 2024062518335039363_l.jpg [filename] => 712381f0c9a7370f4d946601a0723394.jpg [filesize] => 379460 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 640 [img_h] => 379 [sURL] => [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [size] => 370.57 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1566&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1566/2 ) [2] => Array ( [idx] => 1834 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1566 [num] => 3 [filename_org] => 2024062518220008487_l.jpg [filename] => b1c891ee9c8fb446773917a594d70603.jpg [filesize] => 379099 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 640 [img_h] => 386 [sURL] => [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [size] => 370.22 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1566&num=3 [file_content_org] => [contents] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1566/3 ) ) [fileNum] => 3 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_948885dcae997d17969df2092c0fadef.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 681 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [2] => Array ( [idx] => 1489 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1489 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [b_content] => ㅇ Date: June 20, 2024 (Thu), 14:00~17:00
ㅇ Place: Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporation
ㅇ Content
- Report on research results on strengthening competitiveness of Vessel fuel supply industry and listen to opinions/discussion [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718931089 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 690 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:51:29 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:51:29 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1489 [subject_text] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fu.. [print_subject] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [subject_alink] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fu.. [list_cont] => ㅇ Date: June 20, 2024 (Thu), 14:00~17:00 ㅇ Place: Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporation ㅇ Content - Report on research results on strengthening competitiveness of Vessel fuel supply industry and listen to opinions/discussion [date9] => 2024.06.21 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 21 [date] => 2024-06-21 [o_date] => 2024-06-21 [date1] => 2024-06-21 [o_date1] => 2024-06-21 [date2] => 2024-06-21 09:51 [o_date2] => 2024-06-21 09:51 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1713 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1489 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 최종보고회_사진.jpg [filename] => c370c33a1bfbd76f6c154c1c22560d66.jpg [filesize] => 2617717 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718931089 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4032 [img_h] => 3024 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [size] => 2.50 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1489&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1489/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_c370c33a1bfbd76f6c154c1c22560d66.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 690 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [3] => Array ( [idx] => 1488 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1488 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [b_content] => ㅇ Date : June 20, 2024 (Thu) 18:00 (KST)
ㅇ Main agenda
- Introduction of FC4S and its activities
- Explanation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the importance of gender finance: related to SDG 5, gender equality
- Explanation of toolkit for promoting gender finance and discussion among financial centers
ㅇ Participants
- (BFC) Soon-goo Ahn, Director of Financial Research Div2
- (FC4S) Fabienne Michaux, Director, SDG Impact. UNDP Sustainable Finance Hub
- 20 participants from financial centers in Hong Kong, Mauritius, Portugal, etc. [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718930798 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 650 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:46:38 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:46:38 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1488 [subject_text] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional .. [print_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [subject_alink] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional .. [list_cont] => ㅇ Date : June 20, 2024 (Thu) 18:00 (KST)ㅇ Main agenda - Introduction of FC4S and its activities - Explanation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the importance of gender finance: related to SDG 5, gender equality - Explanation of toolkit for promoting gender finance and discussion among.. [date9] => 2024.06.21 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 21 [date] => 2024-06-21 [o_date] => 2024-06-21 [date1] => 2024-06-21 [o_date1] => 2024-06-21 [date2] => 2024-06-21 09:46 [o_date2] => 2024-06-21 09:46 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1711 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1488 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 스크린샷_2024-06-20_180521.png [filename] => 2f4783ccacd86b485340aa8bd1bbbe8c.png [filesize] => 1329668 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718930798 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1908 [img_h] => 974 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [size] => 1.27 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1488&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1488/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1712 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1488 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => 스크린샷_2024-06-20_183614.png [filename] => 2c1f97bea881c8d215d73470eca426df.png [filesize] => 504777 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718930798 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1658 [img_h] => 887 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [size] => 492.95 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1488&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1488/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_2f4783ccacd86b485340aa8bd1bbbe8c.png [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 650 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [4] => Array ( [idx] => 1823 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1823 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [b_content] =>
ㅇ Title : Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry"
ㅇ Date : Thursday, June 20, 2024, 14:00 – 17:00
ㅇ Location : Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporation
ㅇ Agenda
- Presentation of research findings on strengthening competitiveness in the ship fuel supply industry, followed by feedback and discussion [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1731473545 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 90 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-11-13 13:52:25 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1823 [subject_text] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness.. [print_subject] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [subject_alink] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness.. [list_cont] => ㅇ Title : Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry"ㅇ Date : Thursday, June 20, 2024, 14:00 – 17:00ㅇ Location : Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporationㅇ Agenda&.. [date9] => 2024.11.13 [date_ym] => 24.11 [date9_d] => 13 [date] => 2024-06-20 [o_date] => 2024-11-13 [date1] => 2024-06-20 [o_date1] => 2024-11-13 [date2] => 2024-06-20 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-11-13 13:52 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-20 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 2326 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1823 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => The Final Report Meeting.jpg [filename] => 6066c9195b4a56f37f47e41c5359b3fe.jpg [filesize] => 1485690 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1731473545 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4032 [img_h] => 3024 [sURL] => [b_subject] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [size] => 1.42 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1823&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1823/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_6066c9195b4a56f37f47e41c5359b3fe.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 90 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [5] => Array ( [idx] => 1487 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1487 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [b_content] => □ Forum Overview
ㅇ Organizer : Busan Finance Center
ㅇ Date : June 19, 2024 (Wed) 14:00∼17:00
ㅇ Venue: Conference Room of the Korea Securities Depository (BIFC 39th Floor)
ㅇ Key participants: Financial Supervisory Service, Bank of Korea, employee organizations (Busan Metropolitan City, Korea Exchange, Korea Asset Management Corporation, Korea Ocean Business Corporation, BNK Busan Bank, Korea Technology Finance Corporation) 22 practitioners, academics and industry figures
ㅇ Topic Presentation
1) Scheme to foster digital finance in Busan
2) Ireland policy case to explore ways to foster maritime financial center
3) Analysis of Menon Report to strengthen the competitiveness of Busan as a maritime financial center [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718930561 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 726 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:42:41 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1487 [subject_text] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [print_subject] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [subject_alink] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [list_cont] => □ Forum Overviewㅇ Organizer : Busan Finance Centerㅇ Date : June 19, 2024 (Wed) 14:00∼17:00ㅇ Venue: Conference Room of the Korea Securities Depository (BIFC 39th Floor)ㅇ Key participants: Financial Supervisory Service, Bank of Korea, employee organizations (Busan Metropolitan City.. [date9] => 2024.06.21 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 21 [date] => 2024-06-20 [o_date] => 2024-06-21 [date1] => 2024-06-20 [o_date1] => 2024-06-21 [date2] => 2024-06-20 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-06-21 09:42 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-20 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1710 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1487 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 10회_부금포.jpg [filename] => facc54cbbf825025134c96fca3dd9bba.jpg [filesize] => 3435459 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718930561 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 5712 [img_h] => 4284 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [size] => 3.28 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1487&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1487/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_facc54cbbf825025134c96fca3dd9bba.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 726 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [6] => Array ( [idx] => 1565 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1565 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [b_content] =>□ Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Associationㅇ Event name: 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association
ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 13. (Thu), 14:00-17:00
ㅇ Place: Lotte Hotel, Busan
ㅇ Contents: Presenting and discussing the current status of ESG responses by local companies and policy suggestions to local governments and financial institutions
[b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1721102912 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 596 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-07-16 13:08:32 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1565 [subject_text] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [print_subject] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [subject_alink] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [list_cont] => □ Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Associationㅇ Event name: 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 13. (Thu), 14:00-17:00 ㅇ Place: Lotte Hotel, Busan ㅇ Contents: Presenting and discussing the current status of ESG .. [date9] => 2024.07.16 [date_ym] => 24.07 [date9_d] => 16 [date] => 2024-06-13 [o_date] => 2024-07-16 [date1] => 2024-06-13 [o_date1] => 2024-07-16 [date2] => 2024-06-13 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-07-16 13:08 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-13 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1831 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1565 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => KakaoTalk_20240626_101444135_05.jpg [filename] => 849dc38ef2875071462f742c148e53b0.jpg [filesize] => 125434 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721102912 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1024 [img_h] => 476 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [size] => 122.50 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1565&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1565/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_849dc38ef2875071462f742c148e53b0.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 596 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [7] => Array ( [idx] => 1468 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1468 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [b_content] => ㅇ Date: June 11, 2024 (Wed) 16:30~18:30
ㅇ Venue: Busan Finance Center Conference Room
ㅇ Speaker: (Former) Soon-Young Oh, Managing director of Financial AI Center, KB Bank
ㅇ Topic: Current Status and Implications of Financial Services in the AI Era [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718343144 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 780 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-14 14:32:24 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1468 [subject_text] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [print_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [subject_alink] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [list_cont] => ㅇ Date: June 11, 2024 (Wed) 16:30~18:30ㅇ Venue: Busan Finance Center Conference Roomㅇ Speaker: (Former) Soon-Young Oh, Managing director of Financial AI Center, KB Bankㅇ Topic: Current Status and Implications of Financial Services in the AI Era [date9] => 2024.06.14 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 14 [date] => 2024-06-13 [o_date] => 2024-06-14 [date1] => 2024-06-13 [o_date1] => 2024-06-14 [date2] => 2024-06-13 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-06-14 14:32 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-13 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1679 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1468 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => KakaoTalk_20240612_171833759_04.jpg [filename] => 37d209d10b3a72b3d0f91fed59048021.jpg [filesize] => 5317579 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718343144 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [size] => 5.08 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1468&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1468/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1680 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1468 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => KakaoTalk_20240612_171833759_07.jpg [filename] => 80552265e3bbb754f706011b606b008c.jpg [filesize] => 3983247 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718343144 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [size] => 3.80 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1468&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1468/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_37d209d10b3a72b3d0f91fed59048021.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 780 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [8] => Array ( [idx] => 1564 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1564 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => The 2nd Digital Financial Research Seminar to be held [b_content] =>□ The 2nd Digital Financial Research Seminar to be held
ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 11. (Wednesday) 16:30~18:30
ㅇ Place: 53rd floor conference room of BFC
ㅇ Speaker: Oh Soon-young, (former) head of KB Kookmin Bank's Financial AI Center
ㅇ Topic: Current Status and Implications of Financial Services in the Age of AI
ㅇ Attendance: About 20 researchers and practitioners from related organizations in the financial center, such as Pusan National University, Korea Maritime University, Korea Exchange, Korea Maritime Development Corporation, Bank of Korea, BNK Busan Bank, and the Global Fintech Industry Promotion Center
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ㅇ Publisher: Z/Yen Group Limited*
* It is a think tank of the City of London, established in 1994 by Michale Mainelli, the current mayor of the London Special Financial Zone, and announces the International Financial Center Index (GFCI) and the International Green Financial Index (GGFI) in more than 120 cities around the world every year
ㅇ Publication date: June 3, 2024
ㅇ Key Contents: The 1st Basic Plan for Carbon-Negative Green Growth in Busan
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ㅇ Access the Z/Yen Community Newsletter here
ㅇ Reporter: Gong-pil Choi, President of Digital Finance Center
ㅇ Date: May 30, 2024 (Thu) 13:00~15:00
ㅇ Place: Busan Finance Center Conference Room (53rd floor, BIFC)
ㅇ Highlights:
- Research on how to foster digital finance in Busan to realize a global financial hub city
- Investigation of the current status of digital finance at home and abroad, the current status of Busan, and the current status of the financial industry in Busan
- Based on the surveyed status and infrastructure of Busan City, present vision and tasks for fostering digital finance in Busan, and create detailed issues for specific realization plans
- Based on the results, we propose policy formulation at the request of Busan Metropolitan City [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717994123 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 802 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-01 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-10 13:35:23 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-01 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1455 [subject_text] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [print_subject] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [subject_alink] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [list_cont] => ㅇ Title: Final Report on "Busan Digital Finance Fostering Plan" Research Serviceㅇ Reporter: Gong-pil Choi, President of Digital Finance Centerㅇ Date: May 30, 2024 (Thu) 13:00~15:00 ㅇ Place: Busan Finance Center Conference Room (53rd floor, BIFC)ㅇ Highlights:- Research on how to foster digi.. [date9] => 2024.06.10 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 10 [date] => 2024-06-01 [o_date] => 2024-06-10 [date1] => 2024-06-01 [o_date1] => 2024-06-10 [date2] => 2024-06-01 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-06-10 13:35 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-01 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1640 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1455 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 1.jpg [filename] => 681e57079485288a6777fc8509e35197.jpg [filesize] => 4561987 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717994123 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [size] => 4.36 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1455&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1455/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1641 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1455 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => 2.jpg [filename] => 2e8c59f00d3d0ec84eb87f89a8bfa9bc.jpg [filesize] => 5108881 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717994123 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [size] => 4.88 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1455&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1455/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_681e57079485288a6777fc8509e35197.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 802 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [11] => Array ( [idx] => 1562 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1562 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan [b_content] =>□ Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan
ㅇ Date and time: May 30, 2024 (Thursday) 10:00
ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2
ㅇ Host: Korea Maritime Policy Association, Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry
ㅇ Sponsor: Korea Institute of Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering, International Newspaper, KNN
ㅇ Program
- (Opening Ceremony) CEO Do Young-hee (Korea Maritime Policy Alliance) and Executive Vice Chairman Chung Hyun-min (Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
- (Presentation) Jang Ha-yong, Researcher (Busan Research Institute)
- (Discussion) Chairperson: Bae Jeong-cheol, Director (Korea Institute of Maritime Materials),
Director Park Mi-ae (BFC)
Professor Kang Yun-ho (Korea Maritime University)
Professor Yoon Hee-sung (National Maritime University)
Secretary General Lee Kyu-jung (Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
Hwang Jin-hoe, an associate researcher (Korea Institute of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Development)
[b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1721102510 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 573 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-05-31 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-07-16 13:01:50 [print_date_str] => 2024-05-31 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1562 [subject_text] => Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan [print_subject] => Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan [subject_alink] => Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan [list_cont] => □ Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan ㅇ Date and time: May 30, 2024 (Thursday) 10:00 ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2 ㅇ Host: Korea Maritime Policy Association, Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry ㅇ Sponsor: Kore.. [date9] => 2024.07.16 [date_ym] => 24.07 [date9_d] => 16 [date] => 2024-05-31 [o_date] => 2024-07-16 [date1] => 2024-05-31 [o_date1] => 2024-07-16 [date2] => 2024-05-31 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-07-16 13:01 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-05-31 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1827 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1562 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 9ca679f6a8fdbd9b16cac0ee83b2a69f.jpg [filename] => 24ed25c33317f9b4556669b19a4fce7e.jpg [filesize] => 2987102 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721102510 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4032 [img_h] => 3024 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan [size] => 2.85 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1562&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1562/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_24ed25c33317f9b4556669b19a4fce7e.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 573 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [12] => Array ( [idx] => 1440 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1440 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [b_content] => ㅁ Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference
ㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 30.(Thu) 10:00
ㅇ Venue: Busan Metropolitan City Hall
ㅇ Main contents
- Introduction of the World Alliance of International Financial Centers (WAIFC) and WAIFC activities of the Busan Finance Center
- Discussion on how to foster the Busan Financial Centre and future cooperation
- Discussion on Busan's bid for the 2026 WAIFC Annual General Meeting [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717045981 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 864 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:13:01 [print_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:13:01 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1440 [subject_text] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conferen.. [print_subject] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [subject_alink] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conferen.. [list_cont] => ㅁ Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference ㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 30.(Thu) 10:00ㅇ Venue: Busan Metropolitan City Hallㅇ Main contents - Introduction of the World Alliance of International Financial Centers (WAIFC) and .. [date9] => 2024.05.30 [date_ym] => 24.05 [date9_d] => 30 [date] => 2024-05-30 [o_date] => 2024-05-30 [date1] => 2024-05-30 [o_date1] => 2024-05-30 [date2] => 2024-05-30 14:13 [o_date2] => 2024-05-30 14:13 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1624 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1440 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => BFC-WAIFC-BMC_Meeting_240530_(1).jpg [filename] => 5be090b2b0ef366043847441f9a14d00.jpg [filesize] => 503788 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045981 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1081 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [size] => 491.99 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1440&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1440/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1625 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1440 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => BFC-WAIFC-BMC_Meeting_240530_(3).jpg [filename] => bd6b6a49339f0c66b2ec52110a405937.jpg [filesize] => 475652 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045981 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1080 [img_h] => 1440 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [size] => 464.51 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1440&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1440/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_5be090b2b0ef366043847441f9a14d00.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 864 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [13] => Array ( [idx] => 1439 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1439 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [b_content] => □ Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum
ㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 29.(Wed) 10:00~17:00
ㅇ Venue: BNK Busan Bank Headquarter Auditorium
ㅇ Topic: Beyond digital transformation (DX), the era of AI transformation (AX), what is the future of the digital economy?
ㅇ Host/Sponsor: Web 3.0 Forum/Electronic Times Internet
ㅇ Sponsor: Busan Metropolitan City, Busan Finance Center, Busan IT Industry Promotion Agency, Sogang University
ㅇ Key participants
- (Korea) Chairman of Web3.0 Forum Chairman, Vice Mayor for Economic Affairs of Busan Metropolitan City, President of Busan Finance Center
- (Abroad) Jochen Biedermann WAIFC Managing Director, Patrick Storey VISA Korea&Mongolia Country Manager [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717045770 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 729 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => 1717046395 [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:09:30 [print_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:09:30 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1439 [subject_text] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.. [print_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [subject_alink] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.. [list_cont] => □ Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forumㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 29.(Wed) 10:00~17:00 ㅇ Venue: BNK Busan Bank Headquarter Auditoriumㅇ Topic: Beyond digital transformation (DX), the era of AI transformation (AX).. [date9] => 2024.05.30 [date_ym] => 24.05 [date9_d] => 30 [date] => 2024-05-30 [o_date] => 2024-05-30 [date1] => 2024-05-30 [o_date1] => 2024-05-30 [date2] => 2024-05-30 14:09 [o_date2] => 2024-05-30 14:09 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1622 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1439 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => Web3.0_Forum_240529_(12).jpg [filename] => 590b9da20088d7ebeede33cdc088cdba.jpg [filesize] => 523724 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045770 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1081 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [size] => 511.45 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1439&num=1 [file_content_org] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [contents] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1439/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1623 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1439 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => Web3.0_Forum_240529_(13).jpg [filename] => 81df9c7991289517f1158b1bbb65b63d.jpg [filesize] => 620748 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045770 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1081 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [size] => 606.20 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1439&num=2 [file_content_org] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [contents] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1439/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_590b9da20088d7ebeede33cdc088cdba.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 729 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [14] => Array ( [idx] => 1438 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1438 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [b_content] => □ Join Fincity.Tokyo Online Meeting
ㅇ Date : 28 May 2024 (Tue) 13:00 (KST)
ㅇ Main agenda
- Discussion on the selection of Busan Finance Centre as an excellent example of WAIFC Art & Financial Centres Project and request for case introduction
- Discussion on the schedule of WAIFC Annual General Meeting scheduled to be held in Tokyo and Osaka on 2024.10.10
ㅇ Key participants
- (Busan Finance Centre) Manager Gyeongmi Lee
- (Fincity.Tokyo) Mumu, Misaki [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717045262 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 769 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => 1717045276 [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-05-28 16:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:01:02 [print_date_str] => 2024-05-28 16:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1438 [subject_text] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [print_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [subject_alink] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [list_cont] => □ Join Fincity.Tokyo Online Meetingㅇ Date : 28 May 2024 (Tue) 13:00 (KST)ㅇ Main agenda - Discussion on the selection of Busan Finance Centre as an excellent example of WAIFC Art & Financial Centres Project and request for case introduction - Discussion on the schedule of WAIFC Annual Gener.. [date9] => 2024.05.30 [date_ym] => 24.05 [date9_d] => 30 [date] => 2024-05-28 [o_date] => 2024-05-30 [date1] => 2024-05-28 [o_date1] => 2024-05-30 [date2] => 2024-05-28 16:00 [o_date2] => 2024-05-30 14:01 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-05-28 [print_date_y] => 16 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1620 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1438 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => zoom_meeting.png [filename] => 53cc74abf1d2cd30d859966867d9a5e5.png [filesize] => 429003 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045262 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1920 [img_h] => 1080 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [size] => 418.95 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1438&num=1 [file_content_org] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [contents] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1438/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1621 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1438 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => zoom_meeting_1.png [filename] => 098b78c3e959e06da366280d50c8ac29.png [filesize] => 1036003 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045262 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1920 [img_h] => 1080 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [size] => 1,011.73 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1438&num=2 [file_content_org] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [contents] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1438/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_53cc74abf1d2cd30d859966867d9a5e5.png [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 769 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) )
BFC관리자 2024-06-20 VIEWS726
Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association
□Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Associationㅇ Event name: 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 13. (Thu), 14:00-17:00 ㅇ Place: Lotte Hotel, Busan ㅇ Contents: Presenting and discussing the current status of ESG responses by local companies and policy suggestions to local governments and financial institutions
Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1509 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1509 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [b_content] => ㅇ Date: 2024. 6. 26.(Wed) 10:00 am
ㅇ Location: 63rd floor of Busan International Financial Center
ㅇ Main agenda: Introduction of Busan Financial Centre, regional infrastructure, and regional balanced development policy, etc. [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1719473477 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 653 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-27 16:31:17 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-27 16:31:17 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1509 [subject_text] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [print_subject] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [subject_alink] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [list_cont] => ㅇ Date: 2024. 6. 26.(Wed) 10:00 am ㅇ Location: 63rd floor of Busan International Financial Center ㅇ Main agenda: Introduction of Busan Financial Centre, regional infrastructure, and regional balanced development policy, etc. [date9] => 2024.06.27 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 27 [date] => 2024-06-27 [o_date] => 2024-06-27 [date1] => 2024-06-27 [o_date1] => 2024-06-27 [date2] => 2024-06-27 16:31 [o_date2] => 2024-06-27 16:31 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1745 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1509 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 사진1.jpg [filename] => 12c6c317dacee8905ed41ad984da19f6.jpg [filesize] => 455295 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1719473477 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1080 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [size] => 444.63 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1509&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1509/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_12c6c317dacee8905ed41ad984da19f6.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 653 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1566 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1566 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [b_content] =>□ 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held
ㅇ Event Name: 2024 Busan International Financial Forum
ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 25. (Thursday) 14:00
ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2
ㅇ Host: Busan Ilbo, BFC
ㅇ Program
- Opening Address: Kim Jin-soo, President of Busan Ilbo
- Welcome Address: Lee Myung-ho, President of the Busan Finance Center
- Congratulatory address: Busan Mayor Park Hyung-joon, National Assembly Member Jeon Jae-soo, National Assembly Member Park Soo-young, Busan Digital Asset Exchange CEO Kim Sang-min, CEO Philio Tam GREEN-X CORP
- Session 1: Blockchain Special Zone, Future of Digital Finance in Busan
Presentation (Kim Sang-min, CEO of Busan Digital Asset Exchange)
-Session 2: The task of Busan, the center of maritime finance
Presentation (Park Mi-ae, Head of the Busan Finance Center)
-Session 3: Role and policy plan of local financial institutions for revitalizing the Busan economy
Presentation (Lee Byung-yoon, senior researcher at the Korea Financial Research Institute)
[b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 681 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-26 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-07-16 13:12:27 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-26 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1566 [subject_text] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [print_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [subject_alink] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [list_cont] => □ 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held ㅇ Event Name: 2024 Busan International Financial Forum ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 25. (Thursday) 14:00 ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2 ㅇ Host: Busan Ilbo, BFC ㅇ Program - Opening Address: Kim.. [date9] => 2024.07.16 [date_ym] => 24.07 [date9_d] => 16 [date] => 2024-06-26 [o_date] => 2024-07-16 [date1] => 2024-06-26 [o_date1] => 2024-07-16 [date2] => 2024-06-26 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-07-16 13:12 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-26 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1832 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1566 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 2024062518224277869_l.jpg [filename] => 948885dcae997d17969df2092c0fadef.jpg [filesize] => 283440 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 640 [img_h] => 301 [sURL] => [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [size] => 276.80 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1566&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1566/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1833 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1566 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => 2024062518335039363_l.jpg [filename] => 712381f0c9a7370f4d946601a0723394.jpg [filesize] => 379460 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 640 [img_h] => 379 [sURL] => [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [size] => 370.57 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1566&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1566/2 ) [2] => Array ( [idx] => 1834 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1566 [num] => 3 [filename_org] => 2024062518220008487_l.jpg [filename] => b1c891ee9c8fb446773917a594d70603.jpg [filesize] => 379099 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 640 [img_h] => 386 [sURL] => [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [size] => 370.22 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1566&num=3 [file_content_org] => [contents] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1566/3 ) ) [fileNum] => 3 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_948885dcae997d17969df2092c0fadef.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 681 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [2] => Array ( [idx] => 1489 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1489 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [b_content] => ㅇ Date: June 20, 2024 (Thu), 14:00~17:00
ㅇ Place: Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporation
ㅇ Content
- Report on research results on strengthening competitiveness of Vessel fuel supply industry and listen to opinions/discussion [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718931089 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 690 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:51:29 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:51:29 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1489 [subject_text] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fu.. [print_subject] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [subject_alink] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fu.. [list_cont] => ㅇ Date: June 20, 2024 (Thu), 14:00~17:00 ㅇ Place: Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporation ㅇ Content - Report on research results on strengthening competitiveness of Vessel fuel supply industry and listen to opinions/discussion [date9] => 2024.06.21 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 21 [date] => 2024-06-21 [o_date] => 2024-06-21 [date1] => 2024-06-21 [o_date1] => 2024-06-21 [date2] => 2024-06-21 09:51 [o_date2] => 2024-06-21 09:51 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1713 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1489 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 최종보고회_사진.jpg [filename] => c370c33a1bfbd76f6c154c1c22560d66.jpg [filesize] => 2617717 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718931089 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4032 [img_h] => 3024 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [size] => 2.50 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1489&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1489/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_c370c33a1bfbd76f6c154c1c22560d66.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 690 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [3] => Array ( [idx] => 1488 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1488 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [b_content] => ㅇ Date : June 20, 2024 (Thu) 18:00 (KST)
ㅇ Main agenda
- Introduction of FC4S and its activities
- Explanation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the importance of gender finance: related to SDG 5, gender equality
- Explanation of toolkit for promoting gender finance and discussion among financial centers
ㅇ Participants
- (BFC) Soon-goo Ahn, Director of Financial Research Div2
- (FC4S) Fabienne Michaux, Director, SDG Impact. UNDP Sustainable Finance Hub
- 20 participants from financial centers in Hong Kong, Mauritius, Portugal, etc. [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718930798 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 650 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:46:38 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:46:38 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1488 [subject_text] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional .. [print_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [subject_alink] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional .. [list_cont] => ㅇ Date : June 20, 2024 (Thu) 18:00 (KST)ㅇ Main agenda - Introduction of FC4S and its activities - Explanation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the importance of gender finance: related to SDG 5, gender equality - Explanation of toolkit for promoting gender finance and discussion among.. [date9] => 2024.06.21 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 21 [date] => 2024-06-21 [o_date] => 2024-06-21 [date1] => 2024-06-21 [o_date1] => 2024-06-21 [date2] => 2024-06-21 09:46 [o_date2] => 2024-06-21 09:46 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1711 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1488 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 스크린샷_2024-06-20_180521.png [filename] => 2f4783ccacd86b485340aa8bd1bbbe8c.png [filesize] => 1329668 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718930798 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1908 [img_h] => 974 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [size] => 1.27 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1488&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1488/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1712 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1488 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => 스크린샷_2024-06-20_183614.png [filename] => 2c1f97bea881c8d215d73470eca426df.png [filesize] => 504777 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718930798 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1658 [img_h] => 887 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [size] => 492.95 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1488&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1488/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_2f4783ccacd86b485340aa8bd1bbbe8c.png [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 650 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [4] => Array ( [idx] => 1823 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1823 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [b_content] =>
ㅇ Title : Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry"
ㅇ Date : Thursday, June 20, 2024, 14:00 – 17:00
ㅇ Location : Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporation
ㅇ Agenda
- Presentation of research findings on strengthening competitiveness in the ship fuel supply industry, followed by feedback and discussion [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1731473545 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 90 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-11-13 13:52:25 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1823 [subject_text] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness.. [print_subject] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [subject_alink] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness.. [list_cont] => ㅇ Title : Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry"ㅇ Date : Thursday, June 20, 2024, 14:00 – 17:00ㅇ Location : Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporationㅇ Agenda&.. [date9] => 2024.11.13 [date_ym] => 24.11 [date9_d] => 13 [date] => 2024-06-20 [o_date] => 2024-11-13 [date1] => 2024-06-20 [o_date1] => 2024-11-13 [date2] => 2024-06-20 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-11-13 13:52 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-20 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 2326 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1823 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => The Final Report Meeting.jpg [filename] => 6066c9195b4a56f37f47e41c5359b3fe.jpg [filesize] => 1485690 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1731473545 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4032 [img_h] => 3024 [sURL] => [b_subject] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [size] => 1.42 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1823&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1823/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_6066c9195b4a56f37f47e41c5359b3fe.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 90 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [5] => Array ( [idx] => 1487 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1487 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [b_content] => □ Forum Overview
ㅇ Organizer : Busan Finance Center
ㅇ Date : June 19, 2024 (Wed) 14:00∼17:00
ㅇ Venue: Conference Room of the Korea Securities Depository (BIFC 39th Floor)
ㅇ Key participants: Financial Supervisory Service, Bank of Korea, employee organizations (Busan Metropolitan City, Korea Exchange, Korea Asset Management Corporation, Korea Ocean Business Corporation, BNK Busan Bank, Korea Technology Finance Corporation) 22 practitioners, academics and industry figures
ㅇ Topic Presentation
1) Scheme to foster digital finance in Busan
2) Ireland policy case to explore ways to foster maritime financial center
3) Analysis of Menon Report to strengthen the competitiveness of Busan as a maritime financial center [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718930561 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 726 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:42:41 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1487 [subject_text] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [print_subject] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [subject_alink] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [list_cont] => □ Forum Overviewㅇ Organizer : Busan Finance Centerㅇ Date : June 19, 2024 (Wed) 14:00∼17:00ㅇ Venue: Conference Room of the Korea Securities Depository (BIFC 39th Floor)ㅇ Key participants: Financial Supervisory Service, Bank of Korea, employee organizations (Busan Metropolitan City.. [date9] => 2024.06.21 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 21 [date] => 2024-06-20 [o_date] => 2024-06-21 [date1] => 2024-06-20 [o_date1] => 2024-06-21 [date2] => 2024-06-20 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-06-21 09:42 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-20 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1710 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1487 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 10회_부금포.jpg [filename] => facc54cbbf825025134c96fca3dd9bba.jpg [filesize] => 3435459 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718930561 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 5712 [img_h] => 4284 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [size] => 3.28 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1487&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1487/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_facc54cbbf825025134c96fca3dd9bba.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 726 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [6] => Array ( [idx] => 1565 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1565 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [b_content] =>□ Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Associationㅇ Event name: 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association
ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 13. (Thu), 14:00-17:00
ㅇ Place: Lotte Hotel, Busan
ㅇ Contents: Presenting and discussing the current status of ESG responses by local companies and policy suggestions to local governments and financial institutions
[b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1721102912 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 596 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-07-16 13:08:32 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1565 [subject_text] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [print_subject] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [subject_alink] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [list_cont] => □ Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Associationㅇ Event name: 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 13. (Thu), 14:00-17:00 ㅇ Place: Lotte Hotel, Busan ㅇ Contents: Presenting and discussing the current status of ESG .. [date9] => 2024.07.16 [date_ym] => 24.07 [date9_d] => 16 [date] => 2024-06-13 [o_date] => 2024-07-16 [date1] => 2024-06-13 [o_date1] => 2024-07-16 [date2] => 2024-06-13 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-07-16 13:08 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-13 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1831 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1565 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => KakaoTalk_20240626_101444135_05.jpg [filename] => 849dc38ef2875071462f742c148e53b0.jpg [filesize] => 125434 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721102912 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1024 [img_h] => 476 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [size] => 122.50 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1565&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1565/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_849dc38ef2875071462f742c148e53b0.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 596 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [7] => Array ( [idx] => 1468 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1468 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [b_content] => ㅇ Date: June 11, 2024 (Wed) 16:30~18:30
ㅇ Venue: Busan Finance Center Conference Room
ㅇ Speaker: (Former) Soon-Young Oh, Managing director of Financial AI Center, KB Bank
ㅇ Topic: Current Status and Implications of Financial Services in the AI Era [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718343144 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 780 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-14 14:32:24 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1468 [subject_text] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [print_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [subject_alink] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [list_cont] => ㅇ Date: June 11, 2024 (Wed) 16:30~18:30ㅇ Venue: Busan Finance Center Conference Roomㅇ Speaker: (Former) Soon-Young Oh, Managing director of Financial AI Center, KB Bankㅇ Topic: Current Status and Implications of Financial Services in the AI Era [date9] => 2024.06.14 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 14 [date] => 2024-06-13 [o_date] => 2024-06-14 [date1] => 2024-06-13 [o_date1] => 2024-06-14 [date2] => 2024-06-13 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-06-14 14:32 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-13 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1679 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1468 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => KakaoTalk_20240612_171833759_04.jpg [filename] => 37d209d10b3a72b3d0f91fed59048021.jpg [filesize] => 5317579 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718343144 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [size] => 5.08 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1468&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1468/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1680 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1468 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => KakaoTalk_20240612_171833759_07.jpg [filename] => 80552265e3bbb754f706011b606b008c.jpg [filesize] => 3983247 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718343144 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [size] => 3.80 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1468&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1468/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_37d209d10b3a72b3d0f91fed59048021.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 780 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [8] => Array ( [idx] => 1564 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1564 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => The 2nd Digital Financial Research Seminar to be held [b_content] =>□ The 2nd Digital Financial Research Seminar to be held
ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 11. (Wednesday) 16:30~18:30
ㅇ Place: 53rd floor conference room of BFC
ㅇ Speaker: Oh Soon-young, (former) head of KB Kookmin Bank's Financial AI Center
ㅇ Topic: Current Status and Implications of Financial Services in the Age of AI
ㅇ Attendance: About 20 researchers and practitioners from related organizations in the financial center, such as Pusan National University, Korea Maritime University, Korea Exchange, Korea Maritime Development Corporation, Bank of Korea, BNK Busan Bank, and the Global Fintech Industry Promotion Center
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ㅇ Publisher: Z/Yen Group Limited*
* It is a think tank of the City of London, established in 1994 by Michale Mainelli, the current mayor of the London Special Financial Zone, and announces the International Financial Center Index (GFCI) and the International Green Financial Index (GGFI) in more than 120 cities around the world every year
ㅇ Publication date: June 3, 2024
ㅇ Key Contents: The 1st Basic Plan for Carbon-Negative Green Growth in Busan
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ㅇ Access the Z/Yen Community Newsletter here
ㅇ Reporter: Gong-pil Choi, President of Digital Finance Center
ㅇ Date: May 30, 2024 (Thu) 13:00~15:00
ㅇ Place: Busan Finance Center Conference Room (53rd floor, BIFC)
ㅇ Highlights:
- Research on how to foster digital finance in Busan to realize a global financial hub city
- Investigation of the current status of digital finance at home and abroad, the current status of Busan, and the current status of the financial industry in Busan
- Based on the surveyed status and infrastructure of Busan City, present vision and tasks for fostering digital finance in Busan, and create detailed issues for specific realization plans
- Based on the results, we propose policy formulation at the request of Busan Metropolitan City [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717994123 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 802 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-01 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-10 13:35:23 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-01 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1455 [subject_text] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [print_subject] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [subject_alink] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [list_cont] => ㅇ Title: Final Report on "Busan Digital Finance Fostering Plan" Research Serviceㅇ Reporter: Gong-pil Choi, President of Digital Finance Centerㅇ Date: May 30, 2024 (Thu) 13:00~15:00 ㅇ Place: Busan Finance Center Conference Room (53rd floor, BIFC)ㅇ Highlights:- Research on how to foster digi.. [date9] => 2024.06.10 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 10 [date] => 2024-06-01 [o_date] => 2024-06-10 [date1] => 2024-06-01 [o_date1] => 2024-06-10 [date2] => 2024-06-01 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-06-10 13:35 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-01 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1640 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1455 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 1.jpg [filename] => 681e57079485288a6777fc8509e35197.jpg [filesize] => 4561987 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717994123 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [size] => 4.36 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1455&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1455/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1641 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1455 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => 2.jpg [filename] => 2e8c59f00d3d0ec84eb87f89a8bfa9bc.jpg [filesize] => 5108881 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717994123 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [size] => 4.88 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1455&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1455/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_681e57079485288a6777fc8509e35197.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 802 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [11] => Array ( [idx] => 1562 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1562 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan [b_content] =>□ Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan
ㅇ Date and time: May 30, 2024 (Thursday) 10:00
ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2
ㅇ Host: Korea Maritime Policy Association, Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry
ㅇ Sponsor: Korea Institute of Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering, International Newspaper, KNN
ㅇ Program
- (Opening Ceremony) CEO Do Young-hee (Korea Maritime Policy Alliance) and Executive Vice Chairman Chung Hyun-min (Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
- (Presentation) Jang Ha-yong, Researcher (Busan Research Institute)
- (Discussion) Chairperson: Bae Jeong-cheol, Director (Korea Institute of Maritime Materials),
Director Park Mi-ae (BFC)
Professor Kang Yun-ho (Korea Maritime University)
Professor Yoon Hee-sung (National Maritime University)
Secretary General Lee Kyu-jung (Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
Hwang Jin-hoe, an associate researcher (Korea Institute of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Development)
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ㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 30.(Thu) 10:00
ㅇ Venue: Busan Metropolitan City Hall
ㅇ Main contents
- Introduction of the World Alliance of International Financial Centers (WAIFC) and WAIFC activities of the Busan Finance Center
- Discussion on how to foster the Busan Financial Centre and future cooperation
- Discussion on Busan's bid for the 2026 WAIFC Annual General Meeting [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717045981 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 864 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:13:01 [print_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:13:01 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1440 [subject_text] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conferen.. [print_subject] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [subject_alink] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conferen.. [list_cont] => ㅁ Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference ㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 30.(Thu) 10:00ㅇ Venue: Busan Metropolitan City Hallㅇ Main contents - Introduction of the World Alliance of International Financial Centers (WAIFC) and .. [date9] => 2024.05.30 [date_ym] => 24.05 [date9_d] => 30 [date] => 2024-05-30 [o_date] => 2024-05-30 [date1] => 2024-05-30 [o_date1] => 2024-05-30 [date2] => 2024-05-30 14:13 [o_date2] => 2024-05-30 14:13 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1624 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1440 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => BFC-WAIFC-BMC_Meeting_240530_(1).jpg [filename] => 5be090b2b0ef366043847441f9a14d00.jpg [filesize] => 503788 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045981 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1081 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [size] => 491.99 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1440&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1440/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1625 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1440 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => BFC-WAIFC-BMC_Meeting_240530_(3).jpg [filename] => bd6b6a49339f0c66b2ec52110a405937.jpg [filesize] => 475652 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045981 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1080 [img_h] => 1440 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [size] => 464.51 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1440&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1440/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_5be090b2b0ef366043847441f9a14d00.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 864 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [13] => Array ( [idx] => 1439 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1439 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [b_content] => □ Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum
ㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 29.(Wed) 10:00~17:00
ㅇ Venue: BNK Busan Bank Headquarter Auditorium
ㅇ Topic: Beyond digital transformation (DX), the era of AI transformation (AX), what is the future of the digital economy?
ㅇ Host/Sponsor: Web 3.0 Forum/Electronic Times Internet
ㅇ Sponsor: Busan Metropolitan City, Busan Finance Center, Busan IT Industry Promotion Agency, Sogang University
ㅇ Key participants
- (Korea) Chairman of Web3.0 Forum Chairman, Vice Mayor for Economic Affairs of Busan Metropolitan City, President of Busan Finance Center
- (Abroad) Jochen Biedermann WAIFC Managing Director, Patrick Storey VISA Korea&Mongolia Country Manager [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717045770 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 729 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => 1717046395 [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:09:30 [print_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:09:30 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1439 [subject_text] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.. [print_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [subject_alink] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.. [list_cont] => □ Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forumㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 29.(Wed) 10:00~17:00 ㅇ Venue: BNK Busan Bank Headquarter Auditoriumㅇ Topic: Beyond digital transformation (DX), the era of AI transformation (AX).. [date9] => 2024.05.30 [date_ym] => 24.05 [date9_d] => 30 [date] => 2024-05-30 [o_date] => 2024-05-30 [date1] => 2024-05-30 [o_date1] => 2024-05-30 [date2] => 2024-05-30 14:09 [o_date2] => 2024-05-30 14:09 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1622 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1439 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => Web3.0_Forum_240529_(12).jpg [filename] => 590b9da20088d7ebeede33cdc088cdba.jpg [filesize] => 523724 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045770 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1081 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [size] => 511.45 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1439&num=1 [file_content_org] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [contents] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1439/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1623 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1439 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => Web3.0_Forum_240529_(13).jpg [filename] => 81df9c7991289517f1158b1bbb65b63d.jpg [filesize] => 620748 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045770 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1081 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [size] => 606.20 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1439&num=2 [file_content_org] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [contents] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1439/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_590b9da20088d7ebeede33cdc088cdba.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 729 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [14] => Array ( [idx] => 1438 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1438 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [b_content] => □ Join Fincity.Tokyo Online Meeting
ㅇ Date : 28 May 2024 (Tue) 13:00 (KST)
ㅇ Main agenda
- Discussion on the selection of Busan Finance Centre as an excellent example of WAIFC Art & Financial Centres Project and request for case introduction
- Discussion on the schedule of WAIFC Annual General Meeting scheduled to be held in Tokyo and Osaka on 2024.10.10
ㅇ Key participants
- (Busan Finance Centre) Manager Gyeongmi Lee
- (Fincity.Tokyo) Mumu, Misaki [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717045262 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 769 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => 1717045276 [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-05-28 16:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:01:02 [print_date_str] => 2024-05-28 16:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1438 [subject_text] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [print_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [subject_alink] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [list_cont] => □ Join Fincity.Tokyo Online Meetingㅇ Date : 28 May 2024 (Tue) 13:00 (KST)ㅇ Main agenda - Discussion on the selection of Busan Finance Centre as an excellent example of WAIFC Art & Financial Centres Project and request for case introduction - Discussion on the schedule of WAIFC Annual Gener.. [date9] => 2024.05.30 [date_ym] => 24.05 [date9_d] => 30 [date] => 2024-05-28 [o_date] => 2024-05-30 [date1] => 2024-05-28 [o_date1] => 2024-05-30 [date2] => 2024-05-28 16:00 [o_date2] => 2024-05-30 14:01 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-05-28 [print_date_y] => 16 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1620 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1438 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => zoom_meeting.png [filename] => 53cc74abf1d2cd30d859966867d9a5e5.png [filesize] => 429003 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045262 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1920 [img_h] => 1080 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [size] => 418.95 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1438&num=1 [file_content_org] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [contents] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1438/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1621 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1438 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => zoom_meeting_1.png [filename] => 098b78c3e959e06da366280d50c8ac29.png [filesize] => 1036003 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045262 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1920 [img_h] => 1080 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [size] => 1,011.73 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1438&num=2 [file_content_org] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [contents] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1438/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_53cc74abf1d2cd30d859966867d9a5e5.png [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 769 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) )
BFC관리자 2024-06-13 VIEWS596
Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar
ㅇ Date: June 11, 2024 (Wed) 16:30~18:30ㅇ Venue: Busan Finance Center Conference Roomㅇ Speaker: (Former) Soon-Young Oh, Managing director of Financial AI Center, KB Bankㅇ Topic: Current Status and Implications of Financial Services in the AI Era
Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1509 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1509 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [b_content] => ㅇ Date: 2024. 6. 26.(Wed) 10:00 am
ㅇ Location: 63rd floor of Busan International Financial Center
ㅇ Main agenda: Introduction of Busan Financial Centre, regional infrastructure, and regional balanced development policy, etc. [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1719473477 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 653 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-27 16:31:17 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-27 16:31:17 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1509 [subject_text] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [print_subject] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [subject_alink] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [list_cont] => ㅇ Date: 2024. 6. 26.(Wed) 10:00 am ㅇ Location: 63rd floor of Busan International Financial Center ㅇ Main agenda: Introduction of Busan Financial Centre, regional infrastructure, and regional balanced development policy, etc. [date9] => 2024.06.27 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 27 [date] => 2024-06-27 [o_date] => 2024-06-27 [date1] => 2024-06-27 [o_date1] => 2024-06-27 [date2] => 2024-06-27 16:31 [o_date2] => 2024-06-27 16:31 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1745 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1509 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 사진1.jpg [filename] => 12c6c317dacee8905ed41ad984da19f6.jpg [filesize] => 455295 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1719473477 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1080 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [size] => 444.63 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1509&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1509/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_12c6c317dacee8905ed41ad984da19f6.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 653 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1566 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1566 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [b_content] =>□ 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held
ㅇ Event Name: 2024 Busan International Financial Forum
ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 25. (Thursday) 14:00
ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2
ㅇ Host: Busan Ilbo, BFC
ㅇ Program
- Opening Address: Kim Jin-soo, President of Busan Ilbo
- Welcome Address: Lee Myung-ho, President of the Busan Finance Center
- Congratulatory address: Busan Mayor Park Hyung-joon, National Assembly Member Jeon Jae-soo, National Assembly Member Park Soo-young, Busan Digital Asset Exchange CEO Kim Sang-min, CEO Philio Tam GREEN-X CORP
- Session 1: Blockchain Special Zone, Future of Digital Finance in Busan
Presentation (Kim Sang-min, CEO of Busan Digital Asset Exchange)
-Session 2: The task of Busan, the center of maritime finance
Presentation (Park Mi-ae, Head of the Busan Finance Center)
-Session 3: Role and policy plan of local financial institutions for revitalizing the Busan economy
Presentation (Lee Byung-yoon, senior researcher at the Korea Financial Research Institute)
[b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 681 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-26 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-07-16 13:12:27 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-26 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1566 [subject_text] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [print_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [subject_alink] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [list_cont] => □ 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held ㅇ Event Name: 2024 Busan International Financial Forum ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 25. (Thursday) 14:00 ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2 ㅇ Host: Busan Ilbo, BFC ㅇ Program - Opening Address: Kim.. [date9] => 2024.07.16 [date_ym] => 24.07 [date9_d] => 16 [date] => 2024-06-26 [o_date] => 2024-07-16 [date1] => 2024-06-26 [o_date1] => 2024-07-16 [date2] => 2024-06-26 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-07-16 13:12 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-26 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1832 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1566 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 2024062518224277869_l.jpg [filename] => 948885dcae997d17969df2092c0fadef.jpg [filesize] => 283440 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 640 [img_h] => 301 [sURL] => [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [size] => 276.80 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1566&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1566/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1833 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1566 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => 2024062518335039363_l.jpg [filename] => 712381f0c9a7370f4d946601a0723394.jpg [filesize] => 379460 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 640 [img_h] => 379 [sURL] => [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [size] => 370.57 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1566&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1566/2 ) [2] => Array ( [idx] => 1834 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1566 [num] => 3 [filename_org] => 2024062518220008487_l.jpg [filename] => b1c891ee9c8fb446773917a594d70603.jpg [filesize] => 379099 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 640 [img_h] => 386 [sURL] => [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [size] => 370.22 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1566&num=3 [file_content_org] => [contents] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1566/3 ) ) [fileNum] => 3 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_948885dcae997d17969df2092c0fadef.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 681 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [2] => Array ( [idx] => 1489 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1489 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [b_content] => ㅇ Date: June 20, 2024 (Thu), 14:00~17:00
ㅇ Place: Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporation
ㅇ Content
- Report on research results on strengthening competitiveness of Vessel fuel supply industry and listen to opinions/discussion [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718931089 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 690 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:51:29 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:51:29 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1489 [subject_text] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fu.. [print_subject] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [subject_alink] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fu.. [list_cont] => ㅇ Date: June 20, 2024 (Thu), 14:00~17:00 ㅇ Place: Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporation ㅇ Content - Report on research results on strengthening competitiveness of Vessel fuel supply industry and listen to opinions/discussion [date9] => 2024.06.21 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 21 [date] => 2024-06-21 [o_date] => 2024-06-21 [date1] => 2024-06-21 [o_date1] => 2024-06-21 [date2] => 2024-06-21 09:51 [o_date2] => 2024-06-21 09:51 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1713 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1489 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 최종보고회_사진.jpg [filename] => c370c33a1bfbd76f6c154c1c22560d66.jpg [filesize] => 2617717 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718931089 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4032 [img_h] => 3024 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [size] => 2.50 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1489&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1489/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_c370c33a1bfbd76f6c154c1c22560d66.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 690 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [3] => Array ( [idx] => 1488 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1488 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [b_content] => ㅇ Date : June 20, 2024 (Thu) 18:00 (KST)
ㅇ Main agenda
- Introduction of FC4S and its activities
- Explanation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the importance of gender finance: related to SDG 5, gender equality
- Explanation of toolkit for promoting gender finance and discussion among financial centers
ㅇ Participants
- (BFC) Soon-goo Ahn, Director of Financial Research Div2
- (FC4S) Fabienne Michaux, Director, SDG Impact. UNDP Sustainable Finance Hub
- 20 participants from financial centers in Hong Kong, Mauritius, Portugal, etc. [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718930798 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 650 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:46:38 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:46:38 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1488 [subject_text] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional .. [print_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [subject_alink] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional .. [list_cont] => ㅇ Date : June 20, 2024 (Thu) 18:00 (KST)ㅇ Main agenda - Introduction of FC4S and its activities - Explanation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the importance of gender finance: related to SDG 5, gender equality - Explanation of toolkit for promoting gender finance and discussion among.. [date9] => 2024.06.21 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 21 [date] => 2024-06-21 [o_date] => 2024-06-21 [date1] => 2024-06-21 [o_date1] => 2024-06-21 [date2] => 2024-06-21 09:46 [o_date2] => 2024-06-21 09:46 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1711 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1488 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 스크린샷_2024-06-20_180521.png [filename] => 2f4783ccacd86b485340aa8bd1bbbe8c.png [filesize] => 1329668 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718930798 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1908 [img_h] => 974 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [size] => 1.27 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1488&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1488/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1712 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1488 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => 스크린샷_2024-06-20_183614.png [filename] => 2c1f97bea881c8d215d73470eca426df.png [filesize] => 504777 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718930798 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1658 [img_h] => 887 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [size] => 492.95 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1488&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1488/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_2f4783ccacd86b485340aa8bd1bbbe8c.png [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 650 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [4] => Array ( [idx] => 1823 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1823 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [b_content] =>
ㅇ Title : Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry"
ㅇ Date : Thursday, June 20, 2024, 14:00 – 17:00
ㅇ Location : Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporation
ㅇ Agenda
- Presentation of research findings on strengthening competitiveness in the ship fuel supply industry, followed by feedback and discussion [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1731473545 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 90 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-11-13 13:52:25 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1823 [subject_text] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness.. [print_subject] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [subject_alink] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness.. [list_cont] => ㅇ Title : Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry"ㅇ Date : Thursday, June 20, 2024, 14:00 – 17:00ㅇ Location : Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporationㅇ Agenda&.. [date9] => 2024.11.13 [date_ym] => 24.11 [date9_d] => 13 [date] => 2024-06-20 [o_date] => 2024-11-13 [date1] => 2024-06-20 [o_date1] => 2024-11-13 [date2] => 2024-06-20 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-11-13 13:52 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-20 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 2326 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1823 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => The Final Report Meeting.jpg [filename] => 6066c9195b4a56f37f47e41c5359b3fe.jpg [filesize] => 1485690 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1731473545 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4032 [img_h] => 3024 [sURL] => [b_subject] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [size] => 1.42 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1823&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1823/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_6066c9195b4a56f37f47e41c5359b3fe.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 90 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [5] => Array ( [idx] => 1487 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1487 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [b_content] => □ Forum Overview
ㅇ Organizer : Busan Finance Center
ㅇ Date : June 19, 2024 (Wed) 14:00∼17:00
ㅇ Venue: Conference Room of the Korea Securities Depository (BIFC 39th Floor)
ㅇ Key participants: Financial Supervisory Service, Bank of Korea, employee organizations (Busan Metropolitan City, Korea Exchange, Korea Asset Management Corporation, Korea Ocean Business Corporation, BNK Busan Bank, Korea Technology Finance Corporation) 22 practitioners, academics and industry figures
ㅇ Topic Presentation
1) Scheme to foster digital finance in Busan
2) Ireland policy case to explore ways to foster maritime financial center
3) Analysis of Menon Report to strengthen the competitiveness of Busan as a maritime financial center [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718930561 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 726 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:42:41 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1487 [subject_text] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [print_subject] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [subject_alink] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [list_cont] => □ Forum Overviewㅇ Organizer : Busan Finance Centerㅇ Date : June 19, 2024 (Wed) 14:00∼17:00ㅇ Venue: Conference Room of the Korea Securities Depository (BIFC 39th Floor)ㅇ Key participants: Financial Supervisory Service, Bank of Korea, employee organizations (Busan Metropolitan City.. [date9] => 2024.06.21 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 21 [date] => 2024-06-20 [o_date] => 2024-06-21 [date1] => 2024-06-20 [o_date1] => 2024-06-21 [date2] => 2024-06-20 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-06-21 09:42 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-20 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1710 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1487 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 10회_부금포.jpg [filename] => facc54cbbf825025134c96fca3dd9bba.jpg [filesize] => 3435459 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718930561 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 5712 [img_h] => 4284 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [size] => 3.28 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1487&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1487/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_facc54cbbf825025134c96fca3dd9bba.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 726 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [6] => Array ( [idx] => 1565 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1565 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [b_content] =>□ Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Associationㅇ Event name: 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association
ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 13. (Thu), 14:00-17:00
ㅇ Place: Lotte Hotel, Busan
ㅇ Contents: Presenting and discussing the current status of ESG responses by local companies and policy suggestions to local governments and financial institutions
[b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1721102912 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 596 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-07-16 13:08:32 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1565 [subject_text] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [print_subject] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [subject_alink] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [list_cont] => □ Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Associationㅇ Event name: 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 13. (Thu), 14:00-17:00 ㅇ Place: Lotte Hotel, Busan ㅇ Contents: Presenting and discussing the current status of ESG .. [date9] => 2024.07.16 [date_ym] => 24.07 [date9_d] => 16 [date] => 2024-06-13 [o_date] => 2024-07-16 [date1] => 2024-06-13 [o_date1] => 2024-07-16 [date2] => 2024-06-13 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-07-16 13:08 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-13 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1831 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1565 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => KakaoTalk_20240626_101444135_05.jpg [filename] => 849dc38ef2875071462f742c148e53b0.jpg [filesize] => 125434 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721102912 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1024 [img_h] => 476 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [size] => 122.50 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1565&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1565/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_849dc38ef2875071462f742c148e53b0.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 596 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [7] => Array ( [idx] => 1468 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1468 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [b_content] => ㅇ Date: June 11, 2024 (Wed) 16:30~18:30
ㅇ Venue: Busan Finance Center Conference Room
ㅇ Speaker: (Former) Soon-Young Oh, Managing director of Financial AI Center, KB Bank
ㅇ Topic: Current Status and Implications of Financial Services in the AI Era [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718343144 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 780 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-14 14:32:24 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1468 [subject_text] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [print_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [subject_alink] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [list_cont] => ㅇ Date: June 11, 2024 (Wed) 16:30~18:30ㅇ Venue: Busan Finance Center Conference Roomㅇ Speaker: (Former) Soon-Young Oh, Managing director of Financial AI Center, KB Bankㅇ Topic: Current Status and Implications of Financial Services in the AI Era [date9] => 2024.06.14 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 14 [date] => 2024-06-13 [o_date] => 2024-06-14 [date1] => 2024-06-13 [o_date1] => 2024-06-14 [date2] => 2024-06-13 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-06-14 14:32 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-13 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1679 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1468 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => KakaoTalk_20240612_171833759_04.jpg [filename] => 37d209d10b3a72b3d0f91fed59048021.jpg [filesize] => 5317579 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718343144 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [size] => 5.08 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1468&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1468/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1680 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1468 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => KakaoTalk_20240612_171833759_07.jpg [filename] => 80552265e3bbb754f706011b606b008c.jpg [filesize] => 3983247 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718343144 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [size] => 3.80 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1468&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1468/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_37d209d10b3a72b3d0f91fed59048021.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 780 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [8] => Array ( [idx] => 1564 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1564 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => The 2nd Digital Financial Research Seminar to be held [b_content] =>□ The 2nd Digital Financial Research Seminar to be held
ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 11. (Wednesday) 16:30~18:30
ㅇ Place: 53rd floor conference room of BFC
ㅇ Speaker: Oh Soon-young, (former) head of KB Kookmin Bank's Financial AI Center
ㅇ Topic: Current Status and Implications of Financial Services in the Age of AI
ㅇ Attendance: About 20 researchers and practitioners from related organizations in the financial center, such as Pusan National University, Korea Maritime University, Korea Exchange, Korea Maritime Development Corporation, Bank of Korea, BNK Busan Bank, and the Global Fintech Industry Promotion Center
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ㅇ Publisher: Z/Yen Group Limited*
* It is a think tank of the City of London, established in 1994 by Michale Mainelli, the current mayor of the London Special Financial Zone, and announces the International Financial Center Index (GFCI) and the International Green Financial Index (GGFI) in more than 120 cities around the world every year
ㅇ Publication date: June 3, 2024
ㅇ Key Contents: The 1st Basic Plan for Carbon-Negative Green Growth in Busan
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ㅇ Access the Z/Yen Community Newsletter here
ㅇ Reporter: Gong-pil Choi, President of Digital Finance Center
ㅇ Date: May 30, 2024 (Thu) 13:00~15:00
ㅇ Place: Busan Finance Center Conference Room (53rd floor, BIFC)
ㅇ Highlights:
- Research on how to foster digital finance in Busan to realize a global financial hub city
- Investigation of the current status of digital finance at home and abroad, the current status of Busan, and the current status of the financial industry in Busan
- Based on the surveyed status and infrastructure of Busan City, present vision and tasks for fostering digital finance in Busan, and create detailed issues for specific realization plans
- Based on the results, we propose policy formulation at the request of Busan Metropolitan City [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717994123 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 802 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-01 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-10 13:35:23 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-01 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1455 [subject_text] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [print_subject] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [subject_alink] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [list_cont] => ㅇ Title: Final Report on "Busan Digital Finance Fostering Plan" Research Serviceㅇ Reporter: Gong-pil Choi, President of Digital Finance Centerㅇ Date: May 30, 2024 (Thu) 13:00~15:00 ㅇ Place: Busan Finance Center Conference Room (53rd floor, BIFC)ㅇ Highlights:- Research on how to foster digi.. [date9] => 2024.06.10 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 10 [date] => 2024-06-01 [o_date] => 2024-06-10 [date1] => 2024-06-01 [o_date1] => 2024-06-10 [date2] => 2024-06-01 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-06-10 13:35 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-01 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1640 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1455 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 1.jpg [filename] => 681e57079485288a6777fc8509e35197.jpg [filesize] => 4561987 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717994123 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [size] => 4.36 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1455&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1455/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1641 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1455 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => 2.jpg [filename] => 2e8c59f00d3d0ec84eb87f89a8bfa9bc.jpg [filesize] => 5108881 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717994123 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [size] => 4.88 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1455&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1455/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_681e57079485288a6777fc8509e35197.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 802 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [11] => Array ( [idx] => 1562 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1562 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan [b_content] =>□ Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan
ㅇ Date and time: May 30, 2024 (Thursday) 10:00
ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2
ㅇ Host: Korea Maritime Policy Association, Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry
ㅇ Sponsor: Korea Institute of Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering, International Newspaper, KNN
ㅇ Program
- (Opening Ceremony) CEO Do Young-hee (Korea Maritime Policy Alliance) and Executive Vice Chairman Chung Hyun-min (Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
- (Presentation) Jang Ha-yong, Researcher (Busan Research Institute)
- (Discussion) Chairperson: Bae Jeong-cheol, Director (Korea Institute of Maritime Materials),
Director Park Mi-ae (BFC)
Professor Kang Yun-ho (Korea Maritime University)
Professor Yoon Hee-sung (National Maritime University)
Secretary General Lee Kyu-jung (Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
Hwang Jin-hoe, an associate researcher (Korea Institute of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Development)
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ㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 30.(Thu) 10:00
ㅇ Venue: Busan Metropolitan City Hall
ㅇ Main contents
- Introduction of the World Alliance of International Financial Centers (WAIFC) and WAIFC activities of the Busan Finance Center
- Discussion on how to foster the Busan Financial Centre and future cooperation
- Discussion on Busan's bid for the 2026 WAIFC Annual General Meeting [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717045981 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 864 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:13:01 [print_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:13:01 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1440 [subject_text] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conferen.. [print_subject] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [subject_alink] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conferen.. [list_cont] => ㅁ Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference ㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 30.(Thu) 10:00ㅇ Venue: Busan Metropolitan City Hallㅇ Main contents - Introduction of the World Alliance of International Financial Centers (WAIFC) and .. [date9] => 2024.05.30 [date_ym] => 24.05 [date9_d] => 30 [date] => 2024-05-30 [o_date] => 2024-05-30 [date1] => 2024-05-30 [o_date1] => 2024-05-30 [date2] => 2024-05-30 14:13 [o_date2] => 2024-05-30 14:13 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1624 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1440 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => BFC-WAIFC-BMC_Meeting_240530_(1).jpg [filename] => 5be090b2b0ef366043847441f9a14d00.jpg [filesize] => 503788 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045981 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1081 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [size] => 491.99 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1440&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1440/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1625 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1440 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => BFC-WAIFC-BMC_Meeting_240530_(3).jpg [filename] => bd6b6a49339f0c66b2ec52110a405937.jpg [filesize] => 475652 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045981 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1080 [img_h] => 1440 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [size] => 464.51 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1440&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1440/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_5be090b2b0ef366043847441f9a14d00.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 864 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [13] => Array ( [idx] => 1439 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1439 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [b_content] => □ Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum
ㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 29.(Wed) 10:00~17:00
ㅇ Venue: BNK Busan Bank Headquarter Auditorium
ㅇ Topic: Beyond digital transformation (DX), the era of AI transformation (AX), what is the future of the digital economy?
