Busan Finance Center

부산국제금융진흥원 영문

Busan Finance Center Events


Holding BFC concert with BFC Holding BFC concert with BFC

Holding a BFC concert with BFC

 ㅇ Date and time: 2024. 7. 3. (Tue) 12:15~12:45

 ㅇ Place: 1st floor lobby of Busan International Financial Center (BIFC)

 ㅇ Host: BFC

 ㅇ MC: Lee Gyeong-mi, manager of the Busan Finance Center's Financial Hub Development Team 2

 ㅇ Performance: Busan Philharmonic Orchestra (string quartet)

  - Participating members: Jung Myung-ah (violin), Shin Hyo-eun (violin), Kwon Deok-jin (viola), Choi Ji-hyun (cello)

 ㅇ Performance program

  - L.Anderson Blue Tango, Forgotten Dreams, The Typewriter, The Waltzing Cat

  - Balloon bellflower, Arirang

  - Always With Me

  - Mission Impossible
 ㅇ Access the press release here
 ㅇ Access the related LinkedIn here