Busan Finance Center

부산국제금융진흥원 영문

Busan Finance Center President

President's activities

President Myongho Rhee attends and welcomes the 2024 APAF International Academic Conference

BFC관리자 2024-07-10 00:00 VIEWS 243

President Lee Myung-ho attends and welcomes the 2024 APAF International Academic Conference
President Myongho Rhee attended the APAF International Conference on July 10, 2024 (Wednesday) and delivered a welcoming speech.

□ Event Name: 2024 APAF International Conference
□ Date and time: July 10, 2024 (Wednesday)
□ Venue: KRX Auditorium, 62nd floor, Busan International Financial Center (BIFC)
□ Participating societies and scholars: Korea Financial Engineering Association (KAFE), Taiwan Financial Engineering Association (FeAT), Japan Financial Engineering Association (JAFEE), Korea-U.S. Finance Association (KAFA), Korea Financial Management Association, Chinese scholars, invited overseas scholars