Busan Finance Center

부산국제금융진흥원 영문

Busan Finance Center President

President's activities

President Myongho Rhee attended and gave a congratulatory speech at the 'AI Lecture Series in Busan' hosted by the National Union for the Realization of a Sound Science and Technology Society

BFC관리자 2024-07-26 00:00 VIEWS 164

President Myongho Rhee attended and gave a congratulatory speech at the
On July 26, 2024 (Friday), President Myongho Rhee attended and delivered a congratulatory speech at the AI Lecture Series in Busan.

ㅇ Event Name: AI Lecture Series in Busan
ㅇ Date: July 26, 2024 (Friday)
ㅇ Location: Main Conference Room, 3rd Floor, Main Building, Pusan National University
ㅇ Hosted by: National Union for the Realization of a Sound Science and Technology Society AI Future Forum, Busan Metropolitan City, Pusan National University AI Convergence Graduate School
ㅇ Organized by: Busan Information Industry Promotion Agency (BIPA)
ㅇ Sponsored by: KNN, Busan Finance Center, National IT Industry Promotion Agency (NIPA), Yanolja, SNT Motiv, Agenda Book, Army Logistics Command, Naval Operations Command, Air Force 5th Air Mobility Wing