ㅇ Host/Sponsor: Web 3.0 Forum/Electronic Times Internet
ㅇ Sponsor: Busan Metropolitan City, Busan Finance Center, Busan IT Industry Promotion Agency, Sogang University
ㅇ Key participants
- (Korea) Chairman of Web3.0 Forum Chairman, Vice Mayor for Economic Affairs of Busan Metropolitan City, President of Busan Finance Center
- (Abroad) Jochen Biedermann WAIFC Managing Director, Patrick Storey VISA Korea&Mongolia Country Manager [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717045770 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 729 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => 1717046395 [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:09:30 [print_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:09:30 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1439 [subject_text] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.. [print_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [subject_alink] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.. [list_cont] => □ Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forumㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 29.(Wed) 10:00~17:00 ㅇ Venue: BNK Busan Bank Headquarter Auditoriumㅇ Topic: Beyond digital transformation (DX), the era of AI transformation (AX).. [date9] => 2024.05.30 [date_ym] => 24.05 [date9_d] => 30 [date] => 2024-05-30 [o_date] => 2024-05-30 [date1] => 2024-05-30 [o_date1] => 2024-05-30 [date2] => 2024-05-30 14:09 [o_date2] => 2024-05-30 14:09 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1622 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1439 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => Web3.0_Forum_240529_(12).jpg [filename] => 590b9da20088d7ebeede33cdc088cdba.jpg [filesize] => 523724 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045770 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1081 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [size] => 511.45 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1439&num=1 [file_content_org] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [contents] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1439/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1623 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1439 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => Web3.0_Forum_240529_(13).jpg [filename] => 81df9c7991289517f1158b1bbb65b63d.jpg [filesize] => 620748 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045770 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1081 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [size] => 606.20 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1439&num=2 [file_content_org] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [contents] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1439/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_590b9da20088d7ebeede33cdc088cdba.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 729 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [14] => Array ( [idx] => 1438 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1438 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [b_content] => □ Join Fincity.Tokyo Online Meeting
ㅇ Date : 28 May 2024 (Tue) 13:00 (KST)
ㅇ Main agenda
- Discussion on the selection of Busan Finance Centre as an excellent example of WAIFC Art & Financial Centres Project and request for case introduction
- Discussion on the schedule of WAIFC Annual General Meeting scheduled to be held in Tokyo and Osaka on 2024.10.10
ㅇ Key participants
- (Busan Finance Centre) Manager Gyeongmi Lee
- (Fincity.Tokyo) Mumu, Misaki [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717045262 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 769 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => 1717045276 [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-05-28 16:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:01:02 [print_date_str] => 2024-05-28 16:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1438 [subject_text] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [print_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [subject_alink] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [list_cont] => □ Join Fincity.Tokyo Online Meetingㅇ Date : 28 May 2024 (Tue) 13:00 (KST)ㅇ Main agenda - Discussion on the selection of Busan Finance Centre as an excellent example of WAIFC Art & Financial Centres Project and request for case introduction - Discussion on the schedule of WAIFC Annual Gener.. [date9] => 2024.05.30 [date_ym] => 24.05 [date9_d] => 30 [date] => 2024-05-28 [o_date] => 2024-05-30 [date1] => 2024-05-28 [o_date1] => 2024-05-30 [date2] => 2024-05-28 16:00 [o_date2] => 2024-05-30 14:01 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-05-28 [print_date_y] => 16 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1620 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1438 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => zoom_meeting.png [filename] => 53cc74abf1d2cd30d859966867d9a5e5.png [filesize] => 429003 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045262 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1920 [img_h] => 1080 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [size] => 418.95 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1438&num=1 [file_content_org] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [contents] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1438/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1621 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1438 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => zoom_meeting_1.png [filename] => 098b78c3e959e06da366280d50c8ac29.png [filesize] => 1036003 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045262 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1920 [img_h] => 1080 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [size] => 1,011.73 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1438&num=2 [file_content_org] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [contents] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1438/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_53cc74abf1d2cd30d859966867d9a5e5.png [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 769 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) )
BFC관리자 2024-06-13 VIEWS780
The 2nd Digital Financial Research Seminar to be held
□ The 2nd Digital Financial Research Seminar to be held ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 11. (Wednesday) 16:30~18:30 ㅇ Place: 53rd floor conference room of BFC ㅇ Speaker: Oh Soon-young, (former) head of KB Kookmin Bank's Financial AI Center ㅇ Topic: Current Status and Implications of Financial Services in the Age of AI ㅇ Attendance: About 20 researchers and practitioners from related organizations in the financial center, such as Pusan National University, Korea Maritime University, Korea Exchange, Korea Maritime Development Corporation, Bank of Korea, BNK Busan Bank, and the Global Fintech Industry Promotion Center
Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1509 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1509 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [b_content] => ㅇ Date: 2024. 6. 26.(Wed) 10:00 am
ㅇ Location: 63rd floor of Busan International Financial Center
ㅇ Main agenda: Introduction of Busan Financial Centre, regional infrastructure, and regional balanced development policy, etc. [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1719473477 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 653 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-27 16:31:17 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-27 16:31:17 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1509 [subject_text] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [print_subject] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [subject_alink] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [list_cont] => ㅇ Date: 2024. 6. 26.(Wed) 10:00 am ㅇ Location: 63rd floor of Busan International Financial Center ㅇ Main agenda: Introduction of Busan Financial Centre, regional infrastructure, and regional balanced development policy, etc. [date9] => 2024.06.27 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 27 [date] => 2024-06-27 [o_date] => 2024-06-27 [date1] => 2024-06-27 [o_date1] => 2024-06-27 [date2] => 2024-06-27 16:31 [o_date2] => 2024-06-27 16:31 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1745 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1509 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 사진1.jpg [filename] => 12c6c317dacee8905ed41ad984da19f6.jpg [filesize] => 455295 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1719473477 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1080 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [size] => 444.63 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1509&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1509/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_12c6c317dacee8905ed41ad984da19f6.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 653 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1566 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1566 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [b_content] =>□ 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held
ㅇ Event Name: 2024 Busan International Financial Forum
ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 25. (Thursday) 14:00
ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2
ㅇ Host: Busan Ilbo, BFC
ㅇ Program
- Opening Address: Kim Jin-soo, President of Busan Ilbo
- Welcome Address: Lee Myung-ho, President of the Busan Finance Center
- Congratulatory address: Busan Mayor Park Hyung-joon, National Assembly Member Jeon Jae-soo, National Assembly Member Park Soo-young, Busan Digital Asset Exchange CEO Kim Sang-min, CEO Philio Tam GREEN-X CORP
- Session 1: Blockchain Special Zone, Future of Digital Finance in Busan
Presentation (Kim Sang-min, CEO of Busan Digital Asset Exchange)
-Session 2: The task of Busan, the center of maritime finance
Presentation (Park Mi-ae, Head of the Busan Finance Center)
-Session 3: Role and policy plan of local financial institutions for revitalizing the Busan economy
Presentation (Lee Byung-yoon, senior researcher at the Korea Financial Research Institute)
[b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 681 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-26 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-07-16 13:12:27 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-26 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1566 [subject_text] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [print_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [subject_alink] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [list_cont] => □ 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held ㅇ Event Name: 2024 Busan International Financial Forum ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 25. (Thursday) 14:00 ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2 ㅇ Host: Busan Ilbo, BFC ㅇ Program - Opening Address: Kim.. [date9] => 2024.07.16 [date_ym] => 24.07 [date9_d] => 16 [date] => 2024-06-26 [o_date] => 2024-07-16 [date1] => 2024-06-26 [o_date1] => 2024-07-16 [date2] => 2024-06-26 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-07-16 13:12 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-26 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1832 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1566 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 2024062518224277869_l.jpg [filename] => 948885dcae997d17969df2092c0fadef.jpg [filesize] => 283440 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 640 [img_h] => 301 [sURL] => [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [size] => 276.80 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1566&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1566/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1833 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1566 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => 2024062518335039363_l.jpg [filename] => 712381f0c9a7370f4d946601a0723394.jpg [filesize] => 379460 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 640 [img_h] => 379 [sURL] => [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [size] => 370.57 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1566&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1566/2 ) [2] => Array ( [idx] => 1834 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1566 [num] => 3 [filename_org] => 2024062518220008487_l.jpg [filename] => b1c891ee9c8fb446773917a594d70603.jpg [filesize] => 379099 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 640 [img_h] => 386 [sURL] => [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [size] => 370.22 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1566&num=3 [file_content_org] => [contents] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1566/3 ) ) [fileNum] => 3 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_948885dcae997d17969df2092c0fadef.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 681 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [2] => Array ( [idx] => 1489 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1489 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [b_content] => ㅇ Date: June 20, 2024 (Thu), 14:00~17:00
ㅇ Place: Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporation
ㅇ Content
- Report on research results on strengthening competitiveness of Vessel fuel supply industry and listen to opinions/discussion [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718931089 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 690 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:51:29 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:51:29 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1489 [subject_text] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fu.. [print_subject] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [subject_alink] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fu.. [list_cont] => ㅇ Date: June 20, 2024 (Thu), 14:00~17:00 ㅇ Place: Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporation ㅇ Content - Report on research results on strengthening competitiveness of Vessel fuel supply industry and listen to opinions/discussion [date9] => 2024.06.21 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 21 [date] => 2024-06-21 [o_date] => 2024-06-21 [date1] => 2024-06-21 [o_date1] => 2024-06-21 [date2] => 2024-06-21 09:51 [o_date2] => 2024-06-21 09:51 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1713 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1489 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 최종보고회_사진.jpg [filename] => c370c33a1bfbd76f6c154c1c22560d66.jpg [filesize] => 2617717 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718931089 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4032 [img_h] => 3024 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [size] => 2.50 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1489&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1489/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_c370c33a1bfbd76f6c154c1c22560d66.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 690 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [3] => Array ( [idx] => 1488 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1488 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [b_content] => ㅇ Date : June 20, 2024 (Thu) 18:00 (KST)
ㅇ Main agenda
- Introduction of FC4S and its activities
- Explanation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the importance of gender finance: related to SDG 5, gender equality
- Explanation of toolkit for promoting gender finance and discussion among financial centers
ㅇ Participants
- (BFC) Soon-goo Ahn, Director of Financial Research Div2
- (FC4S) Fabienne Michaux, Director, SDG Impact. UNDP Sustainable Finance Hub
- 20 participants from financial centers in Hong Kong, Mauritius, Portugal, etc. [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718930798 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 650 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:46:38 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:46:38 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1488 [subject_text] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional .. [print_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [subject_alink] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional .. [list_cont] => ㅇ Date : June 20, 2024 (Thu) 18:00 (KST)ㅇ Main agenda - Introduction of FC4S and its activities - Explanation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the importance of gender finance: related to SDG 5, gender equality - Explanation of toolkit for promoting gender finance and discussion among.. [date9] => 2024.06.21 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 21 [date] => 2024-06-21 [o_date] => 2024-06-21 [date1] => 2024-06-21 [o_date1] => 2024-06-21 [date2] => 2024-06-21 09:46 [o_date2] => 2024-06-21 09:46 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1711 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1488 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 스크린샷_2024-06-20_180521.png [filename] => 2f4783ccacd86b485340aa8bd1bbbe8c.png [filesize] => 1329668 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718930798 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1908 [img_h] => 974 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [size] => 1.27 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1488&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1488/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1712 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1488 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => 스크린샷_2024-06-20_183614.png [filename] => 2c1f97bea881c8d215d73470eca426df.png [filesize] => 504777 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718930798 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1658 [img_h] => 887 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [size] => 492.95 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1488&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1488/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_2f4783ccacd86b485340aa8bd1bbbe8c.png [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 650 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [4] => Array ( [idx] => 1823 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1823 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [b_content] =>
ㅇ Title : Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry"
ㅇ Date : Thursday, June 20, 2024, 14:00 – 17:00
ㅇ Location : Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporation
ㅇ Agenda
- Presentation of research findings on strengthening competitiveness in the ship fuel supply industry, followed by feedback and discussion [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1731473545 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 90 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-11-13 13:52:25 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1823 [subject_text] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness.. [print_subject] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [subject_alink] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness.. [list_cont] => ㅇ Title : Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry"ㅇ Date : Thursday, June 20, 2024, 14:00 – 17:00ㅇ Location : Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporationㅇ Agenda&.. [date9] => 2024.11.13 [date_ym] => 24.11 [date9_d] => 13 [date] => 2024-06-20 [o_date] => 2024-11-13 [date1] => 2024-06-20 [o_date1] => 2024-11-13 [date2] => 2024-06-20 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-11-13 13:52 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-20 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 2326 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1823 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => The Final Report Meeting.jpg [filename] => 6066c9195b4a56f37f47e41c5359b3fe.jpg [filesize] => 1485690 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1731473545 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4032 [img_h] => 3024 [sURL] => [b_subject] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [size] => 1.42 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1823&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1823/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_6066c9195b4a56f37f47e41c5359b3fe.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 90 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [5] => Array ( [idx] => 1487 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1487 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [b_content] => □ Forum Overview
ㅇ Organizer : Busan Finance Center
ㅇ Date : June 19, 2024 (Wed) 14:00∼17:00
ㅇ Venue: Conference Room of the Korea Securities Depository (BIFC 39th Floor)
ㅇ Key participants: Financial Supervisory Service, Bank of Korea, employee organizations (Busan Metropolitan City, Korea Exchange, Korea Asset Management Corporation, Korea Ocean Business Corporation, BNK Busan Bank, Korea Technology Finance Corporation) 22 practitioners, academics and industry figures
ㅇ Topic Presentation
1) Scheme to foster digital finance in Busan
2) Ireland policy case to explore ways to foster maritime financial center
3) Analysis of Menon Report to strengthen the competitiveness of Busan as a maritime financial center [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718930561 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 726 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:42:41 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1487 [subject_text] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [print_subject] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [subject_alink] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [list_cont] => □ Forum Overviewㅇ Organizer : Busan Finance Centerㅇ Date : June 19, 2024 (Wed) 14:00∼17:00ㅇ Venue: Conference Room of the Korea Securities Depository (BIFC 39th Floor)ㅇ Key participants: Financial Supervisory Service, Bank of Korea, employee organizations (Busan Metropolitan City.. [date9] => 2024.06.21 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 21 [date] => 2024-06-20 [o_date] => 2024-06-21 [date1] => 2024-06-20 [o_date1] => 2024-06-21 [date2] => 2024-06-20 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-06-21 09:42 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-20 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1710 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1487 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 10회_부금포.jpg [filename] => facc54cbbf825025134c96fca3dd9bba.jpg [filesize] => 3435459 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718930561 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 5712 [img_h] => 4284 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [size] => 3.28 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1487&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1487/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_facc54cbbf825025134c96fca3dd9bba.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 726 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [6] => Array ( [idx] => 1565 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1565 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [b_content] =>□ Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Associationㅇ Event name: 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association
ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 13. (Thu), 14:00-17:00
ㅇ Place: Lotte Hotel, Busan
ㅇ Contents: Presenting and discussing the current status of ESG responses by local companies and policy suggestions to local governments and financial institutions
[b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1721102912 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 596 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-07-16 13:08:32 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1565 [subject_text] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [print_subject] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [subject_alink] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [list_cont] => □ Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Associationㅇ Event name: 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 13. (Thu), 14:00-17:00 ㅇ Place: Lotte Hotel, Busan ㅇ Contents: Presenting and discussing the current status of ESG .. [date9] => 2024.07.16 [date_ym] => 24.07 [date9_d] => 16 [date] => 2024-06-13 [o_date] => 2024-07-16 [date1] => 2024-06-13 [o_date1] => 2024-07-16 [date2] => 2024-06-13 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-07-16 13:08 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-13 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1831 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1565 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => KakaoTalk_20240626_101444135_05.jpg [filename] => 849dc38ef2875071462f742c148e53b0.jpg [filesize] => 125434 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721102912 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1024 [img_h] => 476 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [size] => 122.50 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1565&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1565/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_849dc38ef2875071462f742c148e53b0.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 596 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [7] => Array ( [idx] => 1468 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1468 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [b_content] => ㅇ Date: June 11, 2024 (Wed) 16:30~18:30
ㅇ Venue: Busan Finance Center Conference Room
ㅇ Speaker: (Former) Soon-Young Oh, Managing director of Financial AI Center, KB Bank
ㅇ Topic: Current Status and Implications of Financial Services in the AI Era [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718343144 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 780 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-14 14:32:24 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1468 [subject_text] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [print_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [subject_alink] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [list_cont] => ㅇ Date: June 11, 2024 (Wed) 16:30~18:30ㅇ Venue: Busan Finance Center Conference Roomㅇ Speaker: (Former) Soon-Young Oh, Managing director of Financial AI Center, KB Bankㅇ Topic: Current Status and Implications of Financial Services in the AI Era [date9] => 2024.06.14 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 14 [date] => 2024-06-13 [o_date] => 2024-06-14 [date1] => 2024-06-13 [o_date1] => 2024-06-14 [date2] => 2024-06-13 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-06-14 14:32 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-13 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1679 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1468 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => KakaoTalk_20240612_171833759_04.jpg [filename] => 37d209d10b3a72b3d0f91fed59048021.jpg [filesize] => 5317579 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718343144 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [size] => 5.08 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1468&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1468/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1680 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1468 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => KakaoTalk_20240612_171833759_07.jpg [filename] => 80552265e3bbb754f706011b606b008c.jpg [filesize] => 3983247 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718343144 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [size] => 3.80 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1468&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1468/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_37d209d10b3a72b3d0f91fed59048021.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 780 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [8] => Array ( [idx] => 1564 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1564 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => The 2nd Digital Financial Research Seminar to be held [b_content] =>□ The 2nd Digital Financial Research Seminar to be held
ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 11. (Wednesday) 16:30~18:30
ㅇ Place: 53rd floor conference room of BFC
ㅇ Speaker: Oh Soon-young, (former) head of KB Kookmin Bank's Financial AI Center
ㅇ Topic: Current Status and Implications of Financial Services in the Age of AI
ㅇ Attendance: About 20 researchers and practitioners from related organizations in the financial center, such as Pusan National University, Korea Maritime University, Korea Exchange, Korea Maritime Development Corporation, Bank of Korea, BNK Busan Bank, and the Global Fintech Industry Promotion Center
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ㅇ Publisher: Z/Yen Group Limited*
* It is a think tank of the City of London, established in 1994 by Michale Mainelli, the current mayor of the London Special Financial Zone, and announces the International Financial Center Index (GFCI) and the International Green Financial Index (GGFI) in more than 120 cities around the world every year
ㅇ Publication date: June 3, 2024
ㅇ Key Contents: The 1st Basic Plan for Carbon-Negative Green Growth in Busan
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ㅇ Access the Z/Yen Community Newsletter here
ㅇ Reporter: Gong-pil Choi, President of Digital Finance Center
ㅇ Date: May 30, 2024 (Thu) 13:00~15:00
ㅇ Place: Busan Finance Center Conference Room (53rd floor, BIFC)
ㅇ Highlights:
- Research on how to foster digital finance in Busan to realize a global financial hub city
- Investigation of the current status of digital finance at home and abroad, the current status of Busan, and the current status of the financial industry in Busan
- Based on the surveyed status and infrastructure of Busan City, present vision and tasks for fostering digital finance in Busan, and create detailed issues for specific realization plans
- Based on the results, we propose policy formulation at the request of Busan Metropolitan City [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717994123 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 802 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-01 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-10 13:35:23 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-01 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1455 [subject_text] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [print_subject] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [subject_alink] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [list_cont] => ㅇ Title: Final Report on "Busan Digital Finance Fostering Plan" Research Serviceㅇ Reporter: Gong-pil Choi, President of Digital Finance Centerㅇ Date: May 30, 2024 (Thu) 13:00~15:00 ㅇ Place: Busan Finance Center Conference Room (53rd floor, BIFC)ㅇ Highlights:- Research on how to foster digi.. [date9] => 2024.06.10 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 10 [date] => 2024-06-01 [o_date] => 2024-06-10 [date1] => 2024-06-01 [o_date1] => 2024-06-10 [date2] => 2024-06-01 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-06-10 13:35 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-01 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1640 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1455 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 1.jpg [filename] => 681e57079485288a6777fc8509e35197.jpg [filesize] => 4561987 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717994123 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [size] => 4.36 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1455&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1455/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1641 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1455 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => 2.jpg [filename] => 2e8c59f00d3d0ec84eb87f89a8bfa9bc.jpg [filesize] => 5108881 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717994123 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [size] => 4.88 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1455&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1455/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_681e57079485288a6777fc8509e35197.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 802 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [11] => Array ( [idx] => 1562 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1562 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan [b_content] =>□ Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan
ㅇ Date and time: May 30, 2024 (Thursday) 10:00
ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2
ㅇ Host: Korea Maritime Policy Association, Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry
ㅇ Sponsor: Korea Institute of Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering, International Newspaper, KNN
ㅇ Program
- (Opening Ceremony) CEO Do Young-hee (Korea Maritime Policy Alliance) and Executive Vice Chairman Chung Hyun-min (Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
- (Presentation) Jang Ha-yong, Researcher (Busan Research Institute)
- (Discussion) Chairperson: Bae Jeong-cheol, Director (Korea Institute of Maritime Materials),
Director Park Mi-ae (BFC)
Professor Kang Yun-ho (Korea Maritime University)
Professor Yoon Hee-sung (National Maritime University)
Secretary General Lee Kyu-jung (Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
Hwang Jin-hoe, an associate researcher (Korea Institute of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Development)
[b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1721102510 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 573 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-05-31 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-07-16 13:01:50 [print_date_str] => 2024-05-31 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1562 [subject_text] => Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan [print_subject] => Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan [subject_alink] => Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan [list_cont] => □ Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan ㅇ Date and time: May 30, 2024 (Thursday) 10:00 ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2 ㅇ Host: Korea Maritime Policy Association, Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry ㅇ Sponsor: Kore.. [date9] => 2024.07.16 [date_ym] => 24.07 [date9_d] => 16 [date] => 2024-05-31 [o_date] => 2024-07-16 [date1] => 2024-05-31 [o_date1] => 2024-07-16 [date2] => 2024-05-31 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-07-16 13:01 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-05-31 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1827 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1562 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 9ca679f6a8fdbd9b16cac0ee83b2a69f.jpg [filename] => 24ed25c33317f9b4556669b19a4fce7e.jpg [filesize] => 2987102 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721102510 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4032 [img_h] => 3024 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan [size] => 2.85 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1562&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1562/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_24ed25c33317f9b4556669b19a4fce7e.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 573 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [12] => Array ( [idx] => 1440 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1440 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [b_content] => ㅁ Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference
ㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 30.(Thu) 10:00
ㅇ Venue: Busan Metropolitan City Hall
ㅇ Main contents
- Introduction of the World Alliance of International Financial Centers (WAIFC) and WAIFC activities of the Busan Finance Center
- Discussion on how to foster the Busan Financial Centre and future cooperation
- Discussion on Busan's bid for the 2026 WAIFC Annual General Meeting [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717045981 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 864 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:13:01 [print_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:13:01 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1440 [subject_text] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conferen.. [print_subject] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [subject_alink] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conferen.. [list_cont] => ㅁ Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference ㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 30.(Thu) 10:00ㅇ Venue: Busan Metropolitan City Hallㅇ Main contents - Introduction of the World Alliance of International Financial Centers (WAIFC) and .. [date9] => 2024.05.30 [date_ym] => 24.05 [date9_d] => 30 [date] => 2024-05-30 [o_date] => 2024-05-30 [date1] => 2024-05-30 [o_date1] => 2024-05-30 [date2] => 2024-05-30 14:13 [o_date2] => 2024-05-30 14:13 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1624 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1440 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => BFC-WAIFC-BMC_Meeting_240530_(1).jpg [filename] => 5be090b2b0ef366043847441f9a14d00.jpg [filesize] => 503788 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045981 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1081 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [size] => 491.99 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1440&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1440/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1625 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1440 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => BFC-WAIFC-BMC_Meeting_240530_(3).jpg [filename] => bd6b6a49339f0c66b2ec52110a405937.jpg [filesize] => 475652 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045981 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1080 [img_h] => 1440 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [size] => 464.51 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1440&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1440/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_5be090b2b0ef366043847441f9a14d00.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 864 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [13] => Array ( [idx] => 1439 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1439 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [b_content] => □ Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum
ㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 29.(Wed) 10:00~17:00
ㅇ Venue: BNK Busan Bank Headquarter Auditorium
ㅇ Topic: Beyond digital transformation (DX), the era of AI transformation (AX), what is the future of the digital economy?
ㅇ Host/Sponsor: Web 3.0 Forum/Electronic Times Internet
ㅇ Sponsor: Busan Metropolitan City, Busan Finance Center, Busan IT Industry Promotion Agency, Sogang University
ㅇ Key participants
- (Korea) Chairman of Web3.0 Forum Chairman, Vice Mayor for Economic Affairs of Busan Metropolitan City, President of Busan Finance Center
- (Abroad) Jochen Biedermann WAIFC Managing Director, Patrick Storey VISA Korea&Mongolia Country Manager [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717045770 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 729 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => 1717046395 [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:09:30 [print_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:09:30 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1439 [subject_text] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.. [print_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [subject_alink] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.. [list_cont] => □ Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forumㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 29.(Wed) 10:00~17:00 ㅇ Venue: BNK Busan Bank Headquarter Auditoriumㅇ Topic: Beyond digital transformation (DX), the era of AI transformation (AX).. [date9] => 2024.05.30 [date_ym] => 24.05 [date9_d] => 30 [date] => 2024-05-30 [o_date] => 2024-05-30 [date1] => 2024-05-30 [o_date1] => 2024-05-30 [date2] => 2024-05-30 14:09 [o_date2] => 2024-05-30 14:09 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1622 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1439 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => Web3.0_Forum_240529_(12).jpg [filename] => 590b9da20088d7ebeede33cdc088cdba.jpg [filesize] => 523724 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045770 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1081 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [size] => 511.45 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1439&num=1 [file_content_org] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [contents] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1439/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1623 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1439 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => Web3.0_Forum_240529_(13).jpg [filename] => 81df9c7991289517f1158b1bbb65b63d.jpg [filesize] => 620748 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045770 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1081 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [size] => 606.20 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1439&num=2 [file_content_org] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [contents] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1439/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_590b9da20088d7ebeede33cdc088cdba.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 729 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [14] => Array ( [idx] => 1438 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1438 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [b_content] => □ Join Fincity.Tokyo Online Meeting
ㅇ Date : 28 May 2024 (Tue) 13:00 (KST)
ㅇ Main agenda
- Discussion on the selection of Busan Finance Centre as an excellent example of WAIFC Art & Financial Centres Project and request for case introduction
- Discussion on the schedule of WAIFC Annual General Meeting scheduled to be held in Tokyo and Osaka on 2024.10.10
ㅇ Key participants
- (Busan Finance Centre) Manager Gyeongmi Lee
- (Fincity.Tokyo) Mumu, Misaki [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717045262 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 769 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => 1717045276 [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-05-28 16:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:01:02 [print_date_str] => 2024-05-28 16:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1438 [subject_text] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [print_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [subject_alink] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [list_cont] => □ Join Fincity.Tokyo Online Meetingㅇ Date : 28 May 2024 (Tue) 13:00 (KST)ㅇ Main agenda - Discussion on the selection of Busan Finance Centre as an excellent example of WAIFC Art & Financial Centres Project and request for case introduction - Discussion on the schedule of WAIFC Annual Gener.. [date9] => 2024.05.30 [date_ym] => 24.05 [date9_d] => 30 [date] => 2024-05-28 [o_date] => 2024-05-30 [date1] => 2024-05-28 [o_date1] => 2024-05-30 [date2] => 2024-05-28 16:00 [o_date2] => 2024-05-30 14:01 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-05-28 [print_date_y] => 16 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1620 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1438 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => zoom_meeting.png [filename] => 53cc74abf1d2cd30d859966867d9a5e5.png [filesize] => 429003 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045262 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1920 [img_h] => 1080 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [size] => 418.95 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1438&num=1 [file_content_org] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [contents] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1438/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1621 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1438 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => zoom_meeting_1.png [filename] => 098b78c3e959e06da366280d50c8ac29.png [filesize] => 1036003 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045262 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1920 [img_h] => 1080 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [size] => 1,011.73 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1438&num=2 [file_content_org] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [contents] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1438/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_53cc74abf1d2cd30d859966867d9a5e5.png [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 769 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) )
BFC관리자 2024-06-12 VIEWS578
Z/Yen Community Newsletter June 2024 is published
□ Z/Yen Community Newsletter June 2024 is published ㅇ Publisher: Z/Yen Group Limited* * It is a think tank of the City of London, established in 1994 by Michale Mainelli, the current mayor of the London Special Financial Zone, and announces the International Financial Center Index (GFCI) and the International Green Financial Index (GGFI) in more than 120 cities around the world every year ㅇ Publication date: June 3, 2024 ㅇ Key Contents: The 1st Basic Plan for Carbon-Negative Green Growth in Busanㅇ Access the Z/Yen Community Newsletter here
Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1509 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1509 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [b_content] => ㅇ Date: 2024. 6. 26.(Wed) 10:00 am
ㅇ Location: 63rd floor of Busan International Financial Center
ㅇ Main agenda: Introduction of Busan Financial Centre, regional infrastructure, and regional balanced development policy, etc. [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1719473477 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 653 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-27 16:31:17 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-27 16:31:17 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1509 [subject_text] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [print_subject] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [subject_alink] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [list_cont] => ㅇ Date: 2024. 6. 26.(Wed) 10:00 am ㅇ Location: 63rd floor of Busan International Financial Center ㅇ Main agenda: Introduction of Busan Financial Centre, regional infrastructure, and regional balanced development policy, etc. [date9] => 2024.06.27 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 27 [date] => 2024-06-27 [o_date] => 2024-06-27 [date1] => 2024-06-27 [o_date1] => 2024-06-27 [date2] => 2024-06-27 16:31 [o_date2] => 2024-06-27 16:31 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1745 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1509 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 사진1.jpg [filename] => 12c6c317dacee8905ed41ad984da19f6.jpg [filesize] => 455295 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1719473477 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1080 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [size] => 444.63 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1509&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1509/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_12c6c317dacee8905ed41ad984da19f6.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 653 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1566 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1566 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [b_content] =>□ 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held
ㅇ Event Name: 2024 Busan International Financial Forum
ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 25. (Thursday) 14:00
ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2
ㅇ Host: Busan Ilbo, BFC
ㅇ Program
- Opening Address: Kim Jin-soo, President of Busan Ilbo
- Welcome Address: Lee Myung-ho, President of the Busan Finance Center
- Congratulatory address: Busan Mayor Park Hyung-joon, National Assembly Member Jeon Jae-soo, National Assembly Member Park Soo-young, Busan Digital Asset Exchange CEO Kim Sang-min, CEO Philio Tam GREEN-X CORP
- Session 1: Blockchain Special Zone, Future of Digital Finance in Busan
Presentation (Kim Sang-min, CEO of Busan Digital Asset Exchange)
-Session 2: The task of Busan, the center of maritime finance
Presentation (Park Mi-ae, Head of the Busan Finance Center)
-Session 3: Role and policy plan of local financial institutions for revitalizing the Busan economy
Presentation (Lee Byung-yoon, senior researcher at the Korea Financial Research Institute)
[b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 681 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-26 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-07-16 13:12:27 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-26 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1566 [subject_text] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [print_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [subject_alink] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [list_cont] => □ 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held ㅇ Event Name: 2024 Busan International Financial Forum ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 25. (Thursday) 14:00 ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2 ㅇ Host: Busan Ilbo, BFC ㅇ Program - Opening Address: Kim.. [date9] => 2024.07.16 [date_ym] => 24.07 [date9_d] => 16 [date] => 2024-06-26 [o_date] => 2024-07-16 [date1] => 2024-06-26 [o_date1] => 2024-07-16 [date2] => 2024-06-26 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-07-16 13:12 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-26 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1832 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1566 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 2024062518224277869_l.jpg [filename] => 948885dcae997d17969df2092c0fadef.jpg [filesize] => 283440 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 640 [img_h] => 301 [sURL] => [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [size] => 276.80 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1566&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1566/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1833 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1566 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => 2024062518335039363_l.jpg [filename] => 712381f0c9a7370f4d946601a0723394.jpg [filesize] => 379460 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 640 [img_h] => 379 [sURL] => [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [size] => 370.57 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1566&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1566/2 ) [2] => Array ( [idx] => 1834 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1566 [num] => 3 [filename_org] => 2024062518220008487_l.jpg [filename] => b1c891ee9c8fb446773917a594d70603.jpg [filesize] => 379099 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 640 [img_h] => 386 [sURL] => [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [size] => 370.22 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1566&num=3 [file_content_org] => [contents] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1566/3 ) ) [fileNum] => 3 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_948885dcae997d17969df2092c0fadef.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 681 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [2] => Array ( [idx] => 1489 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1489 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [b_content] => ㅇ Date: June 20, 2024 (Thu), 14:00~17:00
ㅇ Place: Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporation
ㅇ Content
- Report on research results on strengthening competitiveness of Vessel fuel supply industry and listen to opinions/discussion [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718931089 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 690 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:51:29 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:51:29 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1489 [subject_text] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fu.. [print_subject] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [subject_alink] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fu.. [list_cont] => ㅇ Date: June 20, 2024 (Thu), 14:00~17:00 ㅇ Place: Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporation ㅇ Content - Report on research results on strengthening competitiveness of Vessel fuel supply industry and listen to opinions/discussion [date9] => 2024.06.21 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 21 [date] => 2024-06-21 [o_date] => 2024-06-21 [date1] => 2024-06-21 [o_date1] => 2024-06-21 [date2] => 2024-06-21 09:51 [o_date2] => 2024-06-21 09:51 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1713 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1489 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 최종보고회_사진.jpg [filename] => c370c33a1bfbd76f6c154c1c22560d66.jpg [filesize] => 2617717 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718931089 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4032 [img_h] => 3024 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [size] => 2.50 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1489&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1489/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_c370c33a1bfbd76f6c154c1c22560d66.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 690 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [3] => Array ( [idx] => 1488 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1488 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [b_content] => ㅇ Date : June 20, 2024 (Thu) 18:00 (KST)
ㅇ Main agenda
- Introduction of FC4S and its activities
- Explanation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the importance of gender finance: related to SDG 5, gender equality
- Explanation of toolkit for promoting gender finance and discussion among financial centers
ㅇ Participants
- (BFC) Soon-goo Ahn, Director of Financial Research Div2
- (FC4S) Fabienne Michaux, Director, SDG Impact. UNDP Sustainable Finance Hub
- 20 participants from financial centers in Hong Kong, Mauritius, Portugal, etc. [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718930798 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 650 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:46:38 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:46:38 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1488 [subject_text] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional .. [print_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [subject_alink] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional .. [list_cont] => ㅇ Date : June 20, 2024 (Thu) 18:00 (KST)ㅇ Main agenda - Introduction of FC4S and its activities - Explanation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the importance of gender finance: related to SDG 5, gender equality - Explanation of toolkit for promoting gender finance and discussion among.. [date9] => 2024.06.21 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 21 [date] => 2024-06-21 [o_date] => 2024-06-21 [date1] => 2024-06-21 [o_date1] => 2024-06-21 [date2] => 2024-06-21 09:46 [o_date2] => 2024-06-21 09:46 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1711 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1488 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 스크린샷_2024-06-20_180521.png [filename] => 2f4783ccacd86b485340aa8bd1bbbe8c.png [filesize] => 1329668 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718930798 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1908 [img_h] => 974 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [size] => 1.27 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1488&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1488/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1712 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1488 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => 스크린샷_2024-06-20_183614.png [filename] => 2c1f97bea881c8d215d73470eca426df.png [filesize] => 504777 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718930798 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1658 [img_h] => 887 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [size] => 492.95 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1488&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1488/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_2f4783ccacd86b485340aa8bd1bbbe8c.png [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 650 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [4] => Array ( [idx] => 1823 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1823 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [b_content] =>
ㅇ Title : Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry"
ㅇ Date : Thursday, June 20, 2024, 14:00 – 17:00
ㅇ Location : Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporation
ㅇ Agenda
- Presentation of research findings on strengthening competitiveness in the ship fuel supply industry, followed by feedback and discussion [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1731473545 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 90 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-11-13 13:52:25 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1823 [subject_text] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness.. [print_subject] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [subject_alink] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness.. [list_cont] => ㅇ Title : Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry"ㅇ Date : Thursday, June 20, 2024, 14:00 – 17:00ㅇ Location : Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporationㅇ Agenda&.. [date9] => 2024.11.13 [date_ym] => 24.11 [date9_d] => 13 [date] => 2024-06-20 [o_date] => 2024-11-13 [date1] => 2024-06-20 [o_date1] => 2024-11-13 [date2] => 2024-06-20 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-11-13 13:52 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-20 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 2326 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1823 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => The Final Report Meeting.jpg [filename] => 6066c9195b4a56f37f47e41c5359b3fe.jpg [filesize] => 1485690 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1731473545 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4032 [img_h] => 3024 [sURL] => [b_subject] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [size] => 1.42 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1823&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1823/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_6066c9195b4a56f37f47e41c5359b3fe.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 90 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [5] => Array ( [idx] => 1487 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1487 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [b_content] => □ Forum Overview
ㅇ Organizer : Busan Finance Center
ㅇ Date : June 19, 2024 (Wed) 14:00∼17:00
ㅇ Venue: Conference Room of the Korea Securities Depository (BIFC 39th Floor)
ㅇ Key participants: Financial Supervisory Service, Bank of Korea, employee organizations (Busan Metropolitan City, Korea Exchange, Korea Asset Management Corporation, Korea Ocean Business Corporation, BNK Busan Bank, Korea Technology Finance Corporation) 22 practitioners, academics and industry figures
ㅇ Topic Presentation
1) Scheme to foster digital finance in Busan
2) Ireland policy case to explore ways to foster maritime financial center
3) Analysis of Menon Report to strengthen the competitiveness of Busan as a maritime financial center [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718930561 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 726 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:42:41 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1487 [subject_text] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [print_subject] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [subject_alink] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [list_cont] => □ Forum Overviewㅇ Organizer : Busan Finance Centerㅇ Date : June 19, 2024 (Wed) 14:00∼17:00ㅇ Venue: Conference Room of the Korea Securities Depository (BIFC 39th Floor)ㅇ Key participants: Financial Supervisory Service, Bank of Korea, employee organizations (Busan Metropolitan City.. [date9] => 2024.06.21 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 21 [date] => 2024-06-20 [o_date] => 2024-06-21 [date1] => 2024-06-20 [o_date1] => 2024-06-21 [date2] => 2024-06-20 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-06-21 09:42 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-20 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1710 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1487 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 10회_부금포.jpg [filename] => facc54cbbf825025134c96fca3dd9bba.jpg [filesize] => 3435459 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718930561 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 5712 [img_h] => 4284 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [size] => 3.28 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1487&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1487/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_facc54cbbf825025134c96fca3dd9bba.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 726 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [6] => Array ( [idx] => 1565 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1565 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [b_content] =>□ Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Associationㅇ Event name: 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association
ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 13. (Thu), 14:00-17:00
ㅇ Place: Lotte Hotel, Busan
ㅇ Contents: Presenting and discussing the current status of ESG responses by local companies and policy suggestions to local governments and financial institutions
[b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1721102912 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 596 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-07-16 13:08:32 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1565 [subject_text] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [print_subject] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [subject_alink] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [list_cont] => □ Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Associationㅇ Event name: 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 13. (Thu), 14:00-17:00 ㅇ Place: Lotte Hotel, Busan ㅇ Contents: Presenting and discussing the current status of ESG .. [date9] => 2024.07.16 [date_ym] => 24.07 [date9_d] => 16 [date] => 2024-06-13 [o_date] => 2024-07-16 [date1] => 2024-06-13 [o_date1] => 2024-07-16 [date2] => 2024-06-13 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-07-16 13:08 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-13 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1831 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1565 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => KakaoTalk_20240626_101444135_05.jpg [filename] => 849dc38ef2875071462f742c148e53b0.jpg [filesize] => 125434 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721102912 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1024 [img_h] => 476 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [size] => 122.50 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1565&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1565/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_849dc38ef2875071462f742c148e53b0.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 596 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [7] => Array ( [idx] => 1468 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1468 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [b_content] => ㅇ Date: June 11, 2024 (Wed) 16:30~18:30
ㅇ Venue: Busan Finance Center Conference Room
ㅇ Speaker: (Former) Soon-Young Oh, Managing director of Financial AI Center, KB Bank
ㅇ Topic: Current Status and Implications of Financial Services in the AI Era [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718343144 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 780 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-14 14:32:24 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1468 [subject_text] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [print_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [subject_alink] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [list_cont] => ㅇ Date: June 11, 2024 (Wed) 16:30~18:30ㅇ Venue: Busan Finance Center Conference Roomㅇ Speaker: (Former) Soon-Young Oh, Managing director of Financial AI Center, KB Bankㅇ Topic: Current Status and Implications of Financial Services in the AI Era [date9] => 2024.06.14 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 14 [date] => 2024-06-13 [o_date] => 2024-06-14 [date1] => 2024-06-13 [o_date1] => 2024-06-14 [date2] => 2024-06-13 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-06-14 14:32 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-13 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1679 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1468 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => KakaoTalk_20240612_171833759_04.jpg [filename] => 37d209d10b3a72b3d0f91fed59048021.jpg [filesize] => 5317579 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718343144 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [size] => 5.08 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1468&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1468/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1680 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1468 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => KakaoTalk_20240612_171833759_07.jpg [filename] => 80552265e3bbb754f706011b606b008c.jpg [filesize] => 3983247 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718343144 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [size] => 3.80 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1468&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1468/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_37d209d10b3a72b3d0f91fed59048021.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 780 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [8] => Array ( [idx] => 1564 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1564 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => The 2nd Digital Financial Research Seminar to be held [b_content] =>□ The 2nd Digital Financial Research Seminar to be held
ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 11. (Wednesday) 16:30~18:30
ㅇ Place: 53rd floor conference room of BFC
ㅇ Speaker: Oh Soon-young, (former) head of KB Kookmin Bank's Financial AI Center
ㅇ Topic: Current Status and Implications of Financial Services in the Age of AI
ㅇ Attendance: About 20 researchers and practitioners from related organizations in the financial center, such as Pusan National University, Korea Maritime University, Korea Exchange, Korea Maritime Development Corporation, Bank of Korea, BNK Busan Bank, and the Global Fintech Industry Promotion Center
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ㅇ Publisher: Z/Yen Group Limited*
* It is a think tank of the City of London, established in 1994 by Michale Mainelli, the current mayor of the London Special Financial Zone, and announces the International Financial Center Index (GFCI) and the International Green Financial Index (GGFI) in more than 120 cities around the world every year
ㅇ Publication date: June 3, 2024
ㅇ Key Contents: The 1st Basic Plan for Carbon-Negative Green Growth in Busan
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ㅇ Access the Z/Yen Community Newsletter here
ㅇ Reporter: Gong-pil Choi, President of Digital Finance Center
ㅇ Date: May 30, 2024 (Thu) 13:00~15:00
ㅇ Place: Busan Finance Center Conference Room (53rd floor, BIFC)
ㅇ Highlights:
- Research on how to foster digital finance in Busan to realize a global financial hub city
- Investigation of the current status of digital finance at home and abroad, the current status of Busan, and the current status of the financial industry in Busan
- Based on the surveyed status and infrastructure of Busan City, present vision and tasks for fostering digital finance in Busan, and create detailed issues for specific realization plans
- Based on the results, we propose policy formulation at the request of Busan Metropolitan City [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717994123 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 802 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-01 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-10 13:35:23 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-01 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1455 [subject_text] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [print_subject] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [subject_alink] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [list_cont] => ㅇ Title: Final Report on "Busan Digital Finance Fostering Plan" Research Serviceㅇ Reporter: Gong-pil Choi, President of Digital Finance Centerㅇ Date: May 30, 2024 (Thu) 13:00~15:00 ㅇ Place: Busan Finance Center Conference Room (53rd floor, BIFC)ㅇ Highlights:- Research on how to foster digi.. [date9] => 2024.06.10 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 10 [date] => 2024-06-01 [o_date] => 2024-06-10 [date1] => 2024-06-01 [o_date1] => 2024-06-10 [date2] => 2024-06-01 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-06-10 13:35 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-01 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1640 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1455 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 1.jpg [filename] => 681e57079485288a6777fc8509e35197.jpg [filesize] => 4561987 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717994123 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [size] => 4.36 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1455&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1455/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1641 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1455 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => 2.jpg [filename] => 2e8c59f00d3d0ec84eb87f89a8bfa9bc.jpg [filesize] => 5108881 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717994123 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [size] => 4.88 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1455&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1455/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_681e57079485288a6777fc8509e35197.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 802 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [11] => Array ( [idx] => 1562 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1562 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan [b_content] =>□ Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan
ㅇ Date and time: May 30, 2024 (Thursday) 10:00
ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2
ㅇ Host: Korea Maritime Policy Association, Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry
ㅇ Sponsor: Korea Institute of Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering, International Newspaper, KNN
ㅇ Program
- (Opening Ceremony) CEO Do Young-hee (Korea Maritime Policy Alliance) and Executive Vice Chairman Chung Hyun-min (Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
- (Presentation) Jang Ha-yong, Researcher (Busan Research Institute)
- (Discussion) Chairperson: Bae Jeong-cheol, Director (Korea Institute of Maritime Materials),
Director Park Mi-ae (BFC)
Professor Kang Yun-ho (Korea Maritime University)
Professor Yoon Hee-sung (National Maritime University)
Secretary General Lee Kyu-jung (Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
Hwang Jin-hoe, an associate researcher (Korea Institute of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Development)
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ㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 30.(Thu) 10:00
ㅇ Venue: Busan Metropolitan City Hall
ㅇ Main contents
- Introduction of the World Alliance of International Financial Centers (WAIFC) and WAIFC activities of the Busan Finance Center
- Discussion on how to foster the Busan Financial Centre and future cooperation
- Discussion on Busan's bid for the 2026 WAIFC Annual General Meeting [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717045981 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 864 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:13:01 [print_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:13:01 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1440 [subject_text] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conferen.. [print_subject] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [subject_alink] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conferen.. [list_cont] => ㅁ Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference ㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 30.(Thu) 10:00ㅇ Venue: Busan Metropolitan City Hallㅇ Main contents - Introduction of the World Alliance of International Financial Centers (WAIFC) and .. [date9] => 2024.05.30 [date_ym] => 24.05 [date9_d] => 30 [date] => 2024-05-30 [o_date] => 2024-05-30 [date1] => 2024-05-30 [o_date1] => 2024-05-30 [date2] => 2024-05-30 14:13 [o_date2] => 2024-05-30 14:13 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1624 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1440 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => BFC-WAIFC-BMC_Meeting_240530_(1).jpg [filename] => 5be090b2b0ef366043847441f9a14d00.jpg [filesize] => 503788 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045981 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1081 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [size] => 491.99 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1440&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1440/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1625 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1440 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => BFC-WAIFC-BMC_Meeting_240530_(3).jpg [filename] => bd6b6a49339f0c66b2ec52110a405937.jpg [filesize] => 475652 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045981 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1080 [img_h] => 1440 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [size] => 464.51 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1440&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1440/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_5be090b2b0ef366043847441f9a14d00.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 864 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [13] => Array ( [idx] => 1439 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1439 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [b_content] => □ Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum
ㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 29.(Wed) 10:00~17:00
ㅇ Venue: BNK Busan Bank Headquarter Auditorium
ㅇ Topic: Beyond digital transformation (DX), the era of AI transformation (AX), what is the future of the digital economy?
ㅇ Host/Sponsor: Web 3.0 Forum/Electronic Times Internet
ㅇ Sponsor: Busan Metropolitan City, Busan Finance Center, Busan IT Industry Promotion Agency, Sogang University
ㅇ Key participants
- (Korea) Chairman of Web3.0 Forum Chairman, Vice Mayor for Economic Affairs of Busan Metropolitan City, President of Busan Finance Center
- (Abroad) Jochen Biedermann WAIFC Managing Director, Patrick Storey VISA Korea&Mongolia Country Manager [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717045770 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 729 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => 1717046395 [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:09:30 [print_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:09:30 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1439 [subject_text] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.. [print_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [subject_alink] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.. [list_cont] => □ Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forumㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 29.(Wed) 10:00~17:00 ㅇ Venue: BNK Busan Bank Headquarter Auditoriumㅇ Topic: Beyond digital transformation (DX), the era of AI transformation (AX).. [date9] => 2024.05.30 [date_ym] => 24.05 [date9_d] => 30 [date] => 2024-05-30 [o_date] => 2024-05-30 [date1] => 2024-05-30 [o_date1] => 2024-05-30 [date2] => 2024-05-30 14:09 [o_date2] => 2024-05-30 14:09 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1622 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1439 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => Web3.0_Forum_240529_(12).jpg [filename] => 590b9da20088d7ebeede33cdc088cdba.jpg [filesize] => 523724 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045770 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1081 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [size] => 511.45 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1439&num=1 [file_content_org] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [contents] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1439/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1623 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1439 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => Web3.0_Forum_240529_(13).jpg [filename] => 81df9c7991289517f1158b1bbb65b63d.jpg [filesize] => 620748 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045770 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1081 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [size] => 606.20 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1439&num=2 [file_content_org] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [contents] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1439/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_590b9da20088d7ebeede33cdc088cdba.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 729 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [14] => Array ( [idx] => 1438 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1438 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [b_content] => □ Join Fincity.Tokyo Online Meeting
ㅇ Date : 28 May 2024 (Tue) 13:00 (KST)
ㅇ Main agenda
- Discussion on the selection of Busan Finance Centre as an excellent example of WAIFC Art & Financial Centres Project and request for case introduction
- Discussion on the schedule of WAIFC Annual General Meeting scheduled to be held in Tokyo and Osaka on 2024.10.10
ㅇ Key participants
- (Busan Finance Centre) Manager Gyeongmi Lee
- (Fincity.Tokyo) Mumu, Misaki [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717045262 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 769 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => 1717045276 [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-05-28 16:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:01:02 [print_date_str] => 2024-05-28 16:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1438 [subject_text] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [print_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [subject_alink] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [list_cont] => □ Join Fincity.Tokyo Online Meetingㅇ Date : 28 May 2024 (Tue) 13:00 (KST)ㅇ Main agenda - Discussion on the selection of Busan Finance Centre as an excellent example of WAIFC Art & Financial Centres Project and request for case introduction - Discussion on the schedule of WAIFC Annual Gener.. [date9] => 2024.05.30 [date_ym] => 24.05 [date9_d] => 30 [date] => 2024-05-28 [o_date] => 2024-05-30 [date1] => 2024-05-28 [o_date1] => 2024-05-30 [date2] => 2024-05-28 16:00 [o_date2] => 2024-05-30 14:01 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-05-28 [print_date_y] => 16 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1620 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1438 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => zoom_meeting.png [filename] => 53cc74abf1d2cd30d859966867d9a5e5.png [filesize] => 429003 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045262 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1920 [img_h] => 1080 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [size] => 418.95 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1438&num=1 [file_content_org] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [contents] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1438/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1621 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1438 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => zoom_meeting_1.png [filename] => 098b78c3e959e06da366280d50c8ac29.png [filesize] => 1036003 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045262 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1920 [img_h] => 1080 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [size] => 1,011.73 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1438&num=2 [file_content_org] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [contents] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1438/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_53cc74abf1d2cd30d859966867d9a5e5.png [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 769 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) )
BFC관리자 2024-06-10 VIEWS574
Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan
ㅇ Title: Final Report on "Busan Digital Finance Fostering Plan" Research Serviceㅇ Reporter: Gong-pil Choi, President of Digital Finance Centerㅇ Date: May 30, 2024 (Thu) 13:00~15:00 ㅇ Place: Busan Finance Center Conference Room (53rd floor, BIFC)ㅇ Highlights:- Research on how to foster digital finance in Busan to realize a global financial hub city- Investigation of the current status of digital finance at home and abroad, the current status of Busan, and the current status of the financial industry in Busan- Based on the surveyed status and infrastructure of Busan City, present vision and tasks for fostering digital finance in Busan, and create detailed issues for specific realization plans- Based on the results, we propose policy formulation at the request of Busan Metropolitan City
Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1509 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1509 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [b_content] => ㅇ Date: 2024. 6. 26.(Wed) 10:00 am
ㅇ Location: 63rd floor of Busan International Financial Center
ㅇ Main agenda: Introduction of Busan Financial Centre, regional infrastructure, and regional balanced development policy, etc. [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1719473477 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 653 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-27 16:31:17 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-27 16:31:17 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1509 [subject_text] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [print_subject] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [subject_alink] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [list_cont] => ㅇ Date: 2024. 6. 26.(Wed) 10:00 am ㅇ Location: 63rd floor of Busan International Financial Center ㅇ Main agenda: Introduction of Busan Financial Centre, regional infrastructure, and regional balanced development policy, etc. [date9] => 2024.06.27 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 27 [date] => 2024-06-27 [o_date] => 2024-06-27 [date1] => 2024-06-27 [o_date1] => 2024-06-27 [date2] => 2024-06-27 16:31 [o_date2] => 2024-06-27 16:31 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1745 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1509 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 사진1.jpg [filename] => 12c6c317dacee8905ed41ad984da19f6.jpg [filesize] => 455295 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1719473477 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1080 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [size] => 444.63 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1509&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1509/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_12c6c317dacee8905ed41ad984da19f6.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 653 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1566 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1566 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [b_content] =>□ 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held
ㅇ Event Name: 2024 Busan International Financial Forum
ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 25. (Thursday) 14:00
ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2
ㅇ Host: Busan Ilbo, BFC
ㅇ Program
- Opening Address: Kim Jin-soo, President of Busan Ilbo
- Welcome Address: Lee Myung-ho, President of the Busan Finance Center
- Congratulatory address: Busan Mayor Park Hyung-joon, National Assembly Member Jeon Jae-soo, National Assembly Member Park Soo-young, Busan Digital Asset Exchange CEO Kim Sang-min, CEO Philio Tam GREEN-X CORP
- Session 1: Blockchain Special Zone, Future of Digital Finance in Busan
Presentation (Kim Sang-min, CEO of Busan Digital Asset Exchange)
-Session 2: The task of Busan, the center of maritime finance
Presentation (Park Mi-ae, Head of the Busan Finance Center)
-Session 3: Role and policy plan of local financial institutions for revitalizing the Busan economy
Presentation (Lee Byung-yoon, senior researcher at the Korea Financial Research Institute)
[b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 681 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-26 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-07-16 13:12:27 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-26 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1566 [subject_text] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [print_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [subject_alink] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [list_cont] => □ 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held ㅇ Event Name: 2024 Busan International Financial Forum ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 25. (Thursday) 14:00 ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2 ㅇ Host: Busan Ilbo, BFC ㅇ Program - Opening Address: Kim.. [date9] => 2024.07.16 [date_ym] => 24.07 [date9_d] => 16 [date] => 2024-06-26 [o_date] => 2024-07-16 [date1] => 2024-06-26 [o_date1] => 2024-07-16 [date2] => 2024-06-26 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-07-16 13:12 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-26 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1832 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1566 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 2024062518224277869_l.jpg [filename] => 948885dcae997d17969df2092c0fadef.jpg [filesize] => 283440 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 640 [img_h] => 301 [sURL] => [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [size] => 276.80 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1566&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1566/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1833 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1566 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => 2024062518335039363_l.jpg [filename] => 712381f0c9a7370f4d946601a0723394.jpg [filesize] => 379460 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 640 [img_h] => 379 [sURL] => [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [size] => 370.57 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1566&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1566/2 ) [2] => Array ( [idx] => 1834 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1566 [num] => 3 [filename_org] => 2024062518220008487_l.jpg [filename] => b1c891ee9c8fb446773917a594d70603.jpg [filesize] => 379099 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 640 [img_h] => 386 [sURL] => [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [size] => 370.22 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1566&num=3 [file_content_org] => [contents] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1566/3 ) ) [fileNum] => 3 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_948885dcae997d17969df2092c0fadef.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 681 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [2] => Array ( [idx] => 1489 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1489 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [b_content] => ㅇ Date: June 20, 2024 (Thu), 14:00~17:00
ㅇ Place: Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporation
ㅇ Content
- Report on research results on strengthening competitiveness of Vessel fuel supply industry and listen to opinions/discussion [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718931089 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 690 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:51:29 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:51:29 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1489 [subject_text] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fu.. [print_subject] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [subject_alink] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fu.. [list_cont] => ㅇ Date: June 20, 2024 (Thu), 14:00~17:00 ㅇ Place: Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporation ㅇ Content - Report on research results on strengthening competitiveness of Vessel fuel supply industry and listen to opinions/discussion [date9] => 2024.06.21 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 21 [date] => 2024-06-21 [o_date] => 2024-06-21 [date1] => 2024-06-21 [o_date1] => 2024-06-21 [date2] => 2024-06-21 09:51 [o_date2] => 2024-06-21 09:51 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1713 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1489 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 최종보고회_사진.jpg [filename] => c370c33a1bfbd76f6c154c1c22560d66.jpg [filesize] => 2617717 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718931089 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4032 [img_h] => 3024 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [size] => 2.50 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1489&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1489/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_c370c33a1bfbd76f6c154c1c22560d66.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 690 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [3] => Array ( [idx] => 1488 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1488 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [b_content] => ㅇ Date : June 20, 2024 (Thu) 18:00 (KST)
ㅇ Main agenda
- Introduction of FC4S and its activities
- Explanation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the importance of gender finance: related to SDG 5, gender equality
- Explanation of toolkit for promoting gender finance and discussion among financial centers
ㅇ Participants
- (BFC) Soon-goo Ahn, Director of Financial Research Div2
- (FC4S) Fabienne Michaux, Director, SDG Impact. UNDP Sustainable Finance Hub
- 20 participants from financial centers in Hong Kong, Mauritius, Portugal, etc. [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718930798 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 650 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:46:38 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:46:38 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1488 [subject_text] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional .. [print_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [subject_alink] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional .. [list_cont] => ㅇ Date : June 20, 2024 (Thu) 18:00 (KST)ㅇ Main agenda - Introduction of FC4S and its activities - Explanation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the importance of gender finance: related to SDG 5, gender equality - Explanation of toolkit for promoting gender finance and discussion among.. [date9] => 2024.06.21 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 21 [date] => 2024-06-21 [o_date] => 2024-06-21 [date1] => 2024-06-21 [o_date1] => 2024-06-21 [date2] => 2024-06-21 09:46 [o_date2] => 2024-06-21 09:46 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1711 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1488 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 스크린샷_2024-06-20_180521.png [filename] => 2f4783ccacd86b485340aa8bd1bbbe8c.png [filesize] => 1329668 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718930798 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1908 [img_h] => 974 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [size] => 1.27 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1488&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1488/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1712 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1488 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => 스크린샷_2024-06-20_183614.png [filename] => 2c1f97bea881c8d215d73470eca426df.png [filesize] => 504777 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718930798 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1658 [img_h] => 887 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [size] => 492.95 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1488&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1488/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_2f4783ccacd86b485340aa8bd1bbbe8c.png [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 650 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [4] => Array ( [idx] => 1823 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1823 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [b_content] =>
ㅇ Title : Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry"
ㅇ Date : Thursday, June 20, 2024, 14:00 – 17:00
ㅇ Location : Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporation
ㅇ Agenda
- Presentation of research findings on strengthening competitiveness in the ship fuel supply industry, followed by feedback and discussion [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1731473545 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 90 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-11-13 13:52:25 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1823 [subject_text] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness.. [print_subject] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [subject_alink] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness.. [list_cont] => ㅇ Title : Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry"ㅇ Date : Thursday, June 20, 2024, 14:00 – 17:00ㅇ Location : Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporationㅇ Agenda&.. [date9] => 2024.11.13 [date_ym] => 24.11 [date9_d] => 13 [date] => 2024-06-20 [o_date] => 2024-11-13 [date1] => 2024-06-20 [o_date1] => 2024-11-13 [date2] => 2024-06-20 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-11-13 13:52 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-20 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 2326 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1823 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => The Final Report Meeting.jpg [filename] => 6066c9195b4a56f37f47e41c5359b3fe.jpg [filesize] => 1485690 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1731473545 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4032 [img_h] => 3024 [sURL] => [b_subject] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [size] => 1.42 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1823&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1823/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_6066c9195b4a56f37f47e41c5359b3fe.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 90 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [5] => Array ( [idx] => 1487 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1487 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [b_content] => □ Forum Overview
ㅇ Organizer : Busan Finance Center
ㅇ Date : June 19, 2024 (Wed) 14:00∼17:00
ㅇ Venue: Conference Room of the Korea Securities Depository (BIFC 39th Floor)
ㅇ Key participants: Financial Supervisory Service, Bank of Korea, employee organizations (Busan Metropolitan City, Korea Exchange, Korea Asset Management Corporation, Korea Ocean Business Corporation, BNK Busan Bank, Korea Technology Finance Corporation) 22 practitioners, academics and industry figures
ㅇ Topic Presentation
1) Scheme to foster digital finance in Busan
2) Ireland policy case to explore ways to foster maritime financial center
3) Analysis of Menon Report to strengthen the competitiveness of Busan as a maritime financial center [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718930561 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 726 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:42:41 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1487 [subject_text] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [print_subject] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [subject_alink] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [list_cont] => □ Forum Overviewㅇ Organizer : Busan Finance Centerㅇ Date : June 19, 2024 (Wed) 14:00∼17:00ㅇ Venue: Conference Room of the Korea Securities Depository (BIFC 39th Floor)ㅇ Key participants: Financial Supervisory Service, Bank of Korea, employee organizations (Busan Metropolitan City.. [date9] => 2024.06.21 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 21 [date] => 2024-06-20 [o_date] => 2024-06-21 [date1] => 2024-06-20 [o_date1] => 2024-06-21 [date2] => 2024-06-20 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-06-21 09:42 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-20 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1710 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1487 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 10회_부금포.jpg [filename] => facc54cbbf825025134c96fca3dd9bba.jpg [filesize] => 3435459 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718930561 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 5712 [img_h] => 4284 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [size] => 3.28 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1487&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1487/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_facc54cbbf825025134c96fca3dd9bba.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 726 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [6] => Array ( [idx] => 1565 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1565 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [b_content] =>□ Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Associationㅇ Event name: 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association
ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 13. (Thu), 14:00-17:00
ㅇ Place: Lotte Hotel, Busan
ㅇ Contents: Presenting and discussing the current status of ESG responses by local companies and policy suggestions to local governments and financial institutions
[b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1721102912 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 596 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-07-16 13:08:32 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1565 [subject_text] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [print_subject] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [subject_alink] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [list_cont] => □ Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Associationㅇ Event name: 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 13. (Thu), 14:00-17:00 ㅇ Place: Lotte Hotel, Busan ㅇ Contents: Presenting and discussing the current status of ESG .. [date9] => 2024.07.16 [date_ym] => 24.07 [date9_d] => 16 [date] => 2024-06-13 [o_date] => 2024-07-16 [date1] => 2024-06-13 [o_date1] => 2024-07-16 [date2] => 2024-06-13 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-07-16 13:08 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-13 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1831 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1565 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => KakaoTalk_20240626_101444135_05.jpg [filename] => 849dc38ef2875071462f742c148e53b0.jpg [filesize] => 125434 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721102912 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1024 [img_h] => 476 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [size] => 122.50 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1565&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1565/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_849dc38ef2875071462f742c148e53b0.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 596 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [7] => Array ( [idx] => 1468 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1468 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [b_content] => ㅇ Date: June 11, 2024 (Wed) 16:30~18:30
ㅇ Venue: Busan Finance Center Conference Room
ㅇ Speaker: (Former) Soon-Young Oh, Managing director of Financial AI Center, KB Bank
ㅇ Topic: Current Status and Implications of Financial Services in the AI Era [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718343144 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 780 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-14 14:32:24 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1468 [subject_text] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [print_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [subject_alink] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [list_cont] => ㅇ Date: June 11, 2024 (Wed) 16:30~18:30ㅇ Venue: Busan Finance Center Conference Roomㅇ Speaker: (Former) Soon-Young Oh, Managing director of Financial AI Center, KB Bankㅇ Topic: Current Status and Implications of Financial Services in the AI Era [date9] => 2024.06.14 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 14 [date] => 2024-06-13 [o_date] => 2024-06-14 [date1] => 2024-06-13 [o_date1] => 2024-06-14 [date2] => 2024-06-13 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-06-14 14:32 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-13 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1679 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1468 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => KakaoTalk_20240612_171833759_04.jpg [filename] => 37d209d10b3a72b3d0f91fed59048021.jpg [filesize] => 5317579 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718343144 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [size] => 5.08 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1468&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1468/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1680 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1468 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => KakaoTalk_20240612_171833759_07.jpg [filename] => 80552265e3bbb754f706011b606b008c.jpg [filesize] => 3983247 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718343144 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [size] => 3.80 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1468&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1468/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_37d209d10b3a72b3d0f91fed59048021.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 780 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [8] => Array ( [idx] => 1564 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1564 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => The 2nd Digital Financial Research Seminar to be held [b_content] =>□ The 2nd Digital Financial Research Seminar to be held
ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 11. (Wednesday) 16:30~18:30
ㅇ Place: 53rd floor conference room of BFC
ㅇ Speaker: Oh Soon-young, (former) head of KB Kookmin Bank's Financial AI Center
ㅇ Topic: Current Status and Implications of Financial Services in the Age of AI
ㅇ Attendance: About 20 researchers and practitioners from related organizations in the financial center, such as Pusan National University, Korea Maritime University, Korea Exchange, Korea Maritime Development Corporation, Bank of Korea, BNK Busan Bank, and the Global Fintech Industry Promotion Center
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ㅇ Publisher: Z/Yen Group Limited*
* It is a think tank of the City of London, established in 1994 by Michale Mainelli, the current mayor of the London Special Financial Zone, and announces the International Financial Center Index (GFCI) and the International Green Financial Index (GGFI) in more than 120 cities around the world every year
ㅇ Publication date: June 3, 2024
ㅇ Key Contents: The 1st Basic Plan for Carbon-Negative Green Growth in Busan
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ㅇ Access the Z/Yen Community Newsletter here
ㅇ Reporter: Gong-pil Choi, President of Digital Finance Center
ㅇ Date: May 30, 2024 (Thu) 13:00~15:00
ㅇ Place: Busan Finance Center Conference Room (53rd floor, BIFC)
ㅇ Highlights:
- Research on how to foster digital finance in Busan to realize a global financial hub city
- Investigation of the current status of digital finance at home and abroad, the current status of Busan, and the current status of the financial industry in Busan
- Based on the surveyed status and infrastructure of Busan City, present vision and tasks for fostering digital finance in Busan, and create detailed issues for specific realization plans
- Based on the results, we propose policy formulation at the request of Busan Metropolitan City [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717994123 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 802 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-01 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-10 13:35:23 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-01 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1455 [subject_text] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [print_subject] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [subject_alink] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [list_cont] => ㅇ Title: Final Report on "Busan Digital Finance Fostering Plan" Research Serviceㅇ Reporter: Gong-pil Choi, President of Digital Finance Centerㅇ Date: May 30, 2024 (Thu) 13:00~15:00 ㅇ Place: Busan Finance Center Conference Room (53rd floor, BIFC)ㅇ Highlights:- Research on how to foster digi.. [date9] => 2024.06.10 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 10 [date] => 2024-06-01 [o_date] => 2024-06-10 [date1] => 2024-06-01 [o_date1] => 2024-06-10 [date2] => 2024-06-01 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-06-10 13:35 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-01 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1640 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1455 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 1.jpg [filename] => 681e57079485288a6777fc8509e35197.jpg [filesize] => 4561987 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717994123 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [size] => 4.36 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1455&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1455/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1641 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1455 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => 2.jpg [filename] => 2e8c59f00d3d0ec84eb87f89a8bfa9bc.jpg [filesize] => 5108881 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717994123 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [size] => 4.88 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1455&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1455/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_681e57079485288a6777fc8509e35197.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 802 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [11] => Array ( [idx] => 1562 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1562 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan [b_content] =>□ Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan
ㅇ Date and time: May 30, 2024 (Thursday) 10:00
ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2
ㅇ Host: Korea Maritime Policy Association, Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry
ㅇ Sponsor: Korea Institute of Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering, International Newspaper, KNN
ㅇ Program
- (Opening Ceremony) CEO Do Young-hee (Korea Maritime Policy Alliance) and Executive Vice Chairman Chung Hyun-min (Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
- (Presentation) Jang Ha-yong, Researcher (Busan Research Institute)
- (Discussion) Chairperson: Bae Jeong-cheol, Director (Korea Institute of Maritime Materials),
Director Park Mi-ae (BFC)
Professor Kang Yun-ho (Korea Maritime University)
Professor Yoon Hee-sung (National Maritime University)
Secretary General Lee Kyu-jung (Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
Hwang Jin-hoe, an associate researcher (Korea Institute of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Development)
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ㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 30.(Thu) 10:00
ㅇ Venue: Busan Metropolitan City Hall
ㅇ Main contents
- Introduction of the World Alliance of International Financial Centers (WAIFC) and WAIFC activities of the Busan Finance Center
- Discussion on how to foster the Busan Financial Centre and future cooperation
- Discussion on Busan's bid for the 2026 WAIFC Annual General Meeting [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717045981 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 864 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:13:01 [print_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:13:01 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1440 [subject_text] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conferen.. [print_subject] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [subject_alink] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conferen.. [list_cont] => ㅁ Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference ㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 30.(Thu) 10:00ㅇ Venue: Busan Metropolitan City Hallㅇ Main contents - Introduction of the World Alliance of International Financial Centers (WAIFC) and .. [date9] => 2024.05.30 [date_ym] => 24.05 [date9_d] => 30 [date] => 2024-05-30 [o_date] => 2024-05-30 [date1] => 2024-05-30 [o_date1] => 2024-05-30 [date2] => 2024-05-30 14:13 [o_date2] => 2024-05-30 14:13 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1624 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1440 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => BFC-WAIFC-BMC_Meeting_240530_(1).jpg [filename] => 5be090b2b0ef366043847441f9a14d00.jpg [filesize] => 503788 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045981 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1081 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [size] => 491.99 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1440&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1440/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1625 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1440 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => BFC-WAIFC-BMC_Meeting_240530_(3).jpg [filename] => bd6b6a49339f0c66b2ec52110a405937.jpg [filesize] => 475652 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045981 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1080 [img_h] => 1440 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [size] => 464.51 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1440&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1440/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_5be090b2b0ef366043847441f9a14d00.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 864 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [13] => Array ( [idx] => 1439 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1439 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [b_content] => □ Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum
ㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 29.(Wed) 10:00~17:00
ㅇ Venue: BNK Busan Bank Headquarter Auditorium
ㅇ Topic: Beyond digital transformation (DX), the era of AI transformation (AX), what is the future of the digital economy?
ㅇ Host/Sponsor: Web 3.0 Forum/Electronic Times Internet
ㅇ Sponsor: Busan Metropolitan City, Busan Finance Center, Busan IT Industry Promotion Agency, Sogang University
ㅇ Key participants
- (Korea) Chairman of Web3.0 Forum Chairman, Vice Mayor for Economic Affairs of Busan Metropolitan City, President of Busan Finance Center
- (Abroad) Jochen Biedermann WAIFC Managing Director, Patrick Storey VISA Korea&Mongolia Country Manager [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717045770 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 729 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => 1717046395 [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:09:30 [print_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:09:30 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1439 [subject_text] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.. [print_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [subject_alink] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.. [list_cont] => □ Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forumㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 29.(Wed) 10:00~17:00 ㅇ Venue: BNK Busan Bank Headquarter Auditoriumㅇ Topic: Beyond digital transformation (DX), the era of AI transformation (AX).. [date9] => 2024.05.30 [date_ym] => 24.05 [date9_d] => 30 [date] => 2024-05-30 [o_date] => 2024-05-30 [date1] => 2024-05-30 [o_date1] => 2024-05-30 [date2] => 2024-05-30 14:09 [o_date2] => 2024-05-30 14:09 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1622 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1439 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => Web3.0_Forum_240529_(12).jpg [filename] => 590b9da20088d7ebeede33cdc088cdba.jpg [filesize] => 523724 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045770 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1081 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [size] => 511.45 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1439&num=1 [file_content_org] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [contents] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1439/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1623 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1439 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => Web3.0_Forum_240529_(13).jpg [filename] => 81df9c7991289517f1158b1bbb65b63d.jpg [filesize] => 620748 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045770 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1081 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [size] => 606.20 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1439&num=2 [file_content_org] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [contents] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1439/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_590b9da20088d7ebeede33cdc088cdba.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 729 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [14] => Array ( [idx] => 1438 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1438 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [b_content] => □ Join Fincity.Tokyo Online Meeting
ㅇ Date : 28 May 2024 (Tue) 13:00 (KST)
ㅇ Main agenda
- Discussion on the selection of Busan Finance Centre as an excellent example of WAIFC Art & Financial Centres Project and request for case introduction
- Discussion on the schedule of WAIFC Annual General Meeting scheduled to be held in Tokyo and Osaka on 2024.10.10
ㅇ Key participants
- (Busan Finance Centre) Manager Gyeongmi Lee
- (Fincity.Tokyo) Mumu, Misaki [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717045262 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 769 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => 1717045276 [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-05-28 16:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:01:02 [print_date_str] => 2024-05-28 16:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1438 [subject_text] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [print_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [subject_alink] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [list_cont] => □ Join Fincity.Tokyo Online Meetingㅇ Date : 28 May 2024 (Tue) 13:00 (KST)ㅇ Main agenda - Discussion on the selection of Busan Finance Centre as an excellent example of WAIFC Art & Financial Centres Project and request for case introduction - Discussion on the schedule of WAIFC Annual Gener.. [date9] => 2024.05.30 [date_ym] => 24.05 [date9_d] => 30 [date] => 2024-05-28 [o_date] => 2024-05-30 [date1] => 2024-05-28 [o_date1] => 2024-05-30 [date2] => 2024-05-28 16:00 [o_date2] => 2024-05-30 14:01 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-05-28 [print_date_y] => 16 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1620 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1438 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => zoom_meeting.png [filename] => 53cc74abf1d2cd30d859966867d9a5e5.png [filesize] => 429003 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045262 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1920 [img_h] => 1080 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [size] => 418.95 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1438&num=1 [file_content_org] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [contents] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1438/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1621 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1438 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => zoom_meeting_1.png [filename] => 098b78c3e959e06da366280d50c8ac29.png [filesize] => 1036003 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045262 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1920 [img_h] => 1080 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [size] => 1,011.73 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1438&num=2 [file_content_org] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [contents] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1438/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_53cc74abf1d2cd30d859966867d9a5e5.png [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 769 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) )
BFC관리자 2024-06-01 VIEWS802
Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan
□ Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan ㅇ Date and time: May 30, 2024 (Thursday) 10:00 ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2 ㅇ Host: Korea Maritime Policy Association, Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry ㅇ Sponsor: Korea Institute of Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering, International Newspaper, KNN ㅇ Program - (Opening Ceremony) CEO Do Young-hee (Korea Maritime Policy Alliance) and Executive Vice Chairman Chung Hyun-min (Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry) - (Presentation) Jang Ha-yong, Researcher (Busan Research Institute) - (Discussion) Chairperson: Bae Jeong-cheol, Director (Korea Institute of Maritime Materials), Director Park Mi-ae (BFC) Professor Kang Yun-ho (Korea Maritime University) Professor Yoon Hee-sung (National Maritime University) Secretary General Lee Kyu-jung (Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry) Hwang Jin-hoe, an associate researcher (Korea Institute of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Development)
Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1509 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1509 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [b_content] => ㅇ Date: 2024. 6. 26.(Wed) 10:00 am
ㅇ Location: 63rd floor of Busan International Financial Center
ㅇ Main agenda: Introduction of Busan Financial Centre, regional infrastructure, and regional balanced development policy, etc. [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1719473477 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 653 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-27 16:31:17 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-27 16:31:17 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1509 [subject_text] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [print_subject] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [subject_alink] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [list_cont] => ㅇ Date: 2024. 6. 26.(Wed) 10:00 am ㅇ Location: 63rd floor of Busan International Financial Center ㅇ Main agenda: Introduction of Busan Financial Centre, regional infrastructure, and regional balanced development policy, etc. [date9] => 2024.06.27 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 27 [date] => 2024-06-27 [o_date] => 2024-06-27 [date1] => 2024-06-27 [o_date1] => 2024-06-27 [date2] => 2024-06-27 16:31 [o_date2] => 2024-06-27 16:31 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1745 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1509 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 사진1.jpg [filename] => 12c6c317dacee8905ed41ad984da19f6.jpg [filesize] => 455295 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1719473477 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1080 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [size] => 444.63 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1509&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1509/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_12c6c317dacee8905ed41ad984da19f6.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 653 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1566 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1566 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [b_content] =>□ 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held
ㅇ Event Name: 2024 Busan International Financial Forum
ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 25. (Thursday) 14:00
ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2
ㅇ Host: Busan Ilbo, BFC
ㅇ Program
- Opening Address: Kim Jin-soo, President of Busan Ilbo
- Welcome Address: Lee Myung-ho, President of the Busan Finance Center
- Congratulatory address: Busan Mayor Park Hyung-joon, National Assembly Member Jeon Jae-soo, National Assembly Member Park Soo-young, Busan Digital Asset Exchange CEO Kim Sang-min, CEO Philio Tam GREEN-X CORP
- Session 1: Blockchain Special Zone, Future of Digital Finance in Busan
Presentation (Kim Sang-min, CEO of Busan Digital Asset Exchange)
-Session 2: The task of Busan, the center of maritime finance
Presentation (Park Mi-ae, Head of the Busan Finance Center)
-Session 3: Role and policy plan of local financial institutions for revitalizing the Busan economy
Presentation (Lee Byung-yoon, senior researcher at the Korea Financial Research Institute)
[b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 681 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-26 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-07-16 13:12:27 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-26 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1566 [subject_text] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [print_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [subject_alink] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [list_cont] => □ 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held ㅇ Event Name: 2024 Busan International Financial Forum ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 25. (Thursday) 14:00 ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2 ㅇ Host: Busan Ilbo, BFC ㅇ Program - Opening Address: Kim.. [date9] => 2024.07.16 [date_ym] => 24.07 [date9_d] => 16 [date] => 2024-06-26 [o_date] => 2024-07-16 [date1] => 2024-06-26 [o_date1] => 2024-07-16 [date2] => 2024-06-26 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-07-16 13:12 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-26 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1832 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1566 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 2024062518224277869_l.jpg [filename] => 948885dcae997d17969df2092c0fadef.jpg [filesize] => 283440 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 640 [img_h] => 301 [sURL] => [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [size] => 276.80 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1566&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1566/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1833 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1566 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => 2024062518335039363_l.jpg [filename] => 712381f0c9a7370f4d946601a0723394.jpg [filesize] => 379460 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 640 [img_h] => 379 [sURL] => [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [size] => 370.57 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1566&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1566/2 ) [2] => Array ( [idx] => 1834 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1566 [num] => 3 [filename_org] => 2024062518220008487_l.jpg [filename] => b1c891ee9c8fb446773917a594d70603.jpg [filesize] => 379099 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 640 [img_h] => 386 [sURL] => [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [size] => 370.22 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1566&num=3 [file_content_org] => [contents] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1566/3 ) ) [fileNum] => 3 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_948885dcae997d17969df2092c0fadef.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 681 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [2] => Array ( [idx] => 1489 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1489 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [b_content] => ㅇ Date: June 20, 2024 (Thu), 14:00~17:00
ㅇ Place: Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporation
ㅇ Content
- Report on research results on strengthening competitiveness of Vessel fuel supply industry and listen to opinions/discussion [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718931089 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 690 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:51:29 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:51:29 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1489 [subject_text] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fu.. [print_subject] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [subject_alink] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fu.. [list_cont] => ㅇ Date: June 20, 2024 (Thu), 14:00~17:00 ㅇ Place: Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporation ㅇ Content - Report on research results on strengthening competitiveness of Vessel fuel supply industry and listen to opinions/discussion [date9] => 2024.06.21 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 21 [date] => 2024-06-21 [o_date] => 2024-06-21 [date1] => 2024-06-21 [o_date1] => 2024-06-21 [date2] => 2024-06-21 09:51 [o_date2] => 2024-06-21 09:51 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1713 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1489 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 최종보고회_사진.jpg [filename] => c370c33a1bfbd76f6c154c1c22560d66.jpg [filesize] => 2617717 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718931089 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4032 [img_h] => 3024 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [size] => 2.50 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1489&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1489/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_c370c33a1bfbd76f6c154c1c22560d66.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 690 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [3] => Array ( [idx] => 1488 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1488 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [b_content] => ㅇ Date : June 20, 2024 (Thu) 18:00 (KST)
ㅇ Main agenda
- Introduction of FC4S and its activities
- Explanation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the importance of gender finance: related to SDG 5, gender equality
- Explanation of toolkit for promoting gender finance and discussion among financial centers
ㅇ Participants
- (BFC) Soon-goo Ahn, Director of Financial Research Div2
- (FC4S) Fabienne Michaux, Director, SDG Impact. UNDP Sustainable Finance Hub
- 20 participants from financial centers in Hong Kong, Mauritius, Portugal, etc. [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718930798 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 650 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:46:38 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:46:38 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1488 [subject_text] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional .. [print_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [subject_alink] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional .. [list_cont] => ㅇ Date : June 20, 2024 (Thu) 18:00 (KST)ㅇ Main agenda - Introduction of FC4S and its activities - Explanation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the importance of gender finance: related to SDG 5, gender equality - Explanation of toolkit for promoting gender finance and discussion among.. [date9] => 2024.06.21 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 21 [date] => 2024-06-21 [o_date] => 2024-06-21 [date1] => 2024-06-21 [o_date1] => 2024-06-21 [date2] => 2024-06-21 09:46 [o_date2] => 2024-06-21 09:46 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1711 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1488 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 스크린샷_2024-06-20_180521.png [filename] => 2f4783ccacd86b485340aa8bd1bbbe8c.png [filesize] => 1329668 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718930798 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1908 [img_h] => 974 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [size] => 1.27 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1488&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1488/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1712 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1488 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => 스크린샷_2024-06-20_183614.png [filename] => 2c1f97bea881c8d215d73470eca426df.png [filesize] => 504777 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718930798 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1658 [img_h] => 887 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [size] => 492.95 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1488&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1488/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_2f4783ccacd86b485340aa8bd1bbbe8c.png [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 650 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [4] => Array ( [idx] => 1823 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1823 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [b_content] =>
ㅇ Title : Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry"
ㅇ Date : Thursday, June 20, 2024, 14:00 – 17:00
ㅇ Location : Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporation
ㅇ Agenda
- Presentation of research findings on strengthening competitiveness in the ship fuel supply industry, followed by feedback and discussion [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1731473545 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 90 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-11-13 13:52:25 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1823 [subject_text] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness.. [print_subject] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [subject_alink] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness.. [list_cont] => ㅇ Title : Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry"ㅇ Date : Thursday, June 20, 2024, 14:00 – 17:00ㅇ Location : Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporationㅇ Agenda&.. [date9] => 2024.11.13 [date_ym] => 24.11 [date9_d] => 13 [date] => 2024-06-20 [o_date] => 2024-11-13 [date1] => 2024-06-20 [o_date1] => 2024-11-13 [date2] => 2024-06-20 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-11-13 13:52 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-20 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 2326 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1823 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => The Final Report Meeting.jpg [filename] => 6066c9195b4a56f37f47e41c5359b3fe.jpg [filesize] => 1485690 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1731473545 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4032 [img_h] => 3024 [sURL] => [b_subject] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [size] => 1.42 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1823&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1823/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_6066c9195b4a56f37f47e41c5359b3fe.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 90 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [5] => Array ( [idx] => 1487 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1487 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [b_content] => □ Forum Overview
ㅇ Organizer : Busan Finance Center
ㅇ Date : June 19, 2024 (Wed) 14:00∼17:00
ㅇ Venue: Conference Room of the Korea Securities Depository (BIFC 39th Floor)
ㅇ Key participants: Financial Supervisory Service, Bank of Korea, employee organizations (Busan Metropolitan City, Korea Exchange, Korea Asset Management Corporation, Korea Ocean Business Corporation, BNK Busan Bank, Korea Technology Finance Corporation) 22 practitioners, academics and industry figures
ㅇ Topic Presentation
1) Scheme to foster digital finance in Busan
2) Ireland policy case to explore ways to foster maritime financial center
3) Analysis of Menon Report to strengthen the competitiveness of Busan as a maritime financial center [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718930561 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 726 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:42:41 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1487 [subject_text] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [print_subject] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [subject_alink] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [list_cont] => □ Forum Overviewㅇ Organizer : Busan Finance Centerㅇ Date : June 19, 2024 (Wed) 14:00∼17:00ㅇ Venue: Conference Room of the Korea Securities Depository (BIFC 39th Floor)ㅇ Key participants: Financial Supervisory Service, Bank of Korea, employee organizations (Busan Metropolitan City.. [date9] => 2024.06.21 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 21 [date] => 2024-06-20 [o_date] => 2024-06-21 [date1] => 2024-06-20 [o_date1] => 2024-06-21 [date2] => 2024-06-20 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-06-21 09:42 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-20 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1710 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1487 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 10회_부금포.jpg [filename] => facc54cbbf825025134c96fca3dd9bba.jpg [filesize] => 3435459 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718930561 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 5712 [img_h] => 4284 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [size] => 3.28 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1487&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1487/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_facc54cbbf825025134c96fca3dd9bba.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 726 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [6] => Array ( [idx] => 1565 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1565 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [b_content] =>□ Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Associationㅇ Event name: 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association
ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 13. (Thu), 14:00-17:00
ㅇ Place: Lotte Hotel, Busan
ㅇ Contents: Presenting and discussing the current status of ESG responses by local companies and policy suggestions to local governments and financial institutions
[b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1721102912 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 596 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-07-16 13:08:32 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1565 [subject_text] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [print_subject] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [subject_alink] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [list_cont] => □ Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Associationㅇ Event name: 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 13. (Thu), 14:00-17:00 ㅇ Place: Lotte Hotel, Busan ㅇ Contents: Presenting and discussing the current status of ESG .. [date9] => 2024.07.16 [date_ym] => 24.07 [date9_d] => 16 [date] => 2024-06-13 [o_date] => 2024-07-16 [date1] => 2024-06-13 [o_date1] => 2024-07-16 [date2] => 2024-06-13 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-07-16 13:08 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-13 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1831 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1565 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => KakaoTalk_20240626_101444135_05.jpg [filename] => 849dc38ef2875071462f742c148e53b0.jpg [filesize] => 125434 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721102912 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1024 [img_h] => 476 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [size] => 122.50 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1565&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1565/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_849dc38ef2875071462f742c148e53b0.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 596 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [7] => Array ( [idx] => 1468 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1468 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [b_content] => ㅇ Date: June 11, 2024 (Wed) 16:30~18:30
ㅇ Venue: Busan Finance Center Conference Room
ㅇ Speaker: (Former) Soon-Young Oh, Managing director of Financial AI Center, KB Bank
ㅇ Topic: Current Status and Implications of Financial Services in the AI Era [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718343144 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 780 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-14 14:32:24 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1468 [subject_text] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [print_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [subject_alink] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [list_cont] => ㅇ Date: June 11, 2024 (Wed) 16:30~18:30ㅇ Venue: Busan Finance Center Conference Roomㅇ Speaker: (Former) Soon-Young Oh, Managing director of Financial AI Center, KB Bankㅇ Topic: Current Status and Implications of Financial Services in the AI Era [date9] => 2024.06.14 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 14 [date] => 2024-06-13 [o_date] => 2024-06-14 [date1] => 2024-06-13 [o_date1] => 2024-06-14 [date2] => 2024-06-13 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-06-14 14:32 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-13 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1679 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1468 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => KakaoTalk_20240612_171833759_04.jpg [filename] => 37d209d10b3a72b3d0f91fed59048021.jpg [filesize] => 5317579 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718343144 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [size] => 5.08 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1468&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1468/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1680 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1468 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => KakaoTalk_20240612_171833759_07.jpg [filename] => 80552265e3bbb754f706011b606b008c.jpg [filesize] => 3983247 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718343144 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [size] => 3.80 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1468&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1468/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_37d209d10b3a72b3d0f91fed59048021.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 780 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [8] => Array ( [idx] => 1564 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1564 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => The 2nd Digital Financial Research Seminar to be held [b_content] =>□ The 2nd Digital Financial Research Seminar to be held
ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 11. (Wednesday) 16:30~18:30
ㅇ Place: 53rd floor conference room of BFC
ㅇ Speaker: Oh Soon-young, (former) head of KB Kookmin Bank's Financial AI Center
ㅇ Topic: Current Status and Implications of Financial Services in the Age of AI
ㅇ Attendance: About 20 researchers and practitioners from related organizations in the financial center, such as Pusan National University, Korea Maritime University, Korea Exchange, Korea Maritime Development Corporation, Bank of Korea, BNK Busan Bank, and the Global Fintech Industry Promotion Center
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ㅇ Publisher: Z/Yen Group Limited*
* It is a think tank of the City of London, established in 1994 by Michale Mainelli, the current mayor of the London Special Financial Zone, and announces the International Financial Center Index (GFCI) and the International Green Financial Index (GGFI) in more than 120 cities around the world every year
ㅇ Publication date: June 3, 2024
ㅇ Key Contents: The 1st Basic Plan for Carbon-Negative Green Growth in Busan
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ㅇ Access the Z/Yen Community Newsletter here
ㅇ Reporter: Gong-pil Choi, President of Digital Finance Center
ㅇ Date: May 30, 2024 (Thu) 13:00~15:00
ㅇ Place: Busan Finance Center Conference Room (53rd floor, BIFC)
ㅇ Highlights:
- Research on how to foster digital finance in Busan to realize a global financial hub city
- Investigation of the current status of digital finance at home and abroad, the current status of Busan, and the current status of the financial industry in Busan
- Based on the surveyed status and infrastructure of Busan City, present vision and tasks for fostering digital finance in Busan, and create detailed issues for specific realization plans
- Based on the results, we propose policy formulation at the request of Busan Metropolitan City [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717994123 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 802 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-01 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-10 13:35:23 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-01 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1455 [subject_text] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [print_subject] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [subject_alink] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [list_cont] => ㅇ Title: Final Report on "Busan Digital Finance Fostering Plan" Research Serviceㅇ Reporter: Gong-pil Choi, President of Digital Finance Centerㅇ Date: May 30, 2024 (Thu) 13:00~15:00 ㅇ Place: Busan Finance Center Conference Room (53rd floor, BIFC)ㅇ Highlights:- Research on how to foster digi.. [date9] => 2024.06.10 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 10 [date] => 2024-06-01 [o_date] => 2024-06-10 [date1] => 2024-06-01 [o_date1] => 2024-06-10 [date2] => 2024-06-01 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-06-10 13:35 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-01 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1640 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1455 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 1.jpg [filename] => 681e57079485288a6777fc8509e35197.jpg [filesize] => 4561987 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717994123 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [size] => 4.36 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1455&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1455/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1641 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1455 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => 2.jpg [filename] => 2e8c59f00d3d0ec84eb87f89a8bfa9bc.jpg [filesize] => 5108881 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717994123 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [size] => 4.88 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1455&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1455/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_681e57079485288a6777fc8509e35197.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 802 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [11] => Array ( [idx] => 1562 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1562 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan [b_content] =>□ Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan
ㅇ Date and time: May 30, 2024 (Thursday) 10:00
ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2
ㅇ Host: Korea Maritime Policy Association, Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry
ㅇ Sponsor: Korea Institute of Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering, International Newspaper, KNN
ㅇ Program
- (Opening Ceremony) CEO Do Young-hee (Korea Maritime Policy Alliance) and Executive Vice Chairman Chung Hyun-min (Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
- (Presentation) Jang Ha-yong, Researcher (Busan Research Institute)
- (Discussion) Chairperson: Bae Jeong-cheol, Director (Korea Institute of Maritime Materials),
Director Park Mi-ae (BFC)
Professor Kang Yun-ho (Korea Maritime University)
Professor Yoon Hee-sung (National Maritime University)
Secretary General Lee Kyu-jung (Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
Hwang Jin-hoe, an associate researcher (Korea Institute of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Development)
[b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1721102510 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 573 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-05-31 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-07-16 13:01:50 [print_date_str] => 2024-05-31 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1562 [subject_text] => Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan [print_subject] => Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan [subject_alink] => Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan [list_cont] => □ Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan ㅇ Date and time: May 30, 2024 (Thursday) 10:00 ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2 ㅇ Host: Korea Maritime Policy Association, Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry ㅇ Sponsor: Kore.. [date9] => 2024.07.16 [date_ym] => 24.07 [date9_d] => 16 [date] => 2024-05-31 [o_date] => 2024-07-16 [date1] => 2024-05-31 [o_date1] => 2024-07-16 [date2] => 2024-05-31 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-07-16 13:01 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-05-31 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1827 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1562 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 9ca679f6a8fdbd9b16cac0ee83b2a69f.jpg [filename] => 24ed25c33317f9b4556669b19a4fce7e.jpg [filesize] => 2987102 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721102510 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4032 [img_h] => 3024 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan [size] => 2.85 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1562&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1562/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_24ed25c33317f9b4556669b19a4fce7e.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 573 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [12] => Array ( [idx] => 1440 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1440 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [b_content] => ㅁ Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference
ㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 30.(Thu) 10:00
ㅇ Venue: Busan Metropolitan City Hall
ㅇ Main contents
- Introduction of the World Alliance of International Financial Centers (WAIFC) and WAIFC activities of the Busan Finance Center
- Discussion on how to foster the Busan Financial Centre and future cooperation
- Discussion on Busan's bid for the 2026 WAIFC Annual General Meeting [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717045981 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 864 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:13:01 [print_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:13:01 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1440 [subject_text] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conferen.. [print_subject] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [subject_alink] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conferen.. [list_cont] => ㅁ Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference ㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 30.(Thu) 10:00ㅇ Venue: Busan Metropolitan City Hallㅇ Main contents - Introduction of the World Alliance of International Financial Centers (WAIFC) and .. [date9] => 2024.05.30 [date_ym] => 24.05 [date9_d] => 30 [date] => 2024-05-30 [o_date] => 2024-05-30 [date1] => 2024-05-30 [o_date1] => 2024-05-30 [date2] => 2024-05-30 14:13 [o_date2] => 2024-05-30 14:13 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1624 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1440 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => BFC-WAIFC-BMC_Meeting_240530_(1).jpg [filename] => 5be090b2b0ef366043847441f9a14d00.jpg [filesize] => 503788 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045981 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1081 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [size] => 491.99 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1440&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1440/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1625 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1440 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => BFC-WAIFC-BMC_Meeting_240530_(3).jpg [filename] => bd6b6a49339f0c66b2ec52110a405937.jpg [filesize] => 475652 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045981 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1080 [img_h] => 1440 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [size] => 464.51 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1440&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1440/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_5be090b2b0ef366043847441f9a14d00.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 864 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [13] => Array ( [idx] => 1439 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1439 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [b_content] => □ Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum
ㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 29.(Wed) 10:00~17:00
ㅇ Venue: BNK Busan Bank Headquarter Auditorium
ㅇ Topic: Beyond digital transformation (DX), the era of AI transformation (AX), what is the future of the digital economy?
ㅇ Host/Sponsor: Web 3.0 Forum/Electronic Times Internet
ㅇ Sponsor: Busan Metropolitan City, Busan Finance Center, Busan IT Industry Promotion Agency, Sogang University
ㅇ Key participants
- (Korea) Chairman of Web3.0 Forum Chairman, Vice Mayor for Economic Affairs of Busan Metropolitan City, President of Busan Finance Center
- (Abroad) Jochen Biedermann WAIFC Managing Director, Patrick Storey VISA Korea&Mongolia Country Manager [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717045770 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 729 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => 1717046395 [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:09:30 [print_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:09:30 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1439 [subject_text] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.. [print_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [subject_alink] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.. [list_cont] => □ Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forumㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 29.(Wed) 10:00~17:00 ㅇ Venue: BNK Busan Bank Headquarter Auditoriumㅇ Topic: Beyond digital transformation (DX), the era of AI transformation (AX).. [date9] => 2024.05.30 [date_ym] => 24.05 [date9_d] => 30 [date] => 2024-05-30 [o_date] => 2024-05-30 [date1] => 2024-05-30 [o_date1] => 2024-05-30 [date2] => 2024-05-30 14:09 [o_date2] => 2024-05-30 14:09 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1622 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1439 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => Web3.0_Forum_240529_(12).jpg [filename] => 590b9da20088d7ebeede33cdc088cdba.jpg [filesize] => 523724 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045770 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1081 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [size] => 511.45 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1439&num=1 [file_content_org] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [contents] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1439/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1623 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1439 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => Web3.0_Forum_240529_(13).jpg [filename] => 81df9c7991289517f1158b1bbb65b63d.jpg [filesize] => 620748 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045770 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1081 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [size] => 606.20 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1439&num=2 [file_content_org] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [contents] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1439/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_590b9da20088d7ebeede33cdc088cdba.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 729 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [14] => Array ( [idx] => 1438 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1438 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [b_content] => □ Join Fincity.Tokyo Online Meeting
ㅇ Date : 28 May 2024 (Tue) 13:00 (KST)
ㅇ Main agenda
- Discussion on the selection of Busan Finance Centre as an excellent example of WAIFC Art & Financial Centres Project and request for case introduction
- Discussion on the schedule of WAIFC Annual General Meeting scheduled to be held in Tokyo and Osaka on 2024.10.10
ㅇ Key participants
- (Busan Finance Centre) Manager Gyeongmi Lee
- (Fincity.Tokyo) Mumu, Misaki [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717045262 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 769 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => 1717045276 [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-05-28 16:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:01:02 [print_date_str] => 2024-05-28 16:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1438 [subject_text] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [print_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [subject_alink] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [list_cont] => □ Join Fincity.Tokyo Online Meetingㅇ Date : 28 May 2024 (Tue) 13:00 (KST)ㅇ Main agenda - Discussion on the selection of Busan Finance Centre as an excellent example of WAIFC Art & Financial Centres Project and request for case introduction - Discussion on the schedule of WAIFC Annual Gener.. [date9] => 2024.05.30 [date_ym] => 24.05 [date9_d] => 30 [date] => 2024-05-28 [o_date] => 2024-05-30 [date1] => 2024-05-28 [o_date1] => 2024-05-30 [date2] => 2024-05-28 16:00 [o_date2] => 2024-05-30 14:01 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-05-28 [print_date_y] => 16 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1620 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1438 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => zoom_meeting.png [filename] => 53cc74abf1d2cd30d859966867d9a5e5.png [filesize] => 429003 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045262 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1920 [img_h] => 1080 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [size] => 418.95 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1438&num=1 [file_content_org] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [contents] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1438/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1621 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1438 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => zoom_meeting_1.png [filename] => 098b78c3e959e06da366280d50c8ac29.png [filesize] => 1036003 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045262 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1920 [img_h] => 1080 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [size] => 1,011.73 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1438&num=2 [file_content_org] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [contents] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1438/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_53cc74abf1d2cd30d859966867d9a5e5.png [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 769 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) )
BFC관리자 2024-05-31 VIEWS573
ㅁ Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference ㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 30.(Thu) 10:00ㅇ Venue: Busan Metropolitan City Hallㅇ Main contents - Introduction of the World Alliance of International Financial Centers (WAIFC) and WAIFC activities of the Busan Finance Center- Discussion on how to foster the Busan Financial Centre and future cooperation- Discussion on Busan's bid for the 2026 WAIFC Annual General Meeting
Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1509 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1509 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [b_content] => ㅇ Date: 2024. 6. 26.(Wed) 10:00 am
ㅇ Location: 63rd floor of Busan International Financial Center
ㅇ Main agenda: Introduction of Busan Financial Centre, regional infrastructure, and regional balanced development policy, etc. [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1719473477 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 653 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-27 16:31:17 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-27 16:31:17 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1509 [subject_text] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [print_subject] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [subject_alink] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [list_cont] => ㅇ Date: 2024. 6. 26.(Wed) 10:00 am ㅇ Location: 63rd floor of Busan International Financial Center ㅇ Main agenda: Introduction of Busan Financial Centre, regional infrastructure, and regional balanced development policy, etc. [date9] => 2024.06.27 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 27 [date] => 2024-06-27 [o_date] => 2024-06-27 [date1] => 2024-06-27 [o_date1] => 2024-06-27 [date2] => 2024-06-27 16:31 [o_date2] => 2024-06-27 16:31 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1745 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1509 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 사진1.jpg [filename] => 12c6c317dacee8905ed41ad984da19f6.jpg [filesize] => 455295 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1719473477 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1080 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [size] => 444.63 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1509&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1509/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_12c6c317dacee8905ed41ad984da19f6.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 653 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1566 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1566 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [b_content] =>□ 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held
ㅇ Event Name: 2024 Busan International Financial Forum
ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 25. (Thursday) 14:00
ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2
ㅇ Host: Busan Ilbo, BFC
ㅇ Program
- Opening Address: Kim Jin-soo, President of Busan Ilbo
- Welcome Address: Lee Myung-ho, President of the Busan Finance Center
- Congratulatory address: Busan Mayor Park Hyung-joon, National Assembly Member Jeon Jae-soo, National Assembly Member Park Soo-young, Busan Digital Asset Exchange CEO Kim Sang-min, CEO Philio Tam GREEN-X CORP
- Session 1: Blockchain Special Zone, Future of Digital Finance in Busan
Presentation (Kim Sang-min, CEO of Busan Digital Asset Exchange)
-Session 2: The task of Busan, the center of maritime finance
Presentation (Park Mi-ae, Head of the Busan Finance Center)
-Session 3: Role and policy plan of local financial institutions for revitalizing the Busan economy
Presentation (Lee Byung-yoon, senior researcher at the Korea Financial Research Institute)
[b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 681 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-26 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-07-16 13:12:27 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-26 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1566 [subject_text] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [print_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [subject_alink] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [list_cont] => □ 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held ㅇ Event Name: 2024 Busan International Financial Forum ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 25. (Thursday) 14:00 ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2 ㅇ Host: Busan Ilbo, BFC ㅇ Program - Opening Address: Kim.. [date9] => 2024.07.16 [date_ym] => 24.07 [date9_d] => 16 [date] => 2024-06-26 [o_date] => 2024-07-16 [date1] => 2024-06-26 [o_date1] => 2024-07-16 [date2] => 2024-06-26 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-07-16 13:12 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-26 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1832 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1566 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 2024062518224277869_l.jpg [filename] => 948885dcae997d17969df2092c0fadef.jpg [filesize] => 283440 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 640 [img_h] => 301 [sURL] => [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [size] => 276.80 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1566&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1566/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1833 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1566 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => 2024062518335039363_l.jpg [filename] => 712381f0c9a7370f4d946601a0723394.jpg [filesize] => 379460 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 640 [img_h] => 379 [sURL] => [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [size] => 370.57 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1566&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1566/2 ) [2] => Array ( [idx] => 1834 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1566 [num] => 3 [filename_org] => 2024062518220008487_l.jpg [filename] => b1c891ee9c8fb446773917a594d70603.jpg [filesize] => 379099 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 640 [img_h] => 386 [sURL] => [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [size] => 370.22 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1566&num=3 [file_content_org] => [contents] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1566/3 ) ) [fileNum] => 3 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_948885dcae997d17969df2092c0fadef.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 681 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [2] => Array ( [idx] => 1489 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1489 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [b_content] => ㅇ Date: June 20, 2024 (Thu), 14:00~17:00
ㅇ Place: Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporation
ㅇ Content
- Report on research results on strengthening competitiveness of Vessel fuel supply industry and listen to opinions/discussion [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718931089 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 690 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:51:29 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:51:29 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1489 [subject_text] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fu.. [print_subject] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [subject_alink] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fu.. [list_cont] => ㅇ Date: June 20, 2024 (Thu), 14:00~17:00 ㅇ Place: Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporation ㅇ Content - Report on research results on strengthening competitiveness of Vessel fuel supply industry and listen to opinions/discussion [date9] => 2024.06.21 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 21 [date] => 2024-06-21 [o_date] => 2024-06-21 [date1] => 2024-06-21 [o_date1] => 2024-06-21 [date2] => 2024-06-21 09:51 [o_date2] => 2024-06-21 09:51 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1713 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1489 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 최종보고회_사진.jpg [filename] => c370c33a1bfbd76f6c154c1c22560d66.jpg [filesize] => 2617717 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718931089 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4032 [img_h] => 3024 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [size] => 2.50 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1489&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1489/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_c370c33a1bfbd76f6c154c1c22560d66.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 690 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [3] => Array ( [idx] => 1488 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1488 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [b_content] => ㅇ Date : June 20, 2024 (Thu) 18:00 (KST)
ㅇ Main agenda
- Introduction of FC4S and its activities
- Explanation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the importance of gender finance: related to SDG 5, gender equality
- Explanation of toolkit for promoting gender finance and discussion among financial centers
ㅇ Participants
- (BFC) Soon-goo Ahn, Director of Financial Research Div2
- (FC4S) Fabienne Michaux, Director, SDG Impact. UNDP Sustainable Finance Hub
- 20 participants from financial centers in Hong Kong, Mauritius, Portugal, etc. [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718930798 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 650 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:46:38 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:46:38 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1488 [subject_text] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional .. [print_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [subject_alink] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional .. [list_cont] => ㅇ Date : June 20, 2024 (Thu) 18:00 (KST)ㅇ Main agenda - Introduction of FC4S and its activities - Explanation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the importance of gender finance: related to SDG 5, gender equality - Explanation of toolkit for promoting gender finance and discussion among.. [date9] => 2024.06.21 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 21 [date] => 2024-06-21 [o_date] => 2024-06-21 [date1] => 2024-06-21 [o_date1] => 2024-06-21 [date2] => 2024-06-21 09:46 [o_date2] => 2024-06-21 09:46 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1711 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1488 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 스크린샷_2024-06-20_180521.png [filename] => 2f4783ccacd86b485340aa8bd1bbbe8c.png [filesize] => 1329668 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718930798 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1908 [img_h] => 974 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [size] => 1.27 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1488&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1488/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1712 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1488 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => 스크린샷_2024-06-20_183614.png [filename] => 2c1f97bea881c8d215d73470eca426df.png [filesize] => 504777 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718930798 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1658 [img_h] => 887 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [size] => 492.95 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1488&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1488/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_2f4783ccacd86b485340aa8bd1bbbe8c.png [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 650 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [4] => Array ( [idx] => 1823 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1823 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [b_content] =>
ㅇ Title : Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry"
ㅇ Date : Thursday, June 20, 2024, 14:00 – 17:00
ㅇ Location : Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporation
ㅇ Agenda
- Presentation of research findings on strengthening competitiveness in the ship fuel supply industry, followed by feedback and discussion [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1731473545 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 90 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-11-13 13:52:25 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1823 [subject_text] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness.. [print_subject] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [subject_alink] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness.. [list_cont] => ㅇ Title : Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry"ㅇ Date : Thursday, June 20, 2024, 14:00 – 17:00ㅇ Location : Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporationㅇ Agenda&.. [date9] => 2024.11.13 [date_ym] => 24.11 [date9_d] => 13 [date] => 2024-06-20 [o_date] => 2024-11-13 [date1] => 2024-06-20 [o_date1] => 2024-11-13 [date2] => 2024-06-20 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-11-13 13:52 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-20 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 2326 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1823 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => The Final Report Meeting.jpg [filename] => 6066c9195b4a56f37f47e41c5359b3fe.jpg [filesize] => 1485690 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1731473545 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4032 [img_h] => 3024 [sURL] => [b_subject] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [size] => 1.42 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1823&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1823/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_6066c9195b4a56f37f47e41c5359b3fe.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 90 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [5] => Array ( [idx] => 1487 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1487 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [b_content] => □ Forum Overview
ㅇ Organizer : Busan Finance Center
ㅇ Date : June 19, 2024 (Wed) 14:00∼17:00
ㅇ Venue: Conference Room of the Korea Securities Depository (BIFC 39th Floor)
ㅇ Key participants: Financial Supervisory Service, Bank of Korea, employee organizations (Busan Metropolitan City, Korea Exchange, Korea Asset Management Corporation, Korea Ocean Business Corporation, BNK Busan Bank, Korea Technology Finance Corporation) 22 practitioners, academics and industry figures
ㅇ Topic Presentation
1) Scheme to foster digital finance in Busan
2) Ireland policy case to explore ways to foster maritime financial center
3) Analysis of Menon Report to strengthen the competitiveness of Busan as a maritime financial center [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718930561 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 726 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:42:41 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1487 [subject_text] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [print_subject] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [subject_alink] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [list_cont] => □ Forum Overviewㅇ Organizer : Busan Finance Centerㅇ Date : June 19, 2024 (Wed) 14:00∼17:00ㅇ Venue: Conference Room of the Korea Securities Depository (BIFC 39th Floor)ㅇ Key participants: Financial Supervisory Service, Bank of Korea, employee organizations (Busan Metropolitan City.. [date9] => 2024.06.21 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 21 [date] => 2024-06-20 [o_date] => 2024-06-21 [date1] => 2024-06-20 [o_date1] => 2024-06-21 [date2] => 2024-06-20 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-06-21 09:42 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-20 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1710 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1487 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 10회_부금포.jpg [filename] => facc54cbbf825025134c96fca3dd9bba.jpg [filesize] => 3435459 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718930561 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 5712 [img_h] => 4284 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [size] => 3.28 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1487&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1487/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_facc54cbbf825025134c96fca3dd9bba.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 726 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [6] => Array ( [idx] => 1565 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1565 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [b_content] =>□ Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Associationㅇ Event name: 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association
ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 13. (Thu), 14:00-17:00
ㅇ Place: Lotte Hotel, Busan
ㅇ Contents: Presenting and discussing the current status of ESG responses by local companies and policy suggestions to local governments and financial institutions
[b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1721102912 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 596 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-07-16 13:08:32 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1565 [subject_text] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [print_subject] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [subject_alink] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [list_cont] => □ Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Associationㅇ Event name: 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 13. (Thu), 14:00-17:00 ㅇ Place: Lotte Hotel, Busan ㅇ Contents: Presenting and discussing the current status of ESG .. [date9] => 2024.07.16 [date_ym] => 24.07 [date9_d] => 16 [date] => 2024-06-13 [o_date] => 2024-07-16 [date1] => 2024-06-13 [o_date1] => 2024-07-16 [date2] => 2024-06-13 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-07-16 13:08 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-13 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1831 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1565 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => KakaoTalk_20240626_101444135_05.jpg [filename] => 849dc38ef2875071462f742c148e53b0.jpg [filesize] => 125434 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721102912 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1024 [img_h] => 476 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [size] => 122.50 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1565&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1565/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_849dc38ef2875071462f742c148e53b0.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 596 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [7] => Array ( [idx] => 1468 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1468 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [b_content] => ㅇ Date: June 11, 2024 (Wed) 16:30~18:30
ㅇ Venue: Busan Finance Center Conference Room
ㅇ Speaker: (Former) Soon-Young Oh, Managing director of Financial AI Center, KB Bank
ㅇ Topic: Current Status and Implications of Financial Services in the AI Era [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718343144 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 780 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-14 14:32:24 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1468 [subject_text] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [print_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [subject_alink] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [list_cont] => ㅇ Date: June 11, 2024 (Wed) 16:30~18:30ㅇ Venue: Busan Finance Center Conference Roomㅇ Speaker: (Former) Soon-Young Oh, Managing director of Financial AI Center, KB Bankㅇ Topic: Current Status and Implications of Financial Services in the AI Era [date9] => 2024.06.14 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 14 [date] => 2024-06-13 [o_date] => 2024-06-14 [date1] => 2024-06-13 [o_date1] => 2024-06-14 [date2] => 2024-06-13 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-06-14 14:32 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-13 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1679 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1468 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => KakaoTalk_20240612_171833759_04.jpg [filename] => 37d209d10b3a72b3d0f91fed59048021.jpg [filesize] => 5317579 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718343144 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [size] => 5.08 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1468&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1468/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1680 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1468 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => KakaoTalk_20240612_171833759_07.jpg [filename] => 80552265e3bbb754f706011b606b008c.jpg [filesize] => 3983247 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718343144 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [size] => 3.80 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1468&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1468/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_37d209d10b3a72b3d0f91fed59048021.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 780 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [8] => Array ( [idx] => 1564 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1564 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => The 2nd Digital Financial Research Seminar to be held [b_content] =>□ The 2nd Digital Financial Research Seminar to be held
ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 11. (Wednesday) 16:30~18:30
ㅇ Place: 53rd floor conference room of BFC
ㅇ Speaker: Oh Soon-young, (former) head of KB Kookmin Bank's Financial AI Center
ㅇ Topic: Current Status and Implications of Financial Services in the Age of AI
ㅇ Attendance: About 20 researchers and practitioners from related organizations in the financial center, such as Pusan National University, Korea Maritime University, Korea Exchange, Korea Maritime Development Corporation, Bank of Korea, BNK Busan Bank, and the Global Fintech Industry Promotion Center
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ㅇ Publisher: Z/Yen Group Limited*
* It is a think tank of the City of London, established in 1994 by Michale Mainelli, the current mayor of the London Special Financial Zone, and announces the International Financial Center Index (GFCI) and the International Green Financial Index (GGFI) in more than 120 cities around the world every year
ㅇ Publication date: June 3, 2024
ㅇ Key Contents: The 1st Basic Plan for Carbon-Negative Green Growth in Busan
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ㅇ Access the Z/Yen Community Newsletter here
ㅇ Reporter: Gong-pil Choi, President of Digital Finance Center
ㅇ Date: May 30, 2024 (Thu) 13:00~15:00
ㅇ Place: Busan Finance Center Conference Room (53rd floor, BIFC)
ㅇ Highlights:
- Research on how to foster digital finance in Busan to realize a global financial hub city
- Investigation of the current status of digital finance at home and abroad, the current status of Busan, and the current status of the financial industry in Busan
- Based on the surveyed status and infrastructure of Busan City, present vision and tasks for fostering digital finance in Busan, and create detailed issues for specific realization plans
- Based on the results, we propose policy formulation at the request of Busan Metropolitan City [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717994123 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 802 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-01 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-10 13:35:23 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-01 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1455 [subject_text] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [print_subject] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [subject_alink] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [list_cont] => ㅇ Title: Final Report on "Busan Digital Finance Fostering Plan" Research Serviceㅇ Reporter: Gong-pil Choi, President of Digital Finance Centerㅇ Date: May 30, 2024 (Thu) 13:00~15:00 ㅇ Place: Busan Finance Center Conference Room (53rd floor, BIFC)ㅇ Highlights:- Research on how to foster digi.. [date9] => 2024.06.10 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 10 [date] => 2024-06-01 [o_date] => 2024-06-10 [date1] => 2024-06-01 [o_date1] => 2024-06-10 [date2] => 2024-06-01 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-06-10 13:35 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-01 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1640 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1455 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 1.jpg [filename] => 681e57079485288a6777fc8509e35197.jpg [filesize] => 4561987 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717994123 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [size] => 4.36 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1455&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1455/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1641 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1455 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => 2.jpg [filename] => 2e8c59f00d3d0ec84eb87f89a8bfa9bc.jpg [filesize] => 5108881 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717994123 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [size] => 4.88 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1455&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1455/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_681e57079485288a6777fc8509e35197.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 802 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [11] => Array ( [idx] => 1562 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1562 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan [b_content] =>□ Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan
ㅇ Date and time: May 30, 2024 (Thursday) 10:00
ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2
ㅇ Host: Korea Maritime Policy Association, Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry
ㅇ Sponsor: Korea Institute of Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering, International Newspaper, KNN
ㅇ Program
- (Opening Ceremony) CEO Do Young-hee (Korea Maritime Policy Alliance) and Executive Vice Chairman Chung Hyun-min (Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
- (Presentation) Jang Ha-yong, Researcher (Busan Research Institute)
- (Discussion) Chairperson: Bae Jeong-cheol, Director (Korea Institute of Maritime Materials),
Director Park Mi-ae (BFC)
Professor Kang Yun-ho (Korea Maritime University)
Professor Yoon Hee-sung (National Maritime University)
Secretary General Lee Kyu-jung (Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
Hwang Jin-hoe, an associate researcher (Korea Institute of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Development)
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ㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 30.(Thu) 10:00
ㅇ Venue: Busan Metropolitan City Hall
ㅇ Main contents
- Introduction of the World Alliance of International Financial Centers (WAIFC) and WAIFC activities of the Busan Finance Center
- Discussion on how to foster the Busan Financial Centre and future cooperation
- Discussion on Busan's bid for the 2026 WAIFC Annual General Meeting [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717045981 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 864 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:13:01 [print_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:13:01 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1440 [subject_text] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conferen.. [print_subject] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [subject_alink] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conferen.. [list_cont] => ㅁ Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference ㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 30.(Thu) 10:00ㅇ Venue: Busan Metropolitan City Hallㅇ Main contents - Introduction of the World Alliance of International Financial Centers (WAIFC) and .. [date9] => 2024.05.30 [date_ym] => 24.05 [date9_d] => 30 [date] => 2024-05-30 [o_date] => 2024-05-30 [date1] => 2024-05-30 [o_date1] => 2024-05-30 [date2] => 2024-05-30 14:13 [o_date2] => 2024-05-30 14:13 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1624 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1440 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => BFC-WAIFC-BMC_Meeting_240530_(1).jpg [filename] => 5be090b2b0ef366043847441f9a14d00.jpg [filesize] => 503788 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045981 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1081 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [size] => 491.99 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1440&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1440/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1625 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1440 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => BFC-WAIFC-BMC_Meeting_240530_(3).jpg [filename] => bd6b6a49339f0c66b2ec52110a405937.jpg [filesize] => 475652 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045981 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1080 [img_h] => 1440 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [size] => 464.51 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1440&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1440/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_5be090b2b0ef366043847441f9a14d00.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 864 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [13] => Array ( [idx] => 1439 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1439 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [b_content] => □ Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum
ㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 29.(Wed) 10:00~17:00
ㅇ Venue: BNK Busan Bank Headquarter Auditorium
ㅇ Topic: Beyond digital transformation (DX), the era of AI transformation (AX), what is the future of the digital economy?
ㅇ Host/Sponsor: Web 3.0 Forum/Electronic Times Internet
ㅇ Sponsor: Busan Metropolitan City, Busan Finance Center, Busan IT Industry Promotion Agency, Sogang University
ㅇ Key participants
- (Korea) Chairman of Web3.0 Forum Chairman, Vice Mayor for Economic Affairs of Busan Metropolitan City, President of Busan Finance Center
- (Abroad) Jochen Biedermann WAIFC Managing Director, Patrick Storey VISA Korea&Mongolia Country Manager [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717045770 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 729 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => 1717046395 [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:09:30 [print_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:09:30 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1439 [subject_text] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.. [print_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [subject_alink] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.. [list_cont] => □ Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forumㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 29.(Wed) 10:00~17:00 ㅇ Venue: BNK Busan Bank Headquarter Auditoriumㅇ Topic: Beyond digital transformation (DX), the era of AI transformation (AX).. [date9] => 2024.05.30 [date_ym] => 24.05 [date9_d] => 30 [date] => 2024-05-30 [o_date] => 2024-05-30 [date1] => 2024-05-30 [o_date1] => 2024-05-30 [date2] => 2024-05-30 14:09 [o_date2] => 2024-05-30 14:09 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1622 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1439 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => Web3.0_Forum_240529_(12).jpg [filename] => 590b9da20088d7ebeede33cdc088cdba.jpg [filesize] => 523724 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045770 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1081 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [size] => 511.45 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1439&num=1 [file_content_org] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [contents] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1439/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1623 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1439 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => Web3.0_Forum_240529_(13).jpg [filename] => 81df9c7991289517f1158b1bbb65b63d.jpg [filesize] => 620748 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045770 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1081 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [size] => 606.20 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1439&num=2 [file_content_org] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [contents] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1439/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_590b9da20088d7ebeede33cdc088cdba.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 729 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [14] => Array ( [idx] => 1438 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1438 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [b_content] => □ Join Fincity.Tokyo Online Meeting
ㅇ Date : 28 May 2024 (Tue) 13:00 (KST)
ㅇ Main agenda
- Discussion on the selection of Busan Finance Centre as an excellent example of WAIFC Art & Financial Centres Project and request for case introduction
- Discussion on the schedule of WAIFC Annual General Meeting scheduled to be held in Tokyo and Osaka on 2024.10.10
ㅇ Key participants
- (Busan Finance Centre) Manager Gyeongmi Lee
- (Fincity.Tokyo) Mumu, Misaki [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717045262 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 769 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => 1717045276 [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-05-28 16:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:01:02 [print_date_str] => 2024-05-28 16:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1438 [subject_text] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [print_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [subject_alink] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [list_cont] => □ Join Fincity.Tokyo Online Meetingㅇ Date : 28 May 2024 (Tue) 13:00 (KST)ㅇ Main agenda - Discussion on the selection of Busan Finance Centre as an excellent example of WAIFC Art & Financial Centres Project and request for case introduction - Discussion on the schedule of WAIFC Annual Gener.. [date9] => 2024.05.30 [date_ym] => 24.05 [date9_d] => 30 [date] => 2024-05-28 [o_date] => 2024-05-30 [date1] => 2024-05-28 [o_date1] => 2024-05-30 [date2] => 2024-05-28 16:00 [o_date2] => 2024-05-30 14:01 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-05-28 [print_date_y] => 16 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1620 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1438 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => zoom_meeting.png [filename] => 53cc74abf1d2cd30d859966867d9a5e5.png [filesize] => 429003 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045262 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1920 [img_h] => 1080 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [size] => 418.95 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1438&num=1 [file_content_org] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [contents] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1438/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1621 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1438 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => zoom_meeting_1.png [filename] => 098b78c3e959e06da366280d50c8ac29.png [filesize] => 1036003 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045262 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1920 [img_h] => 1080 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [size] => 1,011.73 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1438&num=2 [file_content_org] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [contents] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1438/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_53cc74abf1d2cd30d859966867d9a5e5.png [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 769 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) )
BFC관리자 2024-05-30 VIEWS864
□ Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forumㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 29.(Wed) 10:00~17:00 ㅇ Venue: BNK Busan Bank Headquarter Auditoriumㅇ Topic: Beyond digital transformation (DX), the era of AI transformation (AX), what is the future of the digital economy?ㅇ Host/Sponsor: Web 3.0 Forum/Electronic Times Internetㅇ Sponsor: Busan Metropolitan City, Busan Finance Center, Busan IT Industry Promotion Agency, Sogang Universityㅇ Key participants - (Korea) Chairman of Web3.0 Forum Chairman, Vice Mayor for Economic Affairs of Busan Metropolitan City, President of Busan Finance Center- (Abroad) Jochen Biedermann WAIFC Managing Director, Patrick Storey VISA Korea&Mongolia Country Manager
Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1509 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1509 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [b_content] => ㅇ Date: 2024. 6. 26.(Wed) 10:00 am
ㅇ Location: 63rd floor of Busan International Financial Center
ㅇ Main agenda: Introduction of Busan Financial Centre, regional infrastructure, and regional balanced development policy, etc. [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1719473477 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 653 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-27 16:31:17 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-27 16:31:17 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1509 [subject_text] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [print_subject] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [subject_alink] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [list_cont] => ㅇ Date: 2024. 6. 26.(Wed) 10:00 am ㅇ Location: 63rd floor of Busan International Financial Center ㅇ Main agenda: Introduction of Busan Financial Centre, regional infrastructure, and regional balanced development policy, etc. [date9] => 2024.06.27 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 27 [date] => 2024-06-27 [o_date] => 2024-06-27 [date1] => 2024-06-27 [o_date1] => 2024-06-27 [date2] => 2024-06-27 16:31 [o_date2] => 2024-06-27 16:31 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1745 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1509 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 사진1.jpg [filename] => 12c6c317dacee8905ed41ad984da19f6.jpg [filesize] => 455295 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1719473477 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1080 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [size] => 444.63 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1509&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1509/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_12c6c317dacee8905ed41ad984da19f6.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 653 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1566 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1566 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [b_content] =>□ 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held
ㅇ Event Name: 2024 Busan International Financial Forum
ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 25. (Thursday) 14:00
ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2
ㅇ Host: Busan Ilbo, BFC
ㅇ Program
- Opening Address: Kim Jin-soo, President of Busan Ilbo
- Welcome Address: Lee Myung-ho, President of the Busan Finance Center
- Congratulatory address: Busan Mayor Park Hyung-joon, National Assembly Member Jeon Jae-soo, National Assembly Member Park Soo-young, Busan Digital Asset Exchange CEO Kim Sang-min, CEO Philio Tam GREEN-X CORP
- Session 1: Blockchain Special Zone, Future of Digital Finance in Busan
Presentation (Kim Sang-min, CEO of Busan Digital Asset Exchange)
-Session 2: The task of Busan, the center of maritime finance
Presentation (Park Mi-ae, Head of the Busan Finance Center)
-Session 3: Role and policy plan of local financial institutions for revitalizing the Busan economy
Presentation (Lee Byung-yoon, senior researcher at the Korea Financial Research Institute)
[b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 681 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-26 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-07-16 13:12:27 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-26 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1566 [subject_text] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [print_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [subject_alink] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [list_cont] => □ 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held ㅇ Event Name: 2024 Busan International Financial Forum ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 25. (Thursday) 14:00 ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2 ㅇ Host: Busan Ilbo, BFC ㅇ Program - Opening Address: Kim.. [date9] => 2024.07.16 [date_ym] => 24.07 [date9_d] => 16 [date] => 2024-06-26 [o_date] => 2024-07-16 [date1] => 2024-06-26 [o_date1] => 2024-07-16 [date2] => 2024-06-26 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-07-16 13:12 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-26 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1832 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1566 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 2024062518224277869_l.jpg [filename] => 948885dcae997d17969df2092c0fadef.jpg [filesize] => 283440 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 640 [img_h] => 301 [sURL] => [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [size] => 276.80 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1566&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1566/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1833 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1566 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => 2024062518335039363_l.jpg [filename] => 712381f0c9a7370f4d946601a0723394.jpg [filesize] => 379460 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 640 [img_h] => 379 [sURL] => [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [size] => 370.57 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1566&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1566/2 ) [2] => Array ( [idx] => 1834 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1566 [num] => 3 [filename_org] => 2024062518220008487_l.jpg [filename] => b1c891ee9c8fb446773917a594d70603.jpg [filesize] => 379099 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 640 [img_h] => 386 [sURL] => [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [size] => 370.22 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1566&num=3 [file_content_org] => [contents] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1566/3 ) ) [fileNum] => 3 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_948885dcae997d17969df2092c0fadef.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 681 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [2] => Array ( [idx] => 1489 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1489 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [b_content] => ㅇ Date: June 20, 2024 (Thu), 14:00~17:00
ㅇ Place: Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporation
ㅇ Content
- Report on research results on strengthening competitiveness of Vessel fuel supply industry and listen to opinions/discussion [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718931089 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 690 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:51:29 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:51:29 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1489 [subject_text] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fu.. [print_subject] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [subject_alink] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fu.. [list_cont] => ㅇ Date: June 20, 2024 (Thu), 14:00~17:00 ㅇ Place: Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporation ㅇ Content - Report on research results on strengthening competitiveness of Vessel fuel supply industry and listen to opinions/discussion [date9] => 2024.06.21 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 21 [date] => 2024-06-21 [o_date] => 2024-06-21 [date1] => 2024-06-21 [o_date1] => 2024-06-21 [date2] => 2024-06-21 09:51 [o_date2] => 2024-06-21 09:51 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1713 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1489 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 최종보고회_사진.jpg [filename] => c370c33a1bfbd76f6c154c1c22560d66.jpg [filesize] => 2617717 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718931089 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4032 [img_h] => 3024 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [size] => 2.50 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1489&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1489/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_c370c33a1bfbd76f6c154c1c22560d66.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 690 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [3] => Array ( [idx] => 1488 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1488 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [b_content] => ㅇ Date : June 20, 2024 (Thu) 18:00 (KST)
ㅇ Main agenda
- Introduction of FC4S and its activities
- Explanation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the importance of gender finance: related to SDG 5, gender equality
- Explanation of toolkit for promoting gender finance and discussion among financial centers
ㅇ Participants
- (BFC) Soon-goo Ahn, Director of Financial Research Div2
- (FC4S) Fabienne Michaux, Director, SDG Impact. UNDP Sustainable Finance Hub
- 20 participants from financial centers in Hong Kong, Mauritius, Portugal, etc. [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718930798 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 650 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:46:38 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:46:38 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1488 [subject_text] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional .. [print_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [subject_alink] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional .. [list_cont] => ㅇ Date : June 20, 2024 (Thu) 18:00 (KST)ㅇ Main agenda - Introduction of FC4S and its activities - Explanation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the importance of gender finance: related to SDG 5, gender equality - Explanation of toolkit for promoting gender finance and discussion among.. [date9] => 2024.06.21 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 21 [date] => 2024-06-21 [o_date] => 2024-06-21 [date1] => 2024-06-21 [o_date1] => 2024-06-21 [date2] => 2024-06-21 09:46 [o_date2] => 2024-06-21 09:46 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1711 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1488 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 스크린샷_2024-06-20_180521.png [filename] => 2f4783ccacd86b485340aa8bd1bbbe8c.png [filesize] => 1329668 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718930798 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1908 [img_h] => 974 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [size] => 1.27 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1488&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1488/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1712 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1488 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => 스크린샷_2024-06-20_183614.png [filename] => 2c1f97bea881c8d215d73470eca426df.png [filesize] => 504777 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718930798 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1658 [img_h] => 887 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [size] => 492.95 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1488&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1488/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_2f4783ccacd86b485340aa8bd1bbbe8c.png [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 650 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [4] => Array ( [idx] => 1823 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1823 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [b_content] =>
ㅇ Title : Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry"
ㅇ Date : Thursday, June 20, 2024, 14:00 – 17:00
ㅇ Location : Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporation
ㅇ Agenda
- Presentation of research findings on strengthening competitiveness in the ship fuel supply industry, followed by feedback and discussion [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1731473545 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 90 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-11-13 13:52:25 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1823 [subject_text] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness.. [print_subject] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [subject_alink] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness.. [list_cont] => ㅇ Title : Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry"ㅇ Date : Thursday, June 20, 2024, 14:00 – 17:00ㅇ Location : Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporationㅇ Agenda&.. [date9] => 2024.11.13 [date_ym] => 24.11 [date9_d] => 13 [date] => 2024-06-20 [o_date] => 2024-11-13 [date1] => 2024-06-20 [o_date1] => 2024-11-13 [date2] => 2024-06-20 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-11-13 13:52 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-20 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 2326 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1823 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => The Final Report Meeting.jpg [filename] => 6066c9195b4a56f37f47e41c5359b3fe.jpg [filesize] => 1485690 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1731473545 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4032 [img_h] => 3024 [sURL] => [b_subject] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [size] => 1.42 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1823&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1823/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_6066c9195b4a56f37f47e41c5359b3fe.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 90 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [5] => Array ( [idx] => 1487 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1487 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [b_content] => □ Forum Overview
ㅇ Organizer : Busan Finance Center
ㅇ Date : June 19, 2024 (Wed) 14:00∼17:00
ㅇ Venue: Conference Room of the Korea Securities Depository (BIFC 39th Floor)
ㅇ Key participants: Financial Supervisory Service, Bank of Korea, employee organizations (Busan Metropolitan City, Korea Exchange, Korea Asset Management Corporation, Korea Ocean Business Corporation, BNK Busan Bank, Korea Technology Finance Corporation) 22 practitioners, academics and industry figures
ㅇ Topic Presentation
1) Scheme to foster digital finance in Busan
2) Ireland policy case to explore ways to foster maritime financial center
3) Analysis of Menon Report to strengthen the competitiveness of Busan as a maritime financial center [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718930561 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 726 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:42:41 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1487 [subject_text] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [print_subject] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [subject_alink] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [list_cont] => □ Forum Overviewㅇ Organizer : Busan Finance Centerㅇ Date : June 19, 2024 (Wed) 14:00∼17:00ㅇ Venue: Conference Room of the Korea Securities Depository (BIFC 39th Floor)ㅇ Key participants: Financial Supervisory Service, Bank of Korea, employee organizations (Busan Metropolitan City.. [date9] => 2024.06.21 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 21 [date] => 2024-06-20 [o_date] => 2024-06-21 [date1] => 2024-06-20 [o_date1] => 2024-06-21 [date2] => 2024-06-20 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-06-21 09:42 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-20 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1710 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1487 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 10회_부금포.jpg [filename] => facc54cbbf825025134c96fca3dd9bba.jpg [filesize] => 3435459 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718930561 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 5712 [img_h] => 4284 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [size] => 3.28 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1487&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1487/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_facc54cbbf825025134c96fca3dd9bba.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 726 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [6] => Array ( [idx] => 1565 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1565 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [b_content] =>□ Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Associationㅇ Event name: 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association
ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 13. (Thu), 14:00-17:00
ㅇ Place: Lotte Hotel, Busan
ㅇ Contents: Presenting and discussing the current status of ESG responses by local companies and policy suggestions to local governments and financial institutions
[b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1721102912 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 596 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-07-16 13:08:32 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1565 [subject_text] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [print_subject] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [subject_alink] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [list_cont] => □ Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Associationㅇ Event name: 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 13. (Thu), 14:00-17:00 ㅇ Place: Lotte Hotel, Busan ㅇ Contents: Presenting and discussing the current status of ESG .. [date9] => 2024.07.16 [date_ym] => 24.07 [date9_d] => 16 [date] => 2024-06-13 [o_date] => 2024-07-16 [date1] => 2024-06-13 [o_date1] => 2024-07-16 [date2] => 2024-06-13 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-07-16 13:08 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-13 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1831 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1565 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => KakaoTalk_20240626_101444135_05.jpg [filename] => 849dc38ef2875071462f742c148e53b0.jpg [filesize] => 125434 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721102912 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1024 [img_h] => 476 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [size] => 122.50 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1565&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1565/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_849dc38ef2875071462f742c148e53b0.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 596 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [7] => Array ( [idx] => 1468 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1468 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [b_content] => ㅇ Date: June 11, 2024 (Wed) 16:30~18:30
ㅇ Venue: Busan Finance Center Conference Room
ㅇ Speaker: (Former) Soon-Young Oh, Managing director of Financial AI Center, KB Bank
ㅇ Topic: Current Status and Implications of Financial Services in the AI Era [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718343144 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 780 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-14 14:32:24 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1468 [subject_text] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [print_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [subject_alink] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [list_cont] => ㅇ Date: June 11, 2024 (Wed) 16:30~18:30ㅇ Venue: Busan Finance Center Conference Roomㅇ Speaker: (Former) Soon-Young Oh, Managing director of Financial AI Center, KB Bankㅇ Topic: Current Status and Implications of Financial Services in the AI Era [date9] => 2024.06.14 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 14 [date] => 2024-06-13 [o_date] => 2024-06-14 [date1] => 2024-06-13 [o_date1] => 2024-06-14 [date2] => 2024-06-13 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-06-14 14:32 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-13 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1679 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1468 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => KakaoTalk_20240612_171833759_04.jpg [filename] => 37d209d10b3a72b3d0f91fed59048021.jpg [filesize] => 5317579 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718343144 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [size] => 5.08 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1468&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1468/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1680 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1468 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => KakaoTalk_20240612_171833759_07.jpg [filename] => 80552265e3bbb754f706011b606b008c.jpg [filesize] => 3983247 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718343144 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [size] => 3.80 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1468&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1468/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_37d209d10b3a72b3d0f91fed59048021.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 780 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [8] => Array ( [idx] => 1564 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1564 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => The 2nd Digital Financial Research Seminar to be held [b_content] =>□ The 2nd Digital Financial Research Seminar to be held
ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 11. (Wednesday) 16:30~18:30
ㅇ Place: 53rd floor conference room of BFC
ㅇ Speaker: Oh Soon-young, (former) head of KB Kookmin Bank's Financial AI Center
ㅇ Topic: Current Status and Implications of Financial Services in the Age of AI
ㅇ Attendance: About 20 researchers and practitioners from related organizations in the financial center, such as Pusan National University, Korea Maritime University, Korea Exchange, Korea Maritime Development Corporation, Bank of Korea, BNK Busan Bank, and the Global Fintech Industry Promotion Center
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ㅇ Publisher: Z/Yen Group Limited*
* It is a think tank of the City of London, established in 1994 by Michale Mainelli, the current mayor of the London Special Financial Zone, and announces the International Financial Center Index (GFCI) and the International Green Financial Index (GGFI) in more than 120 cities around the world every year
ㅇ Publication date: June 3, 2024
ㅇ Key Contents: The 1st Basic Plan for Carbon-Negative Green Growth in Busan
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ㅇ Access the Z/Yen Community Newsletter here
ㅇ Reporter: Gong-pil Choi, President of Digital Finance Center
ㅇ Date: May 30, 2024 (Thu) 13:00~15:00
ㅇ Place: Busan Finance Center Conference Room (53rd floor, BIFC)
ㅇ Highlights:
- Research on how to foster digital finance in Busan to realize a global financial hub city
- Investigation of the current status of digital finance at home and abroad, the current status of Busan, and the current status of the financial industry in Busan
- Based on the surveyed status and infrastructure of Busan City, present vision and tasks for fostering digital finance in Busan, and create detailed issues for specific realization plans
- Based on the results, we propose policy formulation at the request of Busan Metropolitan City [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717994123 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 802 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-01 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-10 13:35:23 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-01 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1455 [subject_text] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [print_subject] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [subject_alink] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [list_cont] => ㅇ Title: Final Report on "Busan Digital Finance Fostering Plan" Research Serviceㅇ Reporter: Gong-pil Choi, President of Digital Finance Centerㅇ Date: May 30, 2024 (Thu) 13:00~15:00 ㅇ Place: Busan Finance Center Conference Room (53rd floor, BIFC)ㅇ Highlights:- Research on how to foster digi.. [date9] => 2024.06.10 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 10 [date] => 2024-06-01 [o_date] => 2024-06-10 [date1] => 2024-06-01 [o_date1] => 2024-06-10 [date2] => 2024-06-01 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-06-10 13:35 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-01 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1640 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1455 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 1.jpg [filename] => 681e57079485288a6777fc8509e35197.jpg [filesize] => 4561987 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717994123 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [size] => 4.36 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1455&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1455/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1641 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1455 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => 2.jpg [filename] => 2e8c59f00d3d0ec84eb87f89a8bfa9bc.jpg [filesize] => 5108881 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717994123 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [size] => 4.88 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1455&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1455/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_681e57079485288a6777fc8509e35197.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 802 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [11] => Array ( [idx] => 1562 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1562 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan [b_content] =>□ Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan
ㅇ Date and time: May 30, 2024 (Thursday) 10:00
ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2
ㅇ Host: Korea Maritime Policy Association, Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry
ㅇ Sponsor: Korea Institute of Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering, International Newspaper, KNN
ㅇ Program
- (Opening Ceremony) CEO Do Young-hee (Korea Maritime Policy Alliance) and Executive Vice Chairman Chung Hyun-min (Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
- (Presentation) Jang Ha-yong, Researcher (Busan Research Institute)
- (Discussion) Chairperson: Bae Jeong-cheol, Director (Korea Institute of Maritime Materials),
Director Park Mi-ae (BFC)
Professor Kang Yun-ho (Korea Maritime University)
Professor Yoon Hee-sung (National Maritime University)
Secretary General Lee Kyu-jung (Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
Hwang Jin-hoe, an associate researcher (Korea Institute of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Development)
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ㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 30.(Thu) 10:00
ㅇ Venue: Busan Metropolitan City Hall
ㅇ Main contents
- Introduction of the World Alliance of International Financial Centers (WAIFC) and WAIFC activities of the Busan Finance Center
- Discussion on how to foster the Busan Financial Centre and future cooperation
- Discussion on Busan's bid for the 2026 WAIFC Annual General Meeting [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717045981 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 864 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:13:01 [print_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:13:01 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1440 [subject_text] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conferen.. [print_subject] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [subject_alink] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conferen.. [list_cont] => ㅁ Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference ㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 30.(Thu) 10:00ㅇ Venue: Busan Metropolitan City Hallㅇ Main contents - Introduction of the World Alliance of International Financial Centers (WAIFC) and .. [date9] => 2024.05.30 [date_ym] => 24.05 [date9_d] => 30 [date] => 2024-05-30 [o_date] => 2024-05-30 [date1] => 2024-05-30 [o_date1] => 2024-05-30 [date2] => 2024-05-30 14:13 [o_date2] => 2024-05-30 14:13 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1624 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1440 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => BFC-WAIFC-BMC_Meeting_240530_(1).jpg [filename] => 5be090b2b0ef366043847441f9a14d00.jpg [filesize] => 503788 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045981 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1081 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [size] => 491.99 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1440&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1440/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1625 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1440 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => BFC-WAIFC-BMC_Meeting_240530_(3).jpg [filename] => bd6b6a49339f0c66b2ec52110a405937.jpg [filesize] => 475652 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045981 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1080 [img_h] => 1440 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [size] => 464.51 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1440&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1440/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_5be090b2b0ef366043847441f9a14d00.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 864 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [13] => Array ( [idx] => 1439 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1439 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [b_content] => □ Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum
ㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 29.(Wed) 10:00~17:00
ㅇ Venue: BNK Busan Bank Headquarter Auditorium
ㅇ Topic: Beyond digital transformation (DX), the era of AI transformation (AX), what is the future of the digital economy?
ㅇ Host/Sponsor: Web 3.0 Forum/Electronic Times Internet
ㅇ Sponsor: Busan Metropolitan City, Busan Finance Center, Busan IT Industry Promotion Agency, Sogang University
ㅇ Key participants
- (Korea) Chairman of Web3.0 Forum Chairman, Vice Mayor for Economic Affairs of Busan Metropolitan City, President of Busan Finance Center
- (Abroad) Jochen Biedermann WAIFC Managing Director, Patrick Storey VISA Korea&Mongolia Country Manager [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717045770 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 729 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => 1717046395 [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:09:30 [print_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:09:30 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1439 [subject_text] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.. [print_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [subject_alink] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.. [list_cont] => □ Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forumㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 29.(Wed) 10:00~17:00 ㅇ Venue: BNK Busan Bank Headquarter Auditoriumㅇ Topic: Beyond digital transformation (DX), the era of AI transformation (AX).. [date9] => 2024.05.30 [date_ym] => 24.05 [date9_d] => 30 [date] => 2024-05-30 [o_date] => 2024-05-30 [date1] => 2024-05-30 [o_date1] => 2024-05-30 [date2] => 2024-05-30 14:09 [o_date2] => 2024-05-30 14:09 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1622 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1439 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => Web3.0_Forum_240529_(12).jpg [filename] => 590b9da20088d7ebeede33cdc088cdba.jpg [filesize] => 523724 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045770 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1081 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [size] => 511.45 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1439&num=1 [file_content_org] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [contents] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1439/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1623 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1439 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => Web3.0_Forum_240529_(13).jpg [filename] => 81df9c7991289517f1158b1bbb65b63d.jpg [filesize] => 620748 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045770 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1081 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [size] => 606.20 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1439&num=2 [file_content_org] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [contents] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1439/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_590b9da20088d7ebeede33cdc088cdba.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 729 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [14] => Array ( [idx] => 1438 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1438 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [b_content] => □ Join Fincity.Tokyo Online Meeting
ㅇ Date : 28 May 2024 (Tue) 13:00 (KST)
ㅇ Main agenda
- Discussion on the selection of Busan Finance Centre as an excellent example of WAIFC Art & Financial Centres Project and request for case introduction
- Discussion on the schedule of WAIFC Annual General Meeting scheduled to be held in Tokyo and Osaka on 2024.10.10
ㅇ Key participants
- (Busan Finance Centre) Manager Gyeongmi Lee
- (Fincity.Tokyo) Mumu, Misaki [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717045262 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 769 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => 1717045276 [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-05-28 16:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:01:02 [print_date_str] => 2024-05-28 16:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1438 [subject_text] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [print_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [subject_alink] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [list_cont] => □ Join Fincity.Tokyo Online Meetingㅇ Date : 28 May 2024 (Tue) 13:00 (KST)ㅇ Main agenda - Discussion on the selection of Busan Finance Centre as an excellent example of WAIFC Art & Financial Centres Project and request for case introduction - Discussion on the schedule of WAIFC Annual Gener.. [date9] => 2024.05.30 [date_ym] => 24.05 [date9_d] => 30 [date] => 2024-05-28 [o_date] => 2024-05-30 [date1] => 2024-05-28 [o_date1] => 2024-05-30 [date2] => 2024-05-28 16:00 [o_date2] => 2024-05-30 14:01 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-05-28 [print_date_y] => 16 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1620 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1438 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => zoom_meeting.png [filename] => 53cc74abf1d2cd30d859966867d9a5e5.png [filesize] => 429003 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045262 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1920 [img_h] => 1080 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [size] => 418.95 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1438&num=1 [file_content_org] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [contents] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1438/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1621 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1438 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => zoom_meeting_1.png [filename] => 098b78c3e959e06da366280d50c8ac29.png [filesize] => 1036003 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045262 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1920 [img_h] => 1080 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [size] => 1,011.73 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1438&num=2 [file_content_org] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [contents] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1438/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_53cc74abf1d2cd30d859966867d9a5e5.png [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 769 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) )
BFC관리자 2024-05-30 VIEWS729
Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting
□ Join Fincity.Tokyo Online Meetingㅇ Date : 28 May 2024 (Tue) 13:00 (KST)ㅇ Main agenda - Discussion on the selection of Busan Finance Centre as an excellent example of WAIFC Art & Financial Centres Project and request for case introduction - Discussion on the schedule of WAIFC Annual General Meeting scheduled to be held in Tokyo and Osaka on 2024.10.10 ㅇ Key participants - (Busan Finance Centre) Manager Gyeongmi Lee- (Fincity.Tokyo) Mumu, Misaki
Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1509 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1509 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [b_content] => ㅇ Date: 2024. 6. 26.(Wed) 10:00 am
ㅇ Location: 63rd floor of Busan International Financial Center
ㅇ Main agenda: Introduction of Busan Financial Centre, regional infrastructure, and regional balanced development policy, etc. [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1719473477 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 653 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-27 16:31:17 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-27 16:31:17 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1509 [subject_text] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [print_subject] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [subject_alink] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [list_cont] => ㅇ Date: 2024. 6. 26.(Wed) 10:00 am ㅇ Location: 63rd floor of Busan International Financial Center ㅇ Main agenda: Introduction of Busan Financial Centre, regional infrastructure, and regional balanced development policy, etc. [date9] => 2024.06.27 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 27 [date] => 2024-06-27 [o_date] => 2024-06-27 [date1] => 2024-06-27 [o_date1] => 2024-06-27 [date2] => 2024-06-27 16:31 [o_date2] => 2024-06-27 16:31 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1745 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1509 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 사진1.jpg [filename] => 12c6c317dacee8905ed41ad984da19f6.jpg [filesize] => 455295 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1719473477 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1080 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [size] => 444.63 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1509&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Seoul's highest-level urban policy meeting with senior officials from developing countries [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1509/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_12c6c317dacee8905ed41ad984da19f6.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 653 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1566 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1566 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [b_content] =>□ 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held
ㅇ Event Name: 2024 Busan International Financial Forum
ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 25. (Thursday) 14:00
ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2
ㅇ Host: Busan Ilbo, BFC
ㅇ Program
- Opening Address: Kim Jin-soo, President of Busan Ilbo
- Welcome Address: Lee Myung-ho, President of the Busan Finance Center
- Congratulatory address: Busan Mayor Park Hyung-joon, National Assembly Member Jeon Jae-soo, National Assembly Member Park Soo-young, Busan Digital Asset Exchange CEO Kim Sang-min, CEO Philio Tam GREEN-X CORP
- Session 1: Blockchain Special Zone, Future of Digital Finance in Busan
Presentation (Kim Sang-min, CEO of Busan Digital Asset Exchange)
-Session 2: The task of Busan, the center of maritime finance
Presentation (Park Mi-ae, Head of the Busan Finance Center)
-Session 3: Role and policy plan of local financial institutions for revitalizing the Busan economy
Presentation (Lee Byung-yoon, senior researcher at the Korea Financial Research Institute)
[b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 681 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-26 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-07-16 13:12:27 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-26 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1566 [subject_text] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [print_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [subject_alink] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [list_cont] => □ 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held ㅇ Event Name: 2024 Busan International Financial Forum ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 25. (Thursday) 14:00 ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2 ㅇ Host: Busan Ilbo, BFC ㅇ Program - Opening Address: Kim.. [date9] => 2024.07.16 [date_ym] => 24.07 [date9_d] => 16 [date] => 2024-06-26 [o_date] => 2024-07-16 [date1] => 2024-06-26 [o_date1] => 2024-07-16 [date2] => 2024-06-26 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-07-16 13:12 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-26 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1832 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1566 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 2024062518224277869_l.jpg [filename] => 948885dcae997d17969df2092c0fadef.jpg [filesize] => 283440 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 640 [img_h] => 301 [sURL] => [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [size] => 276.80 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1566&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1566/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1833 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1566 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => 2024062518335039363_l.jpg [filename] => 712381f0c9a7370f4d946601a0723394.jpg [filesize] => 379460 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 640 [img_h] => 379 [sURL] => [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [size] => 370.57 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1566&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1566/2 ) [2] => Array ( [idx] => 1834 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1566 [num] => 3 [filename_org] => 2024062518220008487_l.jpg [filename] => b1c891ee9c8fb446773917a594d70603.jpg [filesize] => 379099 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721103147 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 640 [img_h] => 386 [sURL] => [b_subject] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [size] => 370.22 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1566&num=3 [file_content_org] => [contents] => 2024 Busan International Financial Forum to be held [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1566/3 ) ) [fileNum] => 3 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_948885dcae997d17969df2092c0fadef.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 681 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [2] => Array ( [idx] => 1489 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1489 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [b_content] => ㅇ Date: June 20, 2024 (Thu), 14:00~17:00
ㅇ Place: Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporation
ㅇ Content
- Report on research results on strengthening competitiveness of Vessel fuel supply industry and listen to opinions/discussion [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718931089 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 690 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:51:29 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:51:29 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1489 [subject_text] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fu.. [print_subject] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [subject_alink] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fu.. [list_cont] => ㅇ Date: June 20, 2024 (Thu), 14:00~17:00 ㅇ Place: Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporation ㅇ Content - Report on research results on strengthening competitiveness of Vessel fuel supply industry and listen to opinions/discussion [date9] => 2024.06.21 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 21 [date] => 2024-06-21 [o_date] => 2024-06-21 [date1] => 2024-06-21 [o_date1] => 2024-06-21 [date2] => 2024-06-21 09:51 [o_date2] => 2024-06-21 09:51 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1713 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1489 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 최종보고회_사진.jpg [filename] => c370c33a1bfbd76f6c154c1c22560d66.jpg [filesize] => 2617717 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718931089 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4032 [img_h] => 3024 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [size] => 2.50 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1489&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Final report on the study on financial support measures to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Vessel fuel supply industry [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1489/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_c370c33a1bfbd76f6c154c1c22560d66.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 690 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [3] => Array ( [idx] => 1488 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1488 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [b_content] => ㅇ Date : June 20, 2024 (Thu) 18:00 (KST)
ㅇ Main agenda
- Introduction of FC4S and its activities
- Explanation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the importance of gender finance: related to SDG 5, gender equality
- Explanation of toolkit for promoting gender finance and discussion among financial centers
ㅇ Participants
- (BFC) Soon-goo Ahn, Director of Financial Research Div2
- (FC4S) Fabienne Michaux, Director, SDG Impact. UNDP Sustainable Finance Hub
- 20 participants from financial centers in Hong Kong, Mauritius, Portugal, etc. [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718930798 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 650 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:46:38 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:46:38 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1488 [subject_text] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional .. [print_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [subject_alink] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional .. [list_cont] => ㅇ Date : June 20, 2024 (Thu) 18:00 (KST)ㅇ Main agenda - Introduction of FC4S and its activities - Explanation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the importance of gender finance: related to SDG 5, gender equality - Explanation of toolkit for promoting gender finance and discussion among.. [date9] => 2024.06.21 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 21 [date] => 2024-06-21 [o_date] => 2024-06-21 [date1] => 2024-06-21 [o_date1] => 2024-06-21 [date2] => 2024-06-21 09:46 [o_date2] => 2024-06-21 09:46 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1711 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1488 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 스크린샷_2024-06-20_180521.png [filename] => 2f4783ccacd86b485340aa8bd1bbbe8c.png [filesize] => 1329668 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718930798 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1908 [img_h] => 974 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [size] => 1.27 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1488&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1488/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1712 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1488 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => 스크린샷_2024-06-20_183614.png [filename] => 2c1f97bea881c8d215d73470eca426df.png [filesize] => 504777 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718930798 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1658 [img_h] => 887 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [size] => 492.95 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1488&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Join the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) FC4S Financial Center Webinar [Cultivating Equality: Institutional Strategies for Gender Mainstreaming] [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1488/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_2f4783ccacd86b485340aa8bd1bbbe8c.png [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 650 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [4] => Array ( [idx] => 1823 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1823 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [b_content] =>
ㅇ Title : Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry"
ㅇ Date : Thursday, June 20, 2024, 14:00 – 17:00
ㅇ Location : Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporation
ㅇ Agenda
- Presentation of research findings on strengthening competitiveness in the ship fuel supply industry, followed by feedback and discussion [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1731473545 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 90 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-11-13 13:52:25 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1823 [subject_text] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness.. [print_subject] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [subject_alink] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness.. [list_cont] => ㅇ Title : Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry"ㅇ Date : Thursday, June 20, 2024, 14:00 – 17:00ㅇ Location : Pacific Conference Room, Korea Ocean Business Corporationㅇ Agenda&.. [date9] => 2024.11.13 [date_ym] => 24.11 [date9_d] => 13 [date] => 2024-06-20 [o_date] => 2024-11-13 [date1] => 2024-06-20 [o_date1] => 2024-11-13 [date2] => 2024-06-20 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-11-13 13:52 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-20 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 2326 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1823 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => The Final Report Meeting.jpg [filename] => 6066c9195b4a56f37f47e41c5359b3fe.jpg [filesize] => 1485690 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1731473545 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4032 [img_h] => 3024 [sURL] => [b_subject] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [size] => 1.42 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1823&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => The Final Report Meeting on the "Research for Financial Support Measures to Strengthen the International Competitiveness of the Ship Fuel Supply Industry" [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1823/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_6066c9195b4a56f37f47e41c5359b3fe.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 90 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [5] => Array ( [idx] => 1487 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1487 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [b_content] => □ Forum Overview
ㅇ Organizer : Busan Finance Center
ㅇ Date : June 19, 2024 (Wed) 14:00∼17:00
ㅇ Venue: Conference Room of the Korea Securities Depository (BIFC 39th Floor)
ㅇ Key participants: Financial Supervisory Service, Bank of Korea, employee organizations (Busan Metropolitan City, Korea Exchange, Korea Asset Management Corporation, Korea Ocean Business Corporation, BNK Busan Bank, Korea Technology Finance Corporation) 22 practitioners, academics and industry figures
ㅇ Topic Presentation
1) Scheme to foster digital finance in Busan
2) Ireland policy case to explore ways to foster maritime financial center
3) Analysis of Menon Report to strengthen the competitiveness of Busan as a maritime financial center [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718930561 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 726 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-21 09:42:41 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-20 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1487 [subject_text] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [print_subject] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [subject_alink] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [list_cont] => □ Forum Overviewㅇ Organizer : Busan Finance Centerㅇ Date : June 19, 2024 (Wed) 14:00∼17:00ㅇ Venue: Conference Room of the Korea Securities Depository (BIFC 39th Floor)ㅇ Key participants: Financial Supervisory Service, Bank of Korea, employee organizations (Busan Metropolitan City.. [date9] => 2024.06.21 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 21 [date] => 2024-06-20 [o_date] => 2024-06-21 [date1] => 2024-06-20 [o_date1] => 2024-06-21 [date2] => 2024-06-20 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-06-21 09:42 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-20 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1710 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1487 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 10회_부금포.jpg [filename] => facc54cbbf825025134c96fca3dd9bba.jpg [filesize] => 3435459 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718930561 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 5712 [img_h] => 4284 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [size] => 3.28 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1487&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Hosted The 9th Busan Financial Hub Forum [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1487/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_facc54cbbf825025134c96fca3dd9bba.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 726 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [6] => Array ( [idx] => 1565 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1565 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [b_content] =>□ Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Associationㅇ Event name: 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association
ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 13. (Thu), 14:00-17:00
ㅇ Place: Lotte Hotel, Busan
ㅇ Contents: Presenting and discussing the current status of ESG responses by local companies and policy suggestions to local governments and financial institutions
[b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1721102912 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 596 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-07-16 13:08:32 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1565 [subject_text] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [print_subject] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [subject_alink] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [list_cont] => □ Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Associationㅇ Event name: 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 13. (Thu), 14:00-17:00 ㅇ Place: Lotte Hotel, Busan ㅇ Contents: Presenting and discussing the current status of ESG .. [date9] => 2024.07.16 [date_ym] => 24.07 [date9_d] => 16 [date] => 2024-06-13 [o_date] => 2024-07-16 [date1] => 2024-06-13 [o_date1] => 2024-07-16 [date2] => 2024-06-13 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-07-16 13:08 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-13 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1831 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1565 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => KakaoTalk_20240626_101444135_05.jpg [filename] => 849dc38ef2875071462f742c148e53b0.jpg [filesize] => 125434 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1721102912 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1024 [img_h] => 476 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [size] => 122.50 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1565&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Attending the 2024 Summer Conference of the Korean Policy Association [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1565/1 ) ) [fileNum] => 1 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_849dc38ef2875071462f742c148e53b0.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 596 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [7] => Array ( [idx] => 1468 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1468 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [b_content] => ㅇ Date: June 11, 2024 (Wed) 16:30~18:30
ㅇ Venue: Busan Finance Center Conference Room
ㅇ Speaker: (Former) Soon-Young Oh, Managing director of Financial AI Center, KB Bank
ㅇ Topic: Current Status and Implications of Financial Services in the AI Era [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1718343144 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 780 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-14 14:32:24 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-13 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1468 [subject_text] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [print_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [subject_alink] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [list_cont] => ㅇ Date: June 11, 2024 (Wed) 16:30~18:30ㅇ Venue: Busan Finance Center Conference Roomㅇ Speaker: (Former) Soon-Young Oh, Managing director of Financial AI Center, KB Bankㅇ Topic: Current Status and Implications of Financial Services in the AI Era [date9] => 2024.06.14 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 14 [date] => 2024-06-13 [o_date] => 2024-06-14 [date1] => 2024-06-13 [o_date1] => 2024-06-14 [date2] => 2024-06-13 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-06-14 14:32 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-13 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1679 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1468 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => KakaoTalk_20240612_171833759_04.jpg [filename] => 37d209d10b3a72b3d0f91fed59048021.jpg [filesize] => 5317579 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718343144 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [size] => 5.08 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1468&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1468/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1680 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1468 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => KakaoTalk_20240612_171833759_07.jpg [filename] => 80552265e3bbb754f706011b606b008c.jpg [filesize] => 3983247 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1718343144 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [size] => 3.80 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1468&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held the 2nd Digital Finance Research Seminar [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1468/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_37d209d10b3a72b3d0f91fed59048021.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 780 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [8] => Array ( [idx] => 1564 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1564 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => The 2nd Digital Financial Research Seminar to be held [b_content] =>□ The 2nd Digital Financial Research Seminar to be held
ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 6. 11. (Wednesday) 16:30~18:30
ㅇ Place: 53rd floor conference room of BFC
ㅇ Speaker: Oh Soon-young, (former) head of KB Kookmin Bank's Financial AI Center
ㅇ Topic: Current Status and Implications of Financial Services in the Age of AI
ㅇ Attendance: About 20 researchers and practitioners from related organizations in the financial center, such as Pusan National University, Korea Maritime University, Korea Exchange, Korea Maritime Development Corporation, Bank of Korea, BNK Busan Bank, and the Global Fintech Industry Promotion Center
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ㅇ Publisher: Z/Yen Group Limited*
* It is a think tank of the City of London, established in 1994 by Michale Mainelli, the current mayor of the London Special Financial Zone, and announces the International Financial Center Index (GFCI) and the International Green Financial Index (GGFI) in more than 120 cities around the world every year
ㅇ Publication date: June 3, 2024
ㅇ Key Contents: The 1st Basic Plan for Carbon-Negative Green Growth in Busan
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ㅇ Access the Z/Yen Community Newsletter here
ㅇ Reporter: Gong-pil Choi, President of Digital Finance Center
ㅇ Date: May 30, 2024 (Thu) 13:00~15:00
ㅇ Place: Busan Finance Center Conference Room (53rd floor, BIFC)
ㅇ Highlights:
- Research on how to foster digital finance in Busan to realize a global financial hub city
- Investigation of the current status of digital finance at home and abroad, the current status of Busan, and the current status of the financial industry in Busan
- Based on the surveyed status and infrastructure of Busan City, present vision and tasks for fostering digital finance in Busan, and create detailed issues for specific realization plans
- Based on the results, we propose policy formulation at the request of Busan Metropolitan City [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717994123 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 802 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-06-01 00:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-06-10 13:35:23 [print_date_str] => 2024-06-01 00:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1455 [subject_text] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [print_subject] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [subject_alink] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [list_cont] => ㅇ Title: Final Report on "Busan Digital Finance Fostering Plan" Research Serviceㅇ Reporter: Gong-pil Choi, President of Digital Finance Centerㅇ Date: May 30, 2024 (Thu) 13:00~15:00 ㅇ Place: Busan Finance Center Conference Room (53rd floor, BIFC)ㅇ Highlights:- Research on how to foster digi.. [date9] => 2024.06.10 [date_ym] => 24.06 [date9_d] => 10 [date] => 2024-06-01 [o_date] => 2024-06-10 [date1] => 2024-06-01 [o_date1] => 2024-06-10 [date2] => 2024-06-01 00:00 [o_date2] => 2024-06-10 13:35 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-06-01 [print_date_y] => 00 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1640 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1455 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => 1.jpg [filename] => 681e57079485288a6777fc8509e35197.jpg [filesize] => 4561987 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717994123 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [size] => 4.36 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1455&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1455/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1641 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1455 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => 2.jpg [filename] => 2e8c59f00d3d0ec84eb87f89a8bfa9bc.jpg [filesize] => 5108881 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717994123 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 4000 [img_h] => 3000 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [size] => 4.88 MB [link_vars] => &idx=1455&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held a Final report on the study on how to foster digital finance in Busan [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1455/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_681e57079485288a6777fc8509e35197.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 802 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [11] => Array ( [idx] => 1562 [site_code] => [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1562 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan [b_content] =>□ Participation in the discussion panel of the HMM headquarters' relocation of Busan
ㅇ Date and time: May 30, 2024 (Thursday) 10:00
ㅇ Place: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 2
ㅇ Host: Korea Maritime Policy Association, Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry
ㅇ Sponsor: Korea Institute of Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering, International Newspaper, KNN
ㅇ Program
- (Opening Ceremony) CEO Do Young-hee (Korea Maritime Policy Alliance) and Executive Vice Chairman Chung Hyun-min (Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
- (Presentation) Jang Ha-yong, Researcher (Busan Research Institute)
- (Discussion) Chairperson: Bae Jeong-cheol, Director (Korea Institute of Maritime Materials),
Director Park Mi-ae (BFC)
Professor Kang Yun-ho (Korea Maritime University)
Professor Yoon Hee-sung (National Maritime University)
Secretary General Lee Kyu-jung (Busan Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
Hwang Jin-hoe, an associate researcher (Korea Institute of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Development)
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ㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 30.(Thu) 10:00
ㅇ Venue: Busan Metropolitan City Hall
ㅇ Main contents
- Introduction of the World Alliance of International Financial Centers (WAIFC) and WAIFC activities of the Busan Finance Center
- Discussion on how to foster the Busan Financial Centre and future cooperation
- Discussion on Busan's bid for the 2026 WAIFC Annual General Meeting [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717045981 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 864 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:13:01 [print_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:13:01 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1440 [subject_text] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conferen.. [print_subject] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [subject_alink] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conferen.. [list_cont] => ㅁ Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference ㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 30.(Thu) 10:00ㅇ Venue: Busan Metropolitan City Hallㅇ Main contents - Introduction of the World Alliance of International Financial Centers (WAIFC) and .. [date9] => 2024.05.30 [date_ym] => 24.05 [date9_d] => 30 [date] => 2024-05-30 [o_date] => 2024-05-30 [date1] => 2024-05-30 [o_date1] => 2024-05-30 [date2] => 2024-05-30 14:13 [o_date2] => 2024-05-30 14:13 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1624 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1440 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => BFC-WAIFC-BMC_Meeting_240530_(1).jpg [filename] => 5be090b2b0ef366043847441f9a14d00.jpg [filesize] => 503788 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045981 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1081 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [size] => 491.99 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1440&num=1 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1440/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1625 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1440 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => BFC-WAIFC-BMC_Meeting_240530_(3).jpg [filename] => bd6b6a49339f0c66b2ec52110a405937.jpg [filesize] => 475652 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045981 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1080 [img_h] => 1440 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [size] => 464.51 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1440&num=2 [file_content_org] => [contents] => Held Busan Finance Center - World Alliance of International Financial Centers(WAIFC) - Busan Metropolitan City Conference [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1440/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_5be090b2b0ef366043847441f9a14d00.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 864 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [13] => Array ( [idx] => 1439 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1439 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [b_content] => □ Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum
ㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 29.(Wed) 10:00~17:00
ㅇ Venue: BNK Busan Bank Headquarter Auditorium
ㅇ Topic: Beyond digital transformation (DX), the era of AI transformation (AX), what is the future of the digital economy?
ㅇ Host/Sponsor: Web 3.0 Forum/Electronic Times Internet
ㅇ Sponsor: Busan Metropolitan City, Busan Finance Center, Busan IT Industry Promotion Agency, Sogang University
ㅇ Key participants
- (Korea) Chairman of Web3.0 Forum Chairman, Vice Mayor for Economic Affairs of Busan Metropolitan City, President of Busan Finance Center
- (Abroad) Jochen Biedermann WAIFC Managing Director, Patrick Storey VISA Korea&Mongolia Country Manager [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717045770 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 729 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => 1717046395 [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:09:30 [print_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:09:30 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1439 [subject_text] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.. [print_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [subject_alink] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.. [list_cont] => □ Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forumㅇ Date: 2024. 5. 29.(Wed) 10:00~17:00 ㅇ Venue: BNK Busan Bank Headquarter Auditoriumㅇ Topic: Beyond digital transformation (DX), the era of AI transformation (AX).. [date9] => 2024.05.30 [date_ym] => 24.05 [date9_d] => 30 [date] => 2024-05-30 [o_date] => 2024-05-30 [date1] => 2024-05-30 [o_date1] => 2024-05-30 [date2] => 2024-05-30 14:09 [o_date2] => 2024-05-30 14:09 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => [print_date_y] => [print_date_h] => [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1622 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1439 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => Web3.0_Forum_240529_(12).jpg [filename] => 590b9da20088d7ebeede33cdc088cdba.jpg [filesize] => 523724 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045770 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1081 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [size] => 511.45 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1439&num=1 [file_content_org] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [contents] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1439/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1623 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1439 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => Web3.0_Forum_240529_(13).jpg [filename] => 81df9c7991289517f1158b1bbb65b63d.jpg [filesize] => 620748 [filetype] => image/jpeg [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045770 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [img_type] => 2 [img_w] => 1440 [img_h] => 1081 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [size] => 606.20 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1439&num=2 [file_content_org] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [contents] => Dr. Biedermann, the presidentof the World Alliance of International Financial Centres (WAIFC), delivered keynote at Web3.0 Forum [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1439/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_590b9da20088d7ebeede33cdc088cdba.jpg [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 729 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) [14] => Array ( [idx] => 1438 [site_code] => eng [board_code] => conEng [CgCode] => [listnum] => 1438 [twmark] => AA [tw_depth] => 1 [parentIDX] => 0 [b_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [b_content] => □ Join Fincity.Tokyo Online Meeting
ㅇ Date : 28 May 2024 (Tue) 13:00 (KST)
ㅇ Main agenda
- Discussion on the selection of Busan Finance Centre as an excellent example of WAIFC Art & Financial Centres Project and request for case introduction
- Discussion on the schedule of WAIFC Annual General Meeting scheduled to be held in Tokyo and Osaka on 2024.10.10
ㅇ Key participants
- (Busan Finance Centre) Manager Gyeongmi Lee
- (Fincity.Tokyo) Mumu, Misaki [b_content_type] => H [b_content_s] => [reg_user_key] => adminbfc [reg_date] => 1717045262 [reg_ip] => [reg_pwd] => [reg_user_id] => adminbfc [reg_name] => BFC관리자 [b_addrzip] => [b_addr1] => [b_addr2] => [b_tel] => [b_hp] => [b_email] => [b_homepage] => [hits] => 769 [isNotice] => [notice_sdate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [notice_edate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [isSecr] => [isHidden] => [isNoMain] => [isDel] => [del_date] => [del_user_id] => [del_user_key] => [del_ip] => [modify_ip] => [modify_date] => 1717045276 [modify_user_id] => [modify_user_key] => [link_url1] => [link_url2] => [link_name1] => [link_name2] => [b_free1] => [b_free2] => [b_free3] => [b_free4] => [b_free5] => [b_free6] => [b_free7] => [b_free8] => [b_free9] => [b_free10] => [nameChk] => 0 [isTop] => [print_date] => 2024-05-28 16:00:00 [sort] => 0 [use_pdate] => [s_date] => [e_date] => [use_cmt] => 0 [status] => [img_file_name] => [img_file_org] => [img_file_info] => [pdf_kor_file_name] => [pdf_kor_file_org] => [pdf_kor_file_info] => [pdf_eng_file_name] => [pdf_eng_file_org] => [pdf_eng_file_info] => [old_idx] => [reg_date_str] => 2024-05-30 14:01:02 [print_date_str] => 2024-05-28 16:00:00 [href] => /eng/index.php?pCode=eventData&pg=5&mode=view&idx=1438 [subject_text] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [print_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [subject_alink] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [list_cont] => □ Join Fincity.Tokyo Online Meetingㅇ Date : 28 May 2024 (Tue) 13:00 (KST)ㅇ Main agenda - Discussion on the selection of Busan Finance Centre as an excellent example of WAIFC Art & Financial Centres Project and request for case introduction - Discussion on the schedule of WAIFC Annual Gener.. [date9] => 2024.05.30 [date_ym] => 24.05 [date9_d] => 30 [date] => 2024-05-28 [o_date] => 2024-05-30 [date1] => 2024-05-28 [o_date1] => 2024-05-30 [date2] => 2024-05-28 16:00 [o_date2] => 2024-05-30 14:01 [isPrint] => 1 [s_date_dt] => [s_date_y] => [s_date_h] => [e_date_dt] => [e_date_y] => [e_date_h] => [print_date_dt] => 2024-05-28 [print_date_y] => 16 [print_date_h] => 00 [useCmt] => [cmt] => 0 [files] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [idx] => 1620 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1438 [num] => 1 [filename_org] => zoom_meeting.png [filename] => 53cc74abf1d2cd30d859966867d9a5e5.png [filesize] => 429003 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045262 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1920 [img_h] => 1080 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [size] => 418.95 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1438&num=1 [file_content_org] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [contents] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1438/1 ) [1] => Array ( [idx] => 1621 [board_code] => conEng [parentIDX] => 1438 [num] => 2 [filename_org] => zoom_meeting_1.png [filename] => 098b78c3e959e06da366280d50c8ac29.png [filesize] => 1036003 [filetype] => image/png [filepath] => /_Data/Board/conEng [reg_user_id] => [reg_user_key] => [reg_date] => 1717045262 [reg_ip] => [isDel] => 0 [file_content] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [img_type] => 3 [img_w] => 1920 [img_h] => 1080 [sURL] => [b_subject] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [size] => 1,011.73 KB [link_vars] => &idx=1438&num=2 [file_content_org] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [contents] => Join a Fincity.Tokyo online meeting [isImg] => 1 [file_view_url] => /_Data/BoardFiles/conEng/1438/2 ) ) [fileNum] => 2 [listimg] => [listimg_url] => /_Data/Board/_thumb/th_380_250_53cc74abf1d2cd30d859966867d9a5e5.png [status_n] => 0 [writer_name] => BFC관리자 [total_hits] => 769 [icon_file] => [list_fdown] => ) )
BFC관리자 2024-05-28 VIEWS769