Busan Finance Center

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Busan Finance Center Events


GFCI 36 Launch Symposium: Keyknote Speech

BFC관리자 2024-09-27 14:14 VIEWS 58

 GFCI 36 Launch Symposium: Keyknote Speech
Mike Wardle, CEO of Z/Yen, announced the 36th edition of the Global Financial Centres Index (GFCI) and presented the significance and value of the rankings. Meanwhile, Busan ranked 25th out of 121 countries in the GFCI evaluation.

ㅇ Hosts: Busan Finance Center, Z/yen
ㅇ Date: September 24, 2024 (Tuesday) 13:00 - 17:00
ㅇ Location: Nurimaru APEC House
ㅇ Topic: The Release of GFCI 36 and Its Implications.
ㅇ Participant : Mike Wardle, Z/Yen CEO