Busan Finance Center

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Busan Finance Center Events


Held Busan Finance Center Agency-Hong Kong Trade Development Council Meeting

BFC관리자 2024-05-21 10:42 VIEWS 691

Held Busan Finance Center Agency-Hong Kong Trade Development Council Meeting Held Busan Finance Center Agency-Hong Kong Trade Development Council Meeting
□ Busan International Finance Promotion Agency-Hong Kong Trade Development Council Meeting
ㅇ Date: May 20, 2024, 5:20 (Mon) 15:00
ㅇ Venue: Busan International Finance Center 63F
ㅇ Participants
- (Hong Kong Trade Development Council) Mr. Billy Lee, Director of Korea Branch, Gabrielle Son, Marketing assistant
ㅇ Main agenda: Trends related to Hong Kong's financial industry and introduction of Busan Financial Centre etc